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Everything posted by Zoe_BillySheehan

  1. Hey G welcome to BC x
  2. Hey! welcome to basschat Z x
  3. [quote name='fryer' post='451146' date='Apr 1 2009, 08:08 AM']Thank you Z - you've made an old man happy. How are you ? If there were a few of you, would you be asleep ( zzz ) ? R[/quote] Hey lol yeah guess i would be. im ok cheers. you? Z
  4. [quote name='fryer' post='450886' date='Mar 31 2009, 09:30 PM']You've been peeking. I didn't copy & paste though - I wrote it all again. I'm dissapointed - Zoe BS has said hello to everyone else, but not me. I feel left out.[/quote] HELLO!!! sorry!!! im here ! lol Z x
  5. [quote name='escholl' post='450373' date='Mar 31 2009, 11:13 AM']The course that I'm doing (although there's only three weeks left of class -- feels weird to think of that) is Audio Technology & Electronics -- I've focused more on the electronics side in my courses and learned the music production part more independently through my own projects, band, experience, etc as while it's important to learn things like microphone techniques, and how things like compressors work so that you can use them most effectively, the majority of it is just sitting down and doing it, becoming comfortable with the software and techniques until it becomes like second nature. Having said that, I always think my mixes are rubbish ^_^ Like i said, you will get the hang of it -- but if it's something you really enjoy, then i would def suggest taking a course in it. Since you can't do that yet, my advice would be -- and yes, i know it sounds a bit lame -- but honestly, get some books on it, read them, apply it to your mixes -- it will give you a serious headstart. Two I'd recommend are [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Modern-Recording-Techniques-David-Miles/dp/0240806255/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1238493600&sr=8-2"]Modern Recording Techniques[/url] for an overall guidebook to recording and [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mastering-Audio-Science-Bob-Katz/dp/0240808371/ref=pd_sim_b_3"]Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science[/url] which is about more than mastering, it's really an excellent overview of how music gets from artist to final product, and how to get it there. Those are the two I've read that I've found most useful, however you will probably want to get a copy of something like [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Home-Recording-Musicians-Dummies-Strong/dp/0470385421/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1238494014&sr=1-1"]this[/url] before those other two, as they can be a bit technical and it would be easier, i think, to start with a bit less technical overview. However, I've not read that one, so I can't say either way, but the "for dummies" books are usually pretty good. Anything else you want to know, just ask --Eric[/quote] Hey Eric the 'dummies' one does look good. Ive heard there pretty good books! Thanks again for all your help, really do appreciate it. anyway, im off to wash this hair dye off lol. byee Zo x
  6. Hey! welcome to basschat and yeah, the instrument making course does sound interesting. Z x
  7. [quote name='escholl' post='450069' date='Mar 30 2009, 10:46 PM']a course in music production or audio tech is a good idea...i wish my uni had a better course though (it's a bit lacking) ^_^ since you're a student, and you've got a mac, i would look into getting a full copy of logic 8, with the student discount you can get it for around 120 i think? that was a few years ago, it might be a bit more now. but it's an excellent all-in-one solution and is (one of) the industry standards, so it's worth getting familiar with. it might look a bit complex at first but it only becomes as complex as you make it, if that makes sense. the advantage of logic over some other software is that the plug-ins are all excellent quality (if you don't know what those are -- they're the compressors, eq's, and other processors, including other things like synths and drums -- ultrabeat won't replace a real drummer but it's pretty good). once you learn the software, you can pretty much do anything you can imagine. pair that with a decent soundcard (these can be had for around the same price, or a bit more (or less), depending on what you go for), some decent monitors, and you'll be good to go! edit: by the way, i should add that 95% of what i've learned about the recording process i've learned on my own, either through experience or just by reading books about it. you can do it! [/quote] Hello Whats the course you're doing/done at uni? And thanks a lot for the advice really do appreciate it! Yeah, i think with all this stuff, it is good to just sit down on your own, and work it out for yourself but yeah, really am considering doing a course now! thank again! Z x
  8. [quote name='AM1' post='450008' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:59 PM']Zoe, this is great work, I am really impressed. If you are interested in the production side, why not think about doing a course? This could be something for you to add to your skills and open more career possibilities. Cheers AM[/quote] I'm definatly concidering it. Unfortunatly i won't be able to do it for the next 2 years... cause im starting a 2 year media course in sept (which im really looking forward to ) but yeah, i might! Z x
  9. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='449834' date='Mar 30 2009, 07:52 PM']The Clash are not really my bag. However,I listened to both of them and you are really good [/quote] Hey aw thanks! , its great that you don't like the clash but can have a nice opinion on it Z x
  10. [quote name='escholl' post='449809' date='Mar 30 2009, 07:22 PM']well done, that's sounding pretty good both musically (obviously) and as far as production values go, considering you did it in garageband. ^_^ recording/mixing is a long and time consuming road (i feel like i've spent about 1000 hours so far on our most recent tracks), as others have said, but well worth it in the end. plus, it gives you an excuse to buy all sorts of new gear! [/quote] Hey thankyou for your kind words!! and maybe in the future i'll have some better gear to work with garageband is just a really easy option right now haha. Id LOVE to learn how to how to record properly, with a decent programme Z x
  11. [quote name='urb' post='448896' date='Mar 29 2009, 07:53 PM']Hi Zoe Really nice bass playing - and everything else as well - I know what it's like recording stuff yourself, after a few hours you think you are going mad, have forgotten the time, or to eat something, the phone rings are you can't even remember your name... (or is that just me ) - it's like a very addictive drug, but thankfully the more you do it the better you get at recording, and playing music (hopefully). In other words keep it up - really good work. Cheers Mike[/quote] Hey Mike ! Thanks so much and yeah, i understand exactly what you mean, before you know it, 5 hours have past already haha. and you dont wanna stop til you get 'this part' done etc. and its a pretty good feeling afterwards aswell thanks again! Z x
  12. Hey welcome to bass chat! so what gear you got? and what music you into? Z x
  13. She really is amazing. id love to get her cd at some point Z x
  14. Hey, well if its for sitting round a at a festival in camp... is there a chance it'll end up in the fire again? Don't you think ebay might be a good idea again? lol Z x
  15. [quote name='yorick' post='447366' date='Mar 27 2009, 03:14 PM']That'll be the one.... You know Rocky then?[/quote] Hey, 'Adee' is my dad. yeah we know Rocky I speak to him on Myspace, and my dad used to be a Wrathchild fan many moons ago Z x
  16. Hey Danny lol effects anonymous meeting "hello... my names danny... ive been an effects junkie for 2 years now... i just cant play clean" lol Welcome to the forum!!! Z x
  17. They are a very nice pair indeed!! Z x
  18. [quote name='silddx' post='447536' date='Mar 27 2009, 05:28 PM']Hey, nice work mate![/quote] Cheers xXx Z
  19. [quote name='lonestar' post='447444' date='Mar 27 2009, 04:06 PM']The saddest part is that I had tickets to go and see them at Hammersmith Odeon around the time of London Calling and they cancelled the gig.[/quote] oh god now that is a sad part I really love them Z x
  20. [quote name='bremen' post='447284' date='Mar 27 2009, 02:24 PM']Small hands, big notes :-)[/quote] haha havnt heard that before Z x
  21. [quote name='lonestar' post='447280' date='Mar 27 2009, 02:20 PM']That's really good Zoe. Well played. I'm a big Clash fan it's a great tune. Sadly I'm old enough to be nostalgic about this from playing Give 'em Enough Rope to death during my last year at school. Mike[/quote] Aw thankyou Mike! and nah, thats not a thing to be sad about. you were around to experience the clash 1st hand. damn i would have loved that!!! Z x
  22. Welcome to BC! ah great its nice to see another girl here! im 17, and been playing since i was 10. got pretty small hands too lol Z x
  23. I want you back - Jackson 5 Z x
  24. [quote name='uptonmark' post='292120' date='Sep 25 2008, 06:18 PM']public image....by PIL[/quote] thats a great example, that song would really be nothing without the bass. Z x
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