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Everything posted by A.G.E.N.T.E.

  1. [quote name='fingerz' timestamp='1419113240' post='2636807'] I've been using a [b]One Spot[/b] power supply for the last year. It's been totally dependable and has been in use A LOT so nothing but praise for it. Very simple and small to pack away. I guess the only thing is whether you are after a 'box' type format or more of a lead which is what the One Spot is. You can get various daisy chain connections for your pedals according to what number you need it to supply. For me it's been three and has been great. Recommended if it meets your needs. [/quote] +1. Been using one for years to feed 5 pedals. Works great, it´s small and light wheight.
  2. I guess it´s normal to have several effect pedals, specially if you use them to express your creativity. Only two? My minimal setup choice would be the Tech 21 VT DI and the Darkglass VMT.
  3. This is a Portuguese based company but they sell stuff on ebay. Allready bought a few tolls and they where great. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/16-Sanding-Radius-Block-Fingerboard-Fretboard-Luthier-/321353795529?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4ad22dc7c9"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/16-Sanding-Radius-Block-Fingerboard-Fretboard-Luthier-/321353795529?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4ad22dc7c9[/url]
  4. Well, i ordered one too.. let´s see how it works for me
  5. Tought choice I made some quick experiencies...i hope it helps
  6. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1415463054' post='2600635'] Very neat, I like the industrial metal pegboard Is it particularly heavy? [/quote] Thanks Si600 No, it´s not heavy. A bit flexible when steping on the midle pedals but easily soveld with some rubber feet. As i don´t use any velcro, all pedals are secured with cable ties.
  7. Hi guys, here is my home made pedal board
  8. I took mine to band reharsal yesterday for the firs time, and realy liked de presence it adds. I noticed that i could cut much more easilly thought the mix: specially usefull when playing with distorted guitars. In my case, as i play in a prog-rock/metal band it´s realy a plus.
  9. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Leave your feedback here pelase. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thanks.[/font][/color]
  10. David is a great guy to deal with. Bought a pedal from him and he sent it the next day fully secured and well packed. I would deal with him any time. Thanks David
  11. A.G.E.N.T.E.


    I think it´s a nice pece of gear. Not awsome but i have been using one of those for 8 years with no problems. I like the sound i get from it but sometimes i miss some mids. Mid scoop mod on agenda
  12. +1 for the LMB-3. It´s a "allways on" pedal for me.
  13. Or check here: [url="http://www.keymusic.com/item/ebs-pcf-10-patch-cable/"]http://www.keymusic.com/item/ebs-pcf-10-patch-cable/[/url] Any one tried this allready?
  14. A pleasure to deal! Highgly recommended. Gavin sold me a pedal and sent it overseas in a glimpse. Not to mention that also got some sugary Scottish Candy adeed to the box Obrigado
  15. Maybe those [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]shiny marks are just[/font][/color] accumulated grime and the lemon oil wont help. Since we´re talking about an oil based finish instrument, i would use spirit of turpentine. Spirit of turpentine is a suitable product for cleaning wood and, unlike mineral solvents, will not cause it to dry out. Moisten a clean, dry cloth with a little bit of solvent and then gently rub those spots. Let it dry for about 10m. After that you can use your warwick wax to bring back that satin finish. Hope this will help
  16. [quote name='TheRockinRoadie' timestamp='1395169225' post='2399444'] After a bit of research, I think I'm going to try the 0000 grade wire wool method after masking the fretboard. Hopefully that will be safe! [/quote] Hi, I allways use the 00000 grade steelwool, wich i belive to be smoother than wirewoll. It´s perfectly safe for this kind of work. With little effort Your frets will look like new and your fretboard wont be a mess.
  17. I found this one quite a challenge:" Egyptian danza" by Al Di Meola
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