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Everything posted by lowfer

  1. still interested, will know more this weekend
  2. Hi All, i seem to remeber that one basschat memeber was seeling a kit to replace the pots on a jazz bass a non solder option, could someone please remind me who this was and if they are still providing this cheers Lowfer
  3. Thanks for the offer but not what I'm looking for.
  4. hey Wiggy, already have a stingray, thanks for the offer. A back from my holiday, bass waiting for new owner kind of bump
  5. would consider a trade with something active 4 or 5 string will be happy to put cash for the right bass, bongo would be nice!!!!
  6. I have measured the pick up position. Pick up to pick up is around 3.6 inches and pick up to bridge is a tad over 2. Having done some research this suggests it is 60's pick up spacing. Distance on 70's between pickups should be 4 inch and pickup to bridge is 1 and 5/8. Hope that helps. Lowfer
  7. i will measure the pick up placement just to be sure
  8. yes indeed it comes with screws
  9. no idea i'm afraid, came with the bass and it is of good quality so can only assume its orginal, thanks for the date Lowfer
  10. [b]NEW TRADE OPTIONS - Stingray 4, precision 4, bongo 4[/b] - can add for the right bass [b]PRICE DROP £600[/b] right guys, i have seen something on this forum that i am interested in so up for sale goes my 75 re issue, if the bass i am after goes then i will withdraw. here are the pics small amount of buckle rash just noticed this little dink, gggrrrrr a little 2 ml nick in back of headstock and the serial number I am unsure of the date as the sites i have looked at suggest MIJ with a Q+6 digits suggests 93 - 94 however, cij with a Q+5 digits suggests02/04. Mine is CIJ with a Q+6 digits. any advice most welcome. The bass will come with a fitted fender hard case, i am based in Cambridgeshire About to go on holiday and i am letting the chips fall where they may, but will check in over the week [b]NEW PICs and Video link for a bump[/b] and a video link to you tube from when i played at the secret garden party [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkrv0N5PB0Q&feature=relmfu[/media] cheers Lowfer
  11. I have had both a stingray 5 and a sandberg 5, Stingray def more comfortable, strings are closer together, took a little while to get the hang, of course the scale length also made a difference for me, the 1 inch made all the difference. for my money it would be a stingray everytime, don't get me wrong the sandberg was a lovely instrument and was well built, for me the tone was always a little to polite and this was the driver for me to move on. best of luck just realised my sandberg is my avatar
  12. if you haven't heard it, i would highly recommend you give it a listen
  13. Guys, love this bass line just can't get it, any hints, tab etc much appreciated Lowfer
  14. just a thought, why not try it with just one cab at volume and see if this makes the amp cut out. I use my little mark 11 with one aguilar db112, while not ideal it is certainly loud enough for most occasions unless you have no PA support. Also if the EA cabs are running at around 6ohms then it may well squeeze a little more volume at of the head. May be worth a go just to discount and ensure it is the cabs and not the head. Best of luck
  15. squire classic vibe, but you may struggle to get one for £200, happy hunting
  16. pictures always help
  17. I had a Sandberg JM5, infact the one in my avatar. While the bass was well made just never got on with the tone, it neither offered a jazz tone or a music man tone, so moved it on for a music man 5 string and a squire classic vibe jazz. Never played a PM so can't comment
  18. i'm looking for huge
  19. having looked at the spec they are different sizes and i think they may be difficult to stack, looking less and lass like a good option
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