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Everything posted by SimonH

  1. I should take some more pics-type bump. It's a lovely thing. Just not my thing. Make it your thing! Seriously, I'm after a P/J or J passive, pref. Fender (MIJ?), but will consider any brand (soz, no Precisions, they're brilliant but I've already got one!). Even something with substantially less value, for which I'd be happy to make do with a favourable (for you) cash re-balance.
  2. Bumping for the weekend sir?
  3. PS I apologise for the stick-on fret markers. I am ashamed. They will come off, obviously, for a proper player who knows where the notes are without looking.
  4. Hi there, looking to sell my Warwick Corvette $$ to fund spectacularly mis-timed eBay purchases. No, really. Also, to be honest, although the bass looks amazing, plays beautifully well, has a fabulous neck and sounds massive and versatile at the same time, I've come to understand I'm a passive, Fender kinda guy when it comes to playing live. So the Warwick has to go. This is sad. It's a MIG Corvette $$ 4-string fretted, swamp ash body, ovangkol neck, black hardware. The finish, according to the serial, should be natural oil, but somehow this bass has acquired a sort of tobacco burst which looks wonderful. The chap I bought the bass from reckoned it was down to regular polishing with Auto-Glym. Not sure about that. It's glossy, deep, even and looks for all the world like a factory finish to me. The condition of the bass is 8/10 maybe a 9. The neck is arrow straight, frets have plenty on them, everything works (including the socket - I put a Switchcraft in there). <deit> I forgot to mention the nut isn't a standard Warwick. Might have been a JANII and the ends snapped, and it's been replaced with a stock jobbie. Looks pro. No muck. String height is perfect. Will take pics tonight, promise!) There are a couple of marks in the varnish on the back of the bass - I'll a close-up later. But she's in good order. Comes in a Warwick bag, but no candy. Here are a couple of pics to start with. I'm after less than I paid + delivery, which is [s]£675[/s] [s]£625[/s]. I can post, or you can collect, or we can arrange pretty much anything within reason. I will also take trades as long as it includes a bit of cash my way, to cover aforementioned eBay rashness. Like I said, I'm big on passive P/Js (not exclusively Fender!). Mega thanks for looking, Simon H [attachment=134302:$$ 1.jpg] [attachment=134303:$$ 2.jpg]
  5. Hi there, looking to sell my Warwick Corvette $$ to fund spectacularly mis-timed eBay purchases. No, really. Also, to be honest, although the bass looks amazing, plays beautifully well, has a fabulous neck and sounds massive and versatile at the same time, I've come to understand I'm a passive, Fender kinda guy when it comes to playing live. So the Warwick has to go. This is sad. It's a MIG Corvette $$ 4-string fretted, swamp ash body, ovangkol neck, black hardware. The finish, according to the serial, should be natural oil, but somehow this bass has acquired a sort of tobacco burst which looks wonderful. The chap I bought the bass from reckoned it was down to regular polishing with Auto-Glym. Not sure about that. It's glossy, deep, even and looks for all the world like a factory finish to me. The condition of the bass is 8/10 maybe a 9. The neck is arrow straight, frets have plenty on them, everything works (including the socket - I put a Switchcraft in there). There are a couple of marks in the varnish on the back of the bass - I'll a close-up later. But she's in good order. Comes in a Warwick bag, but no candy. Here are a couple of pics to start with. I'm after what I paid + delivery, which is £675. I can post, or you can collect, or we can arrange pretty much anything within reason. I will also take trades as long as it includes a bit of cash my way, to cover aforementioned eBay rashness. Like I said, I'm big on passive P/Js (not exclusively Fender!). Mega thanks for looking, Simon H [attachment=134302:$$ 1.jpg] [attachment=134303:$$ 2.jpg]
  6. Glad we're all friends. Can someone please buy these now?
  7. Rich built a Precision bitsa for me. He did it, effectively, for peanuts (I swapped a pedal with him). I own a Warwick $$ and a small army of vintage Ibanezes which I know doesn't exactly qualify me for a lot of experience... but I can say Rich's bass beats all of them for playability (extremely low action, no buzz, no choking) and sound (the way it punches through a band mix live is still a joy to hear). Apologies for taking so long to leave feedback but the more basses I play the more I come to appreciate his. It's my fave. Top bloke to deal with too. In fact, now I think about it... Rich, will you build me a Jazz too please? I'll pay properly for this one! Thanks
  8. Bought a Highway One Jazz from Geoff - top bloke, posted the bass very promptly, sorted all the details, packed the bass well... basically all I did was click on PayPal and wait all of a day and a half for it to arrive. Which it did. Nice one Geoff, will raise a glass at the gig tonight. Simon H
  9. Thanks for the replies and advice... I've been thinking and working it out this afternoon and I really think it's down to wrist angle. When I change the angle I hold the Warwick at - to let me straighten my wrist out - it gets easier. I tried slowing the riff down and then working back up on the Warwick and it's certainly not impossible - it's just easier on the P. I think I need a Sandberg, not a Warwick :-). I also suspected trying to play too loud might be the problem with the fingerstyle in general. I'll crank the MB rig next weekend and see what happens!
  10. Apologies for the long post, but I'm looking for a little advice. Bought a Warwick Corvette $$ recently; my first £200+ bass, although I have some nice vintage Ibanezes and a tasty bitsa Precision. Not been playing long, couple of years, but was a guitarist for decades before discovering I should've been playing bass all the time. Anyway, I've set the Warwick up to my taste - action on the floor, and closed up the string spacing because a) I don't have long fingers and with a Warwick, I can. So here's the question: sat down to learn Cosmic Girl by Jamiroquai for the covers band I'm in. I love playing fingerstyle and I always practise using it at home. But for some reason I can never play fingerstyle live; don't know why. I can't keep my timing so I use a pick instead. I do everything the same at home - stand up, etc - so the only thing I can think of is it's something to do with live drums. Our drummer, bless him, isn't the tightest in the house and he often manages to vary the tempo within a bar, let alone a song. After a fill I often have to wait to let him catch back up. Anyway, that isn't the question. The question is this - when it comes to the chorus of the song, and the octave string jumps, it's really really easy to play on my Sue Ryder Precision and it's really hard to play on the Warwick. My fingers sort of stumble on the octave strings and I have to really exaggerate my wrist bend to get a solid pluck. On the Ryder, my hand is already naturally at the right angle and my fingers just slip off the strings nicely. The strings are the same gauge, the set-up the same... so why is that? It's a bit annoying really, having spent all that money on the Warwick for it not to feel as easy to play - at least that song - than a cheap bass. Is it, as I'm starting to think, simply that the Ryder bass has a Fender forearm chamfer and the Warwick is a flat top with no chamfer? Or could my closed up string spacing on the Warwick be putting me off somehow? Sorry for the extended question. Just wondered if it was a common issue with non-chamfered bodies that I haven't heard about. Cheers for reading! All advice welcome (apart from 'sell the Corvette'!). SimonH [attachment=131960:20130406_223254.jpg]
  11. I'm confused now - are you bumping the Corvette, is it still for sale, or is this a trade-me-please bump for your Washburn? :-)
  12. My gf has just said we have the money too, if you're not into that lot.
  13. Always wanted one to feel smug about. <desperately looks around for something to trade> Akai Unibass, boxed, generates a 3rd and/or a 5th above your tone, separate output so you can feed it through an fx box (reverb, echo, fuzz etc) then pipe it into a guitar amp for a perfect-tracking accompaniment to your bass line - basically a rhythm guitar in a box. Cost me £150 or thereabouts (I'd need to look it up). Swapsie? Failing that... er... Aphex bass xciter? The stompbox version. Er... monkey tennis?
  14. Yeah, I thought that too.
  15. That's absolutely brilliant. Thank you! Exactly the sound, clear-cut advice and info I need. Just goes to show you shouldn't believe the internet forums that say you shouldn't believe anything you read on internet forums... :-)
  16. Hi - got a G-K 210T (2 x 10 cab) which has a pair of 150 watt, 8 ohm 10in cones in it that... 1) aren't original... can't remember what they're called but I think they were budget, and 2) are no longer of this earth after I re-wired them from 4 ohm total to 8 ohm, then blew them up. Doh. I'd like to recone the cab, and turn it into a neat little combo with a suitable compact head. 500 wats or so should be plenty for pubs and smaller weddings, but I'd like the option to run the combo into my 8 ohm MB HF410 for a bigger sound when required. So... if you made it this far, thanks! The question is, what cones should I purchase, and from whom? Weight and cost aren't necessarily an issue (unless it's, like, a squillion quid). As a further note, I've been told it's tight between the cones in the cab, and I have to make sure the cones' outside diameter isn't too big... but I can check this. Or bodge it. Many thanks for all suggestions. Simon H
  17. Gah! I sort of want to keep it too, but I've tried and 5 strings is one too many. Someone, please? Don't make me eBay it.
  18. So this is weird. I'm in a covers band based in Peterborough called High Rollers - four-piece, usual rock/pop/disco covers. Been playing bass for a year and a half, playing guitar for a lot longer (funny how things turn out; shoulda played four strings all along). Anyway, this Friday - as in tomorrow night - we've managed to get ourselves onto the bill at Triumph Live, a ma-hoosive two-wheeled party at Mallory Park race circuit between Leicester and Hinckley. It's an annual knees-up for Triumph, the bike manufacturer, who are currently enjoying massive worldwide sales success. Their comeback against the Japanese bike factories is an amazing story of entrepreneurial flair and dedication - British engineering at its best. So they have this big festival every year at Mallory, and this year it's headlined by Reef on Friday and the Kaiser Chiefs on Saturday. And, somehow (don't ask), High Rollers are opening the show. And then playing again in the paddock at 11.00pm. I mention this apropos of nothing at all (copyright A Partridge) other than... IT'S REALLY, REALLY COOL! Thank you.
  19. I know, I know... I'm not selling it back for £200 to you Russ... :-)... oh, hang on, yes I would. Another day or two of this, then... I'll burn it. I will! Thanks for the kind words, dudes!
  20. :-) Ta mate. You're not exactly sane yerself.
  21. Bumped. Am I bonkers or is this a good deal? I might actually buy it off myself, then I'd have the guitar AND the money....
  22. Tried offering this for trade but no takers, so it's the last stop before I put it in the attic and forget about it. £200 is a bit daft for a guitar this good, but gotta feed the need for new gear! [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It's a mega-deep trans blue (almost black) Ibanez [/font][/color][color=red][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]ATK405[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] in clean condition and no issues. Specs are 24-fret maple neck and board, 34” scale, five-way switch between triple coil bridge and single coil neck. Made in Korea in 2000.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It’s an absolutely amazing instrument to play – the fretboard is flat, action is ultra-low but no fret-buzz, frets are hardly played, and it's a doddle to use; [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I’ve got diddy fingers and I’m perfectly comfortable on it. I just keep forgetting it's a 5-er when I play live. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The range of sounds is broad; you should be able to find something to love here. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]When I got the ATK it was missing the trussrod cover at the top of the neck: I bought a new one. I also fitted a set of DR DDTs, which have two gigs on them. So they’re as new.[/font][/color] As I say, I was looking to trade for another bass but I'm over it now; I want a MB combo instead. So unless you can trade one of those (cash your way, obviously), the ATK has to go. £200 is a give-away, but I can't stand stuff sitting around not being used while I want to buy something else. I'm also selling a '79 Ibanez Roadster and an Akai Unibass elsewhere on Basschat (as soon as I get the pics up).
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