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Everything posted by lowfer

  1. south cambridgeshire
  2. bump for friday
  3. thanks Phil
  4. right guys, now have sorted some pics, i have decided that i am still interested in the trades as above but would also be interested in a trade, the bass is greater player but the untreated neck has got some "mojo" for want of a better word, however it is as straight as a dye and silky smooth and very fast. I am selling as i want to move back to 4 string and i am not sure that the MM tone is for me more of a jazz man i think. Comes with a MM hard case will consider delivery but i haven't researched. Let me know if you want any more info looking for £775 cheers Nathan some pics to wet your appetite. " class="ipsImage" /> " class="ipsImage" /> " class="ipsImage" /> " class="ipsImage" /> " class="ipsImage" /> " class="ipsImage" />
  5. bump up for the evening rush
  6. Hi All, i am putting a toe in the water regarding a possbile trade, i have a music man 5 string natural and i have decided that i am going to go back to 4 string. I am looking for possible trades I am considering a 4 string bongo HH or Lakland Skyline Duck Dunn however if people have got anything else they would like to offer up then please feel free. i will post some pics this evening if i can. Thanks for looking Nathan PS Phil if you still want to buy it back make me an offer
  7. Hi There, if i were you i wouldn't consider a new one, decide on your budget and watch the for sale thread. There have been some lovely boutique bass's going through for around a grand. Not the same as new bass but you will get a lot more for your money. If looking for new rather than Fender i would look at Sandberg. Just as an illustration 5 string sandberg california JM new 1k second hand around 650, the bass should hold its value from there. I'm going second hand from now on, looking at selling a music man and sitting tight for a boutique in my price range, shuker, sei or sadowsky will be on my radar. Good luck and happy hunting Nathan
  8. i use 1 db112 with little mark11 head, i must admit i don't find it underpowered and has been fine for most gigs i've played, however adding a second is on the cards when i have saved the cash and convinced the wife. However, if your db212 is 8 ohm, you could purchase 1 db112 8 ohm and if you need more grunt you could use both cabs together giving you variety and the ability to move lots of air. I love my aguilar db112 and would highly recomend to others, although i have not played other your are considering.
  9. i live in cambs, about 30 mins from you, have little mark11 and aguilar db112 if you want to come and have a play, drop me a pm if your interested. nathan
  10. I have a little mark11 and use it with an aguilar db12, loads of bass and clarity and punch with so much variety of tone, with the sort of money you're looking at spending you may be able to get 2 and then you can use 1 or 2 when the mood takes or depending on the size of the venue. hope that helps Nathan
  11. couldn't interest you in a trade with a 5 string sandberg california custom, not what you were asking for i know soa long shot Nathan
  12. had a couple of lacklands dj's that are tempting me, still looking for trades
  13. TRADED TRADED TRADED drop me a line to [email protected] looking forward to seeing whats availalble. Nathan
  14. just wanted to point out that have edited the ad, looking for a trade with a jazz bass of some sort Nathan
  15. Hi there, i have just bought my self a LMK11 and an aguilar db112. I am over the moon, so much variation on tone with the head. The sound froam the cab is like liquid chocolate, smooth and creamy and as heavy as you want it to be, or as punchy and cutting as you want. Not played a shuttle so can't comment. Bought it through bass direct and they did me a cracking deal and provided an excellent service. There is a picture on the amps and cabs thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38167"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38167[/url] here's the link if you want to have a look would highly recomend Nathan
  16. i have some one interested at the moment jus finalizing the deal, if it falls through them will let you know. Nathan
  17. back up to the top please
  18. Hi All, i am selling my Asdown mag 400 combo15. I have owned this combo for 7 yrs now and was manufactured in the uk, it has never given me any problems apart from the bulb going in the input meter and that was only in the last 6 months. If you are looking for a good first time amp then this is ideal. Been gigged but not loads around 10 times. The cat has had a scratch on one side of the material but it looks ok. I am based in south cambs, pick up only as i am not confident that i could package it propely to ensure that it would be working when it arrives.. Looking for £150 but will take a fair offer. I would also be very interested in Jazz bass of some sort as a trade. drop me aline to [email protected] cheers Nathan
  19. Hi all. looking for a bass teacher in and around cambridge. drop me a line [email protected]
  20. they are easily manageable weight wise for a one hand lift, but to be fair if i was going up a flight of stairs then i woul use both hands to carry (pussy that i am). Much lighter than my mag400 15 combo, but you would expect that. My big surprise is just how much bass this pumps out. Gets the plate wrattling in the kitchen at very low volumes, much more so than the 15. All round very happy indeed great tone, nearly there with my sound, flat wounds next as still a bit shrill on the g string or may be nickel wound for the half way house. If you are looking for a relatively light weight managable rig that has tone a plenty and kicks out as much bass as you want then i would highly recomend thir rig. Plan another DB112 NT in the future to give me a full on gig rig, may be over kill but i can always turn the volume nob down a little. And yes fits in a Karman Ghia, Lowfer
  21. Hi all requested some pics for your appreciation. Will wite a review wehn i get round to it. All i can say at the moment is wow, the tone is so thick and creamy and full that one note will do where i would have had to work harder in the past. Love the chocolate thunder, not as orange looking as on the Aguilar web site. Any way here you go hope you like Lowfer
  22. Hi all, thought i would share with you my recent addition. Little mark11 with Aguilar db112 in Chocolate thunder. What can i say, lovely. Only arrived this morning but had an hour and i am off to rehearsal tonight so should be able to give a better run down as to its ability. Also like to say that Darren at Bass Merchant has been excellent and very hyelpful, would highly recomend. Ordered yesterday arrived today and did me a cracking deal. Only thing of note is that the cab is bigger and heavier than expected. Not a problem but not light weight solution, but much easier than my old ashdown mag 400 15 combo. Well let people know what its like at high volume after tonight and get some pics up for your appreciation. Nathan
  23. how much for just the 210
  24. i agree go for head and cab little markII and an Aguilar db112, nice and light easy to move, you get 300 watts with the advantage of being able to add another cab or alternatively go for a 4ohm db112 and get the full 500w out of the head. All for less than a grand
  25. a little advice that was all, sorry i upset you
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