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Everything posted by machinehead

  1. Last night I played a gig in a very large marquee. They had one of those portable stages that fold down so the band were about a foot off the ground. Not an easy set up for getting a decent sound. I used the Schroeder 1212L and Markbass LM II amp. Gain was set at 12 oclock and volume at 9 oclock. At these settings I was easily loud enough for the rock/pop/ blues covers we were doing. We had a dep guitarist for the night who we'd never rehearsed with (he did a good job) and he commented very favourably on my sound after the gig. As usual, he was surprised that such a small box sounded so big and loud and, to be honest, I was not even pushing the amp or the cab. So, it confirms for me just how useful the 1212L is to a player like me, who plays lots of different venues and doesn't want the trouble of humping heavy gear from house to car/ pub/car/ house. It's so compact as well. Fits easily in the boot of my Fiesta. The sound is not really very deep, but for most real life situations, the Schroeder copes very well. It is punchy, can sound smooth as well and I can't imagine where I will ever be playing when it isn't loud enough. As everyone always says though, and it's good advice, it's best to try these cabs yourself before buying. Frank
  2. If it's any help I've owned both the Mk I (the yellow one) and the LM II. IMO there isn't THAT much difference in the sound between the two and no difference that I could hear in the volume. I changed on a whim but would be more than happy to own a mark I in hindsight. Therefore I would recommend the Mk I to anyone who wishing to get very close the the LM II sound at a cheaper price. Frank
  3. Top man. Prompt payment and an overall very pleasant transaction. Deal with confidence. Frank
  4. [quote name='RichBowman' post='53952' date='Sep 1 2007, 06:46 PM']When are you gigging over the next month? I've got one towards the end of the month, was wondering if you'd fancy swapping the cabs for you to try the 12L before ordering it, so you can see if will work out for you? Cheers and all the best. Rich[/quote] What an offer! Nice to see this kind of thing on basschat. (No use in me making a similar offer - I'm in Belfast) Frank
  5. [quote name='tuss' post='53335' date='Aug 31 2007, 01:28 PM']Can anyone tell me the differences between a Spector Euro LX 5 and A Spector NS5CR. I believe they are both made in the Czech Republic and both have 35" scale.[/quote] I'll add my tuppence worth. The Czech one's are named CRFM5. (Czech Rep Flamed Maple 5) Built up to around 2000/ 2001 ish. They are solid maple body, maple neck and rosewood fretboard. They also had the Aguilar preamp. After that period, they produced the LX5 as a replacement for the CRFM 5, also Czech, but with a 3 part body, details of which are on the Spector website. This model has the "Tonepump" preamp. Both have 35" scale. These are superb quality instruments, well worth the money. Frank
  6. Jeez, just noticed the number of views on this thread !! Frank
  7. Dave, I'm far from an expert on bass equipment but I have 35years + playing experience. I'm always a bit reluctant to recommend gear to fellow bass players because what you like is so subjective. But since you ask specifically about the 1212L, and I have one, I'll chip in. This is the clearest, punchiest cab I've used. It's perfect for me playing rock/pop covers/blues. I personally love the sound and the pair of 12" speakers give loads of bottom - end to my ears anyway. To me, it's a very "useable" sound for a player who plays different venues every gig and has to move gear. I've yet to come anywhere near needing the full power of this cab. played a few large hotel function rooms and filled the room easily. Next Saturday I'm playing a semi-outdoor gig in a marque in the pub garden. I have no worries at all about being heard although this will be the first outdoor gig for this cab. The other thing is the clarity as a monitor for me and the rest of the band. I can hear every note to the extent that it's hard to cover mistakes but it has forced me to be a more precise player which can only be a good thing? Of course, it's a compromise. There isn't the really deep in-your-chest bass but I feel the sound is a fair balance considering the size and weight of the thing. I haven't heard a 1210 which is a pity because it would probably have been useful to you if I could have compared the sound of the two. Is there any way you can try one before buying and SHX music maybe. BTW, I noticed on the SHX website some offers, including on the 1212L. Might be worth checking Anyway, I hope my ramblings are of some help. Frank
  8. The pair of 2x10 is the way to go. I had a pair of Markbass 2x10 driven by a markbass LMII. As said above, use one or two cabs according to the gig. Plus stacking 4 speakers high means a small footprint on stage. Frank Phaedrus, see my PM.
  9. If you think about it though, that Markbass combo is about the same size and weight as a Schroeder 1212 but you only need one 1212 to get the full output of say, a Markbass LMII amp. One cab solution and cheaper than combo + 1x12 serparate cab. I couldn't fit two cabs in the car boot but now I don't need to. I can hear and be heard better with the Schroeder than any other combination I've ever owned and played through. Frank
  10. [quote name='paul, the' post='51294' date='Aug 27 2007, 02:40 PM']I'm vastly being swayed over to 212 cabs. Just having one 212 is starting to sound much more economically, practically and tonally superior to having 115 and 210 cabs. Unless.... I prefer the sound of a 212 to a 115 and to any 10" driver combination; does anything magical happen when putting 10s with a 15? Anyway, recommendations for a reasonably priced, available 212?[/quote] For years I used a single 1x15 cab. Also 4x10. More recently I've used a single 1x15 or 1x15 plus 2x10, and lastly, a pair of 2x10 often stacked vertically, four speakers high and small footprint for little pub gigs. Earlier this year I bought a Schroeder 1212L, 800 watts and a single cab solution. This suits me as I downsized the car to a Fiesta. If you buy two cabs like Markbass, EBS etc then the 1212L can work out cheaper as a single cab. Also lighter, louder (IME) punchier, more easily heard as a monitor and in the room. I'v sold all my other cabs as the Schroeder does it all for me. Rock covers, blues, ballads. Sounds better live than in your front room. I'm very happy with mine and would reccommend it BUT......... try to hear one before you buy, as always. Frank
  11. ooooppps. In that case, please ignore my last email Pete. Gawd, that sold quickly!! Frank
  12. I've just sent you an email. That really is a most beautiful bass. Frank
  13. [quote name='Hutton' post='45316' date='Aug 14 2007, 03:50 PM']Peavey is good honest gear. However, once you have used more expensive rigs it is difficult to be excited about the Peavey stuff.[/quote] Agreed. But it is good, reliable (IME), OK sounding and built to last. Used some Peavey gear for almost 15 years without a single problem. Frank
  14. I have option 3 on one of my basses and it does sound really fat but warm and deep. Personally, I love the sound. It's my main gigging bass - all the others can't come close to the sound. Can't comment on options 1 & 2 though. Frank
  15. Interesting. I still have a Rapier 33 guitar that I bought arouind 1972 second hand. Red with white guard. It was my first electric guitar and somehow never got sold. Probably never will be sold now- just too much history. Frank
  16. Ha ha. I used to use a pair of these stacked on their sides. Lovely sound and VERY loud. Tiny footprint in small pubs. One was enough though. I've sold them on now but I wish I'd kept one of them. Frank
  17. Read your other thread. Good choice and a good deal. Hope you enjoy it. Frank
  18. I just sent you an email. Let me know if you got it. Frank
  19. Thanks for the kind words guys. Frank
  20. Excellent job. Well done. Frank
  21. Sent you a couple of emails Ian. Frank
  22. Sibob, no no, that's not what I meant. I like to see their gear, their technique and licks - and they get the very least time on camera. Am I the only one to get annoyed and frustrated by this? Frank
  23. After watching Glasto and that global warming gig yesterday I started to wonder why it seems to be that the bass player is the least filmed in a band. Obviously, the singer is the most filmed and even more so if he/she is also playing an instrument. Guitarists and drummers also appear more often and for longer shots than the poor old bassplayer. Why are we so uninteresting to the producers? (I've always threatened to get a T shirt that says "Nobody wants to s**g the bassplayer" Wife forbids it in case someone wants to prove me wrong.) Frank
  24. I've sent you a PM - and have a bump for a nice jazz. Frank
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