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Everything posted by groovebuster

  1. best.. america, worst... uk. is there nowhere on this god forsaken rock i can try out a stingray classic? how bout a 62 p bass? has any 1 here ever seen a 75 jazz bass on a shelf. i doubt it! every shop full of useless cheapo tat. uk sucks.
  2. i fink u need to go on a walkabout, find out wat its all about....
  3. wen i wer a lad y sat down got the key and went from there. now unless ur a jazzer and its just a popular tune UTUBE fool. some1s probly bin there. still using ur ear is never a bad fing. get root notes, get chords, get fiddly bits. wana take it further get melody and play chords. find relavent scales, learn over 2 octives then solo y ass off.
  4. i love the guy. changed me from a plectrum using heavy metalist into a finger funking slap n ticklist. however i had 2 proper teachers in my life n neither rated him. these teachers were gud 2. the 2nd being gary culshaw. type gary culshaw bass into you tube and click 'some other country". any way the reasons where he was to show offy. alot of old skool jazzers didnt like slaping. they come from the walkin bass school where carving a melodic groove thru a spectrum of tonality is the height of bass expression, and in many ways is the hardest yet most fulfilling job in the bass. "its like a solo lasting the entire song" they used to tell me. still i love flea. now i get old and refine my techniques i do think he does rag them stings man. no wonder he had to fill his fingers with glue. after a few weeks of gigs playing gigs every night my fingers hurt. but he keeps goin. hes a funk soldier. ledgend. as is gary culshaw, check vid. guitar solo 2. OMFG.
  5. jaco - heavy weather and hejira. n if y like fretless pino- paul 'cheesy as' young. micheal manring the enormous room.
  6. sorry and i only wana trade necks not basses. cheers.
  7. [quote name='groovebuster' timestamp='1341928114' post='1726344'] hi. i have a excellent condition rosewood necked stingray but really want a maple. anyone fancy a trade? its a 6bolt off a 2002 ray. i would also consider a fretless pau ferro. cheers. [/quote]
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