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Everything posted by far0n

  1. You'd probably be looking at a MM/Jazz combination for pickups, with coil switching on the MM so you could flick it to single coil.... exactly the way my Lakland works. I've always fancied having two switching humbuckers and you could choose what the hell you wanted then !
  2. Obviously you're drunk. therefore no Marcus Miller, Victor Wooten or Level 42. Strangely I like to sit down and play On The Beach by Chris Rea. Fab little laid back affair, just the right tempo for a pissed person to drag themselves through. For the record it has to be the extended album version. Headphones are compulsory so you don't wake the neighbours up !
  3. [quote name='misrule' post='473737' date='Apr 27 2009, 09:35 PM']One of my guitarists has similar problems with a Fender Strat when playing under fluorescent lights. Cheers Mark[/quote] Ah ha, the venue I played in did indeed have fluorescent lights !
  4. [quote name='RayFW' post='473244' date='Apr 27 2009, 11:31 AM']Did the venue have an induction loop for hearing impaired people? That would cause the symptoms you are describing.[/quote] I've no idea, it was a fairly echoey room though, all brick walls... rustic style like.
  5. Played the other night, both myself and the guitarist had the same problem, soon as we turned the volume controls on our guitars up we'd get this high pitched squeal like microphone feedback. In all the years I've been playing, I've never experienced anything like it. So in between songs we both had to turn down our volumes... then back up for the songs. Just for the record it was fine when we were playing. So what the hell was going on ???
  6. If I give you my Vigier Passion, can I have the lady on the left ?
  7. [quote name='Marcus' post='461083' date='Apr 13 2009, 11:03 AM']I used a Mark Bass Rig for a while.... The set up was Loud as hell..... and It did cut through really well, but it was loud in a way that Hitting a dustbin lid is loud ! There was very little body to the note (IMHO) I loved the SA450, but the cabs left something to be desired in my experience. I think with Bass..... unfortunately to get the best in tone (live) you need big heavey cabinets with big heavey magnets !! The laws of Physics can be stretched but not broken !![/quote] Oooh, I've seen that big bass rig before ! I've still got the SA450, cracking amp. As for the cabs, they were loud as hell but in a weird kind of way that you couldn't hear. Stand any further than 3-4 feet away from the cabs and it was weird, like someone filling your ears with cotton wool. You could tell it was loud by the vibrations but you just couldn't hear what you were playing. Very weird I thought. So I've eventually settled on two Eden 210XLTs. Looking forward to cranking them up shortly Faron
  8. [quote name='cd_david' post='451379' date='Apr 1 2009, 12:30 PM']Not my bass mate, it really does belong to one of my students who needs the cash to move into a new flat. I don't think i will ever sell the Vigier and it is a beautiful colour, what colour is yours?[/quote] A very nice, red colour
  9. [quote name='cd_david' post='450332' date='Mar 31 2009, 10:36 AM']Desperate student/ Offers now invited bump. Dave [/quote] Ha ha, if you were that desperate you'd be flogging the Vigier Passion on the wall. Wish mine was that colour !
  10. Cheers folks.... emailed
  11. Ok, so what's the website ? I've currently got Online Business Bench Marking.
  12. Got a great one off ebay ages ago, but can I remember who it was ?
  13. Here's my Cort A5, spotless condition, not a scratch, bump or knock anywhere. Bought it a while ago when I thought I 'needed' a 5 string. Frankly I don't.. and they annoy me. I'm a four string kinda guy Anyway, the bass has been fitted with upgraded Bartolini preamp and pickups, model number NTMB-918F. I've got all the paperwork and schematics for the circuits if anyone wants a .pdf of them. The three switches include one for each pickup, switching between single coil, series and parallel. The third switch which used to be the 'slap contour' switch, has been replaced with a mid frequency selector that switches between 250Hz, 500Hz and 800Hz. The circuit currently runs at 9v but can be uprated to 18v if you like.
  14. [quote name='funkyhobbit' post='423736' date='Mar 2 2009, 10:04 PM']Warwickhunt is looking after yer old red streamer,,,, like he had given birth to it himself [/quote] Hmm, I wonder if it would come out neck first or body first ?
  15. Cracking day, I've realised that Warwick's aren't so bad afterall. I'm also gonna get my Vigier electronically tagged, 'cos Funkyhobbit liked it that much I feel he may try to swipe it.
  16. Dear me, you're gonna have to try harder than that sunshine if you think we're gonna fall for this sh*te.
  17. [quote name='stevie' post='421039' date='Feb 27 2009, 04:00 PM']What do you think makes them so loud?[/quote] Well, reading something on here.. I think it said a 3db increase in sensitivity needs half the wattage of amp for the same volume? Can't remember if I've got that right or not?
  18. I think the best I've had was my Eden D410XLT at 106db. Haven't come across any louder than that from the main manufacturers.
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