BigRedX that vibracell looks amazing, what a great concept!
I've had four MM rays, two 4 strings a 5 and a fretless 5, all good, the ray5 stayed with me as my main bass for a good while but ultimately they had to go, the 4's weren't thick enough sounding and I always wanted more from the 5's...
I've bought/traded/sold maybe 30 basses in the last 20 years and don't regret saying goodbye to any, they all felt/sounded good when I got them but their time was done and my needs had changed.
I like my Lakland 55-02 and it does what I need just now, that may change if the music I play changes again...if only I could have (and had room to store) about 10 basses!
My gorgeous sounding and playing '61 p-bass copy is getting the least airtime so might have to go purely for space reasons which is the wrong reason to sell I think!