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Everything posted by machinehead

  1. Or get one or two of those metal handles usually found on the sides of cabs. Screw them onto the bottom of your cab. When you want to tilt the cab just fold the handle down and the weight of the cab will hold the handle down and tilt your cab. Simple and cheap. Frank
  2. I'll add that I think the cube 100 is superb but not useful enough live. I ended up with a Markbass cmd121P - a MUCH better combo but very much more expensive. Worth it though IMO. I find I now use the 121P for most gigs as well as rehearsals which it was only intended for... Frank
  3. A heartwarming end to a sorry tale. Well done chaps. Frank
  4. Yep, I started off on guitar around 1970. Played guitar for years and took up the bass when the band became bassplayer-less. That was around the late 80s I think. Much prefer the bass and haven't played guitar in a gigging situation at all now for the last 20 ish years. Frank.
  5. One of the guitarists I play with bought a brand new LP Goldtop a couple of years ago. Had to refuse it when it arrived because the gold finish was so bad. And this is a £1500+ instrument??? WTF? It really is down to big-name manufacturers charging what the market will bear. It's all about the use of advertising to create an image which people will pay a lot of money to buy into. Standard marketing ploy - designer labels. 'Course, not all designer label guitars are bad either, just mostly overpriced IMO.
  6. Dave is a decent guy and you can deal with him in total confidence. Nice bass too !! Frank
  7. If you're looking at spending £700ish surely the 08 jazz must be worth considering? Lovely in every way IMO. Pure quality and a big improvement over everything you've listed.... again, it's only my opinion. Frank
  8. [quote name='Telebass' post='321679' date='Nov 4 2008, 11:58 AM']One of the few things that puts me off the 5er is that I like the covers on my basses, and that's obviously not an option with the 5s...[/quote] My Fender USA jazz deluxe 5 has a cover over the neck pickup so I would have thought they are also available for the bridge? Frank
  9. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='307137' date='Oct 15 2008, 03:04 PM']That'll be my semen.[/quote] snigger................. EDIT. But these are superb basses - good luck with selling. Frank
  10. The voltage and frequency is the same as the UK. Just take some adapters for your UK plugs. (Three pin UK to two pin European) Don't buy them in the airport though - you'll get ripped off. Frank
  11. Excellent score. I've had the same combo now for a while and it's seen quite a few gigs. You'll be amazed at how these tiny little things kick out so much volume. Plus, due on the market this month from Markbass is a specially designed 1 x 12 extension cab for this little beastie which I might just buy. Then it will give you the full 500 watts. Good luck with the new band and the new gear! Frank
  12. Depending on the logo on the headstock, your Tokai strat should be worth up to £400, maybe a little more. Bear that value in mind if you're trading. Frank
  13. I'll add to this if it's any help. I've been using a 1212L for (I think) about two years now and it does everything I need for rock/ blues/pop covers. To my ears it sounds both deep and punchy and I get nothing but positive comments on the sound. Obviously I haven't heard the 1215 cab and that must be fantastic but still, I doubt if I'll change from the 1212L - it's really that good IMO. Frank
  14. I have a Spector CRFM 5 from about 2000 year - predates the Euro LX. I have a U-retro fitted which works a treat and gives the bass the controls you want and more plus a fantastic range of control over the sounds. Highly recommended. Got the gold knobs to match the other hardware too. Looks a treat. Frank
  15. I use one of those green bags from Auto Glym. They come filled with bottles of car polish etc as a little car cleaning kit. LM II fits perfectly and there are internal nets for leads plus an external pouch. Very snug fit, good protection and cheap - especially if you're buying the contents anyway. Frank
  16. I'm no expert here but I would have thought that the 1 x 12 traveller would be perfect. Also note that Markbass are ntroducing a smaller 1 x 12 in September? specifically to use with the cmd121P but it might also suit you with the cmd121H. Frank
  17. And lovely jeans, boxers and is that a white sock I see? Looks like you came in fast and dropped your kacks in a hurry..... Have a bump for a lovely bass. Frank
  18. Oh yes. Sig updated. Note the Warwick complete and utter impulse buy I've added. Just couldn't resist. I now only have to think of a way to break this to the wife - so much for thinning out the collection, I'm back where I started !! Frank
  19. That is gorgeous J. Anyone considering buying this can buy with confidence. I've dealt with the good Doctor J and he's a decent bloke. Welcome to basschat !! Frank
  20. PM sent Danny. Frank
  21. Talking about voltage is one thing but remember US frequency is 60 HZ and UK is 50 HZ. Transformers will not change the frequency. I've worked with this stuff (50/60Hz) for 30 years and I don't recommend using gear designed for 60Hz on a 50 HZ supply. I won't go into the technicalities here but I can tell you that working life is likely to be shortened if the supply frequency isn't changed to suit the equipment. Some gear is rated 50/60HZ. If this is the case then you're OK. Frank
  22. Those look really beautiful. Excellent work. Good luck with selling. Frank
  23. I own a 121P combo, plus a LMII and have used a pair of 2 x 10 travellers and before that a 151 with a 2 x 10. But it's the combos you're interested in so for what it's worth, this thing is very loud and quite deep for the size. It does handle a B string OK. I wouldn't really want to exagerate and mislead you but I use it on its own for pub gigs with a fairly loud drummer in a 5 piece band and it copes OK IMO. Having said that, I intend to buy another 12" cab for a "bigger" sound but I'm thinking I'll wait until later this year as Markbass are bringing out a mini 12 cab to match the 121P mini combo. Thsi should be a really lightweight and powerful rig. It would seem that not everyone likes the sound of the Markbass cabs. Having owned 4 of them I love the sound but, of course, it's very subjective. Hope this helps. Frank
  24. [quote name='chris_b' post='222784' date='Jun 20 2008, 11:43 AM']Front ported are larger than rear ported and they are both larger than the Travellers. I wouldn't buy Markbass cabs but I guess if you do, you would want the front ported cab as they are larger, meaning you'd get a better tone due to te size.[/quote] Markbass traveller cabs are rear ported and very loud and deep for their size and light weight. Frank
  25. What seems to be coming across here is that we must distinguish facts from opinions. And then make informed choices. I really do appreciate the input from Bill, Alex and bassferret and others and they have all been most generous in their giving of good technical input. So, thanks to you all. Frank
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