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Posts posted by lowfer

  1. [b]NEW TRADE OPTIONS - Stingray 4, precision 4, bongo 4[/b] - can add for the right bass

    [b]PRICE DROP £600[/b]

    right guys,

    i have seen something on this forum that i am interested in so up for sale goes my 75 re issue, if the bass i am after goes then i will withdraw.

    here are the pics

    small amount of buckle rash

    just noticed this little dink, gggrrrrr

    a little 2 ml nick in back of headstock

    and the serial number

    I am unsure of the date as the sites i have looked at suggest MIJ with a Q+6 digits suggests 93 - 94
    however, cij with a Q+5 digits suggests02/04. Mine is CIJ with a Q+6 digits. any advice most welcome.
    The bass will come with a fitted fender hard case, i am based in Cambridgeshire

    About to go on holiday and i am letting the chips fall where they may, but will check in over the week

    [b]NEW PICs and Video link for a bump[/b]

    and a video link to you tube from when i played at the secret garden party

    cheers Lowfer

  2. I have had both a stingray 5 and a sandberg 5, Stingray def more comfortable, strings are closer together, took a little while to get the hang, of course the scale length also made a difference for me, the 1 inch made all the difference. for my money it would be a stingray everytime, don't get me wrong the sandberg was a lovely instrument and was well built, for me the tone was always a little to polite and this was the driver for me to move on.

    best of luck

    just realised my sandberg is my avatar

  3. just a thought, why not try it with just one cab at volume and see if this makes the amp cut out. I use my little mark 11 with one aguilar db112, while not ideal it is certainly loud enough for most occasions unless you have no PA support. Also if the EA cabs are running at around 6ohms then it may well squeeze a little more volume at of the head. May be worth a go just to discount and ensure it is the cabs and not the head. Best of luck

  4. yes been through the list, waiting for Manson's to get back to me, but they are more expensive than say the bass merchant, also the gallery may be able to deliver in a week, again waiting for them to get back to me.

    the gs212 would be a def if it was 4 ohm

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