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Everything posted by Valhalalf

  1. Well I'm overdue a visit to the Family who are based in Cheltenham if that's any closer?
  2. Final Price Drop £250 collected / £275 posted
  3. I too have been searching for a nice 6 string jazz bass that won't break the bank and keeping coming back to the KSD proto J and the Bassmods K6. But if you're after a 7 string jazz bass check out the new Bassmods range. Seriously good looking bass and specs for the money. http://www.bassmods.com/K7-7-String-Bass--Satin-Vintage-Tint-Plekd_p_112.html
  4. With the impending redundancy, a broken windscreen and mounting debt I really need to sell this. If someone was to come and collect and make me a sensible cash offer it's theirs.
  5. [quote name='bassfunk' timestamp='1366028766' post='2047400'] I normally pay deps the same as my regulars, plus a bit more to cover rehearsal time etc. I see it as the regular guys get the benefit of regular paid gigs etc. The dep doesn't, 30 songs is a lot of work, especially as we change keys and have alternative arrangements etc. [/quote] This We always split the gig money equally with the dep. Normally if there's a bit left over we put it in the kitty but when we use a dep we give them that bit extra.
  6. Being made redundant and need the money bump!
  7. I've got a pair of GK NEO 112 300 watt cabs with Roqsolid covers I'm thinking or selling for £450 to buy a combo if they interest you? How much would you be looking for the combo and the cab?
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1364945118' post='2033274'] +1 for the rucksack. Oh, and +1 for respecting my authoritah. best, bert [/quote] Haha Thanks for the comments guys, gonna have a look at a few more options
  9. A few years a go I bought a Fender Kingman acoustic for an acoustic trio project. Looked great, sound was ok plugged in but I just couldn't get my right hand feeling comfortable over the large body. We only ever played plugged in so decided the unplugged acoustic quality was pointless. I sold it and got a Yamaha Bex 4 semi acoustic. Only slightly louder than an electric unplugged but it had both magnetic and piezo pickups so I could get either a traditional electric tone, a more acoustic tone or a blend of the two. Great live bass for the Trio and it played and felt like a regular electric.
  10. Afternoon B'chatters After appologising for hijacking another thread regarding lightweight bass combos to avoid multiple posts regarding the topic and being 'advised' to start my own I thought I would *[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1364840770' post='2031581'] Pssst! Make your own thread, and you won't. best, bert [/quote] Anyway here's my deal. I have a Hartke LH500 and 2x GK Neo 112 cabs, already pretty lightweight and managable to begin with, but with my current residantial setup I'm after a loud, lightweight combo that only requires one trip to the car. After a lot of looking about and checking out the GK, Mark Bass, Ampeg, TC combos I'm really taken by the design and potential of the Orange TB500C combo. My band plays everything, from tiny pokey pubs to huge wedding venues and Holiday park stages. For the bigger weddings and holiday parks there is a bit of PA support for DI-ing but would love something that could handle it's own if it was required. Has anyone had any experience of using the combo? I know there are a lot of people who use the TB500 head and really like it but I'm really very interested in how it all performs as a combo. I know I could buy the head and a sp212 cab seperately but that is a more expensive option and defeats the 'one trip' solution (I know I could use two hands but I have other things to carry). Any help/experience/advice from orange owners etc would be most appreciated. Alf [size=2]*BTW I take that quote in the light hearted way it was intended [/size]
  11. I don't want to hijack the OP's thread but I too decided last night I would like to swap my current rig (Hartke LH500 & 2x GK Neo112 Cabs) for a lightwieght combo. This probably had something to do with loading in an out up a fire escape. My current rig is pretty light already but I would love something that required less trips to the car and setup time. Plus I often car share with the guitarist for our long gig trips so less boot space would be a winner also. Ideally I'd like something putting out 500watts that wouldn't require an extension cab for full power and won't kill my back humping it about. So far I have found two contenders that I am going to explore more. The Gallien Krueger MB212 combo (500watts digital poweramp). The Orange TB500C 2x12 combo (500 watts valve pre digital poweramp). If anybody has any experiences with either combo or could suggest another option that would be awesome.
  12. A bump of a stunning bass to brighten your Monday Morning
  13. Bump for a lovely semi acoustic/electric hybrid
  14. Queens Jubilee weekend last year I did a wedding on the Friday night, a Club on the Saturday night, a gig in Bradford city gardens Sunday afternoon followed by a local gig back in Leicester Sunday night, then finally an acoustic gig Monday afternoon. Bloody knackering
  15. Sunday Night Bump with more pictures here [url="http://s20.beta.photobucket.com/user/AlexBenyon/library/Yamaha%20Bex%204"]Yamaha Bex 4[/url]
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