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Everything posted by spoo_bass

  1. Yeh i was thinking that, it's all very well that they seem to be OK but it's possible something like that may happen agian. I've been running them both from a zoom fixed 9v adaptor with butterfly connections, the jack inputs from the synth wah are removeable screw-ins but the OD jack inputs are fixed. At the mo i'm running them off recharchable 9V batteries pending power supply input replacement...
  2. I appear to have figured out the problem! Though this will make me sound like a bit of a n00b i'm sure, but the guys in the music shop made the same mistake too...what it was is that i checked them with a 9v battery when they unplugged from the series with jack inputs...it seems that these jack inputs for most pedals are what activates them when they are hooked up to a power supply (i didn't think this was the case as with my big muff this is not so). So after much taking apart of the OD pedal and wiggling jacks about i got some life, and found an identical problem in the synth wah, so it seems that it iss only the power supply inputs that have been fried, and hopefully these will not be too costly to replace
  3. Haha, fairplay the Behringer pedals [i][/i]are[i][/i] a tad on the cheap side butt i actually thought it sounded OK (bearing in mind i only ever played it through a tinny amp) but the Synth wah is the greatest loss. I suppose it is possible that the wah blew and hit the OD, i figure i'll just take it to be repaired, and if it does end up costing me more than just buying a new one i'll just try and find a replacement. Any suggestions for more reliable synth/OD pedals?
  4. spoo_bass

    Fried pedals

    I just thought i'd start this topic in order to see if anyone has ever experienced a similar problem to this one: Left my room for around two hours with both of the pedals i was using at the time off (Behringer bass OD and Digitech bass synth wah), came back and attempted to use them, but both of them for some reason no longer working! So i tried the obvious things of testing the power supply, using a different one, trying them both with 9V batteries instead but to no avail. I was thinking that it was perhaps some sort of power surge...but i've no way of knowing for sure; my computer was plugged into the same socket and that's fine :S Soo yesterday i took them into my local music shop (Gamlins Cardiff), they had a look, found that the OD may still have a little life in it but that the synth wah may be totally fried, reffered me to the electrician they use though it seems it may cost me more to get them fixed than to actually replace them if the work takes some time. Any advice on this matter would be muchh appreciated P.S i was also told that the digitech synth wah's are notorious for doing this sort of thing?
  5. I have but 3, so 442
  6. Recently bought a 'vester active 4 string warwick thumb copy' from Rohan, in regards to the transaction it was as smooth and straightforard as can be. Rohan is a pleasure to deal with
  7. YO, finally got round to posting about the bass! i've been surprsingly busy these past few days so sorrow about late reply, but yeh, just to say the bass is absolutley lovely, in sound and in playability, i've not got round to tackling the action yet but probably will soon. Thanks for a quick and easy transaction, and, a great bass! regards Dave
  8. Hey there everybody i thought i'd finally get round to introducing myself on here, my name is Dave (or spoo_bass), i've been playing bass for roughly 5 years fairly on and off,(composing with the help of a friend for just over two), i'm also a fairly poor student and havn't had the chance to play live yet so my amp is a pretty feeble 20watt stagg! But hey, it does the job (for now). As far as basses go i own two, both peaveys, the first being a four string international series, the second being a five string Cirrus BXP, which i'm actually selling soon because it's the only way i can afford to get a new bass! I also use a Behringer overdrive pedal and a digitech synth wah envelope filter. As far as styles go i enjoy many, but play mostly a sort of funk hybrid myself...Anywhoo too much information maybe, but hey, i was in the mood for writing! Regards all, Dave
  9. I must say i am also quite interested, i'll have to look at my financial situation and weather or not i could pick it up, but yeh, i'll let you know soon (if of course it hasn't sold by then)
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