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Everything posted by A.G.E.N.T.E.

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1480425327' post='3184244'] I have no idea what this gif is, but that YT clip is the perfect soundtrack for it. [/quote] that´s funny but doesn´t make it sound better. yuk!!
  2. Black fraud-day? No thanks! http://www.consumertrap.com/2011/11/black-fraud-day/
  3. For now, i would be quite happy with these two
  4. +1 on the BDI21, and i also have the VTbass. The behringer is great pedal for the price and at the studio will get the job done. Never giged mine but have it since 2005, for home practise and studio. Still working fine. A couple of years ago i ´ve done the "mids mod" and i found it a really nice upgrade.
  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1479288825' post='3175292'] Rockbasses normally have light colour wood for the neck. The serial numbers also normally go across the neck. I can't read the serial number of this one, but I can see it's vertical and the wood is darker. The grain also looks very much like my German Warwicks. [/quote] Yup +1, this one looks like a german made. Ovangkol neck, brass frets, it also seems wenge fretboard, 2 piece 3D bridge, vertical serial number, the grain on the body also fits the profile... [quote name='gazzatriumph' timestamp='1479288994' post='3175296'] tuners have Warwick emblem where as the German ones have Schaller [/quote] The majority of the german made warwicks have warwick hardware, but the earlyer models came with schaller hardware as standard.
  6. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1479223084' post='3174858'] Buy a Spector - the original design...I'm sure if you look you be able to find a thread on how Warwick stole the design and didn't pay compensation following the court case. [/quote] What if he is looking for a Thumb? I can remember at least 7348754 brands that copied other designs... but that´s not the question here.
  7. I have one of it´s 5 strings brother, the SR745, and it´s a great bass. Your´s looks very nice with the oil finish. great job glwts
  8. Looks and sounds nice. Nice features too [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-SRCyhrWUg"]https://www.youtube....h?v=V-SRCyhrWUg[/url]
  9. Have 3 at the moment, but only the 4 strings are getting played. Warwick streamer Bolton (4strings) Ibanez SR 745 (5 strings) Cort Elrick (4strings)
  10. I have no idea Who this guy is:)
  11. Already mentioned but In case you´re not using it allready, try hexagonal core strings. They tend to have higher tension. Other than that... string gauge.
  12. [quote name='paulo m' timestamp='1474281170' post='3136702'] Ive just aquired one of these...&[b] im not overly impressed[/b] [b]Bulky[/b]' & it doesnt supply & extra level of comfort...?[b] & as for adjustability i feel its a faff On taking out those small screw like buttons...& its not totally accurate also.[/b] Infact my Neotec Megabass i feel' is of superior design & comfort. Awkward to transport also...Wont go in the saddle pocket of my Levys CM19 bag..it has to go inside with the bass? If Gruv Gear's other products are of this build quality.... I for one' will be looking elsewhere...first. I.M.O. of course. [/quote] I`ll have to agree with Paulo on those : I´s not the best design, and for the money, i expected way better and more precise adjustment solution. The package it came in was also very cheap for a "premium" product. What i like about it: Confortable to wear and no back pain after a 2h set. It dosen´t use leather, so , no animal was killed for my new fancy strapp. (I got the SoloStrap Neo[b])[/b]
  13. mine as the bass settings.svt,slap,fat tube. All the manual is about bass even though it can be used with other instruments
  14. This is my 2004 version
  15. It happened to me once and then i tried a diferent batery brand.problem solved. Not all brands have the exactly same size.
  16. Looks nice indeed! I hate the original knobs.
  17. [quote name='funkyjimbob' timestamp='1461316466' post='3033560'] A friend has recommended the Gruv Gear solo strap 4.0[b] but I will have to order one from the USA[/b]. I have seen some on BassDirect (Mono, NeoTech) and wondered if anyone had any experience with these? [/quote] Why is that? You can order one from thomann [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/gruvgear_solostrap_4_neo_bk.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ap_4_neo_bk.htm[/url]
  18. I was searching for comfort strapp and found this at thomann. Is this the same produt, only rebranded? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/marleaux_bass_comfort_strap_l.htm?ref=search_rslt_comfort+strapp_339751_2"]http://www.thomann.d...strapp_339751_2[/url] [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Comfort_Strapp.html"]http://www.bassdirec...ort_Strapp.html[/url] Edit: did some search and found that marleaux is one of [i]Comfort Strapp[/i] autorized dealers.
  19. I have DIY musket, wich i asked for a extra "blend" knob. A lot of knobs but It sounds great. [attachment=215274:musket.JPG]
  20. Or you can Just use liquiq chalk used by climbers to maintain hands dry
  21. I also tune to Eb and i usually use Daddario EXL160 (105-50) with no problem. Since they have hexagonal cores they´re prone to have higher tension. DDT´s also have hexagonal cores, so i guess a set of 105-45 will do the job.
  22. For a moment i thought you were talking about the band...
  23. [url="http://www.rapidonline.com/Mechanical-Fastenings-Fixings/Kontakt-Chemie-207606091242-Graphit-33-Spray-200ml-87-0695"]http://www.rapidonline.com/Mechanical-Fastenings-Fixings/Kontakt-Chemie-207606091242-Graphit-33-Spray-200ml-87-0695[/url]
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