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Everything posted by mrcrow

  1. boy am i glad you did...
  2. [quote name='tischbein' post='599505' date='Sep 15 2009, 06:55 PM']I am in dire need of a wiring diagram for my 78 Jazz Bass. It is completely different from a standard Jazz wiring, the grounding is different. Any help, please...[/quote] imho there is only one way to wire a jazz correctly use a pan pot as for glazier plates... well earth is earth no matter what the rose is called...my mia P had connections to the paint..!!!! i would earth on the pots using daisy chain method....if not using the pan pot connect hot from pups to pin 2 on each pot....looking from underneath and reading anti clockwise hot to jack from pins 1 via tone pin 2 ...then to jack..all one wire with cut outs at relevant pins all grounds to tone pot casing pup1 vol1 pup2 vol2 bridge.........to tone pot casing then tone pot to jack the pan pot method avoids volume fall out... when using tone at varying volume settings for each pup when using full volume one each pup there is a dip anyway....its common on jazz
  3. [quote name='Sharkfinger' post='601126' date='Sep 17 2009, 10:55 AM']I'd like to be able to switch my bass to passive from active, for times when the battery is low or runs out mid-set. This has happened to me recently and had to run outside to the car to fetch my spare! It actually already has the toggle installed but not wired in. Can anyone point me in the right direction? A wiring diagram maybe? TIA[/quote] most here would need to know what pup you have and what preamp you need a battery for if its your P then my guess you are using an EMG active....which means you cant get around without a batt if not then post more details ps...battery is active...no battery is passive...all that is needed is a by pass...scottie
  4. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='601292' date='Sep 17 2009, 01:36 PM']Anyone had any experience of these pickups? Similar to Rick tone? I've found one [awful] You Tube video, but little else. Edit...should add that these are not for a Rick - they're for a Jazz-esque project. Cheers P[/quote] they are wired for series or parallel...4 wires i used them and wired each series ricks are single coil so the sound really cant be the same unless you wire just one coil in each...waste of money then the sound i did get was non ric ...non clanky smooth and well defined with no noise from hum if you fit them to a rick you need to do something with the bridge pup plastic bit ....the s-d pup is a little twin bar magnet design and iirc wont just fit in without getting rid of the phoney horseshit...shoe...sorry magnet looka like s-d supply a little plastic cover which masks a bit but really requires some extra work yours rick...NOT!
  5. i think you need to do the maths...and project a resell value for the upmarket pimps i think one can do a better job than the makers some times for anything in the mia fender region you are battling against a decal
  6. [quote name='Linus27' post='601312' date='Sep 17 2009, 02:06 PM']Washburn AB10 is the only one I would have. Fretless also.[/quote] would you use flats on this..in steel
  7. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='601600' date='Sep 17 2009, 07:22 PM']Has anyone ever met their bass hero and been literally tongue-tied? Or done something stupid? I was at a music industry trade show in the 80s, in a small demo room, listening to an EV PA demo. I stepped backwards and trod on an extremely tall person's foot. John Entwistle.[/quote] i met tommy whittle at his folks home and chewed my reed trying to play something for him [url="http://vzone.virgin.net/davidh.taylor/whittle.htm"]TW[/url]
  8. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='600237' date='Sep 16 2009, 02:20 PM']I used to get the odd day or two in the first 6 months of playing when I got frustrated that I couldnt do something and thought about quitting. But I rode it thru and ive been playing 4-5 years now and ive only just realised that im in no way musical. I dont understand music, I dont understand theory, I dont listen to much music and I do not have any sence of rythem. Ive been glancing over to all the expensive kit I have in my room and I cant help thinking why do I bother? m not good enough to be in a half decent band, I cant write my own stuff unless you count roots, 3rds and 5ths so why do I have all this gear? ive seen less equipt bands blow my mind in pubs. Im never gonna use it to its full potential. Really thinking about flogging it all and calling it a day. (might buy an acoustic just incase I get bored tho) [/quote] life is a curve...up and down but it has a trend...and its always up..and ends in a coffin
  9. yes straplocks worth the money and have a spare set for each bass
  10. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='600791' date='Sep 16 2009, 10:01 PM']It has come to light in recent months that our guitarist has a problem coming up with guitar lines of his own ( I write bass lines and lyrics, he comes up with his own guitar lines). I genuinely think he'd rather play covers than come up with stuff of his own. This is strange to me-the first things I ever played on bass were lines I'd come up with myself-mainly so nobody could tell me I was playing them wrong! I've always come up with bass lines of my own, yet in talking to others, I get the impression he's not the only one who doesn't write their own material. You folks write your own, or happy playing other people's? (not that there's anything wrong with that!)[/quote] if you play your own you can change them and adapt... if you play others you have just hung your brain up i play my own...and i dont play covers i tried all that on saxes spending hours listening to CD's i got free and started to develop some personal riffs as for bass i keep it simple and read the score to see if there are reinforcing areas required melodic or harmonic otherwise....just let it flow
  11. i had a fender precision special...with jazz neck the fit was a bit loose... from that i assume that there must be some discrepancies in width only
  12. going down low is fine but you need to reproduce it faithfully...i feel some rigs do attentuate and corrupt
  13. [quote name='Bay Splayer' post='598374' date='Sep 14 2009, 04:37 PM']does anyone have a link for chrome knobs that will definitely fit a FENDER JAZZ (Geddy Lee)[/quote] straight shaft or serrated? i got knobs for straight shaft which worked on serrated but not vice versa and EMG pots wont take some knobs hope you get on ok
  14. [quote name='nash' post='593301' date='Sep 8 2009, 09:18 PM']for me it has to be Fender and Fender inspired style basses. mainly traditional colours. i am into the MM Big Al. kind of looks like it should of been made in the 50's/60's[/quote] after a bit of shilly shallying with ricks manson fender mm and shuker i am really interested in a bass which is a good player..good sound reasonably made and easy on spares fender!!
  15. [quote name='northstreet' post='595092' date='Sep 10 2009, 08:46 PM']After a good few hours annoying various sales assistants by trying every bass in the shop, I've decided to buy a Jazz. But I'm torn. I really like the look of the Geddy Lee, but the Highway One has the same Badass bridge and I can find it online at nearly £100 less, which to me is a lot of dosh. To my ears (in the shop at least) they sound very similar. Anyone got any experiences of playing either, or any other views/opinions on their relative merits?[/quote] are there differences in sound...i think whatever sounds like you need thats the one i have had a non fender jazz with bartolini pups...its sound was what i needed ps go for one which is easy to adjust the truss rod...ie headstock end...nostalgia is a bore
  16. [quote name='rasher80' post='315745' date='Oct 27 2008, 02:01 PM']Hello all, This is my first post - i'll try not to rant too much! I just want to say how p-d off i am with the current situation regarding Fender Japan. It seems that the majority of the UK importers like mustangguitars and guitaremporium have had the kibosh put on them, presumably by the chaps over in the good ol' US of A. I'm grumbling cos i'm a left hander who has wanted a 75 re-issue Jazz bass, and having worked my damnedest to accumulate the money, no sooner am i almost up to the total than all the importers i know of seem to be calling it a day. It's really annoying, cos if i was a right hander i'd just pick up one of the Mexican reissues and just pimp it a bit. I don't have the nous to be able to source one direct from Japan and the only other importer i know of is in the US, who wants £900 before any customs charges. so i'm going to have to forget it and try and get a MIM jazz and pimp that instead. Bad show Fender! Anyway, rant over! [/quote] welcome to the fender appreciation society... cheers mate...hope you get the ideal and for real money
  17. [quote name='Moos3h' post='595422' date='Sep 11 2009, 09:45 AM']I'll start with the disclaimer that this is just my own opinion here, but: I have just 'obtained' Westfield P-Bass copy. I've set it up, re-wired it, have a GFS pickup on order and replaced the bridge. All of the upgrades cost a total of £50 inclusive of delivery. These basses are £110 new. So, the bass is made from cheese, possibly MDF or similar. But it sounds fantastic! It's got all the clarity, weight and guts of 'the real thing' and I've been able to directly compare between this and a USA P-Bass. Stays in tune, nothing falls off (but if it did, it'd be a cheap fix). So really, assuming you are someone who likes to tinker and customise a bit, how could it ever be justifed to go and spend £1k+ on summat 'posh', when you could pick up a couple of these and not worry in the slightest about the odd knock here and there? Right, off you go Internet, argue! Cheers, James[/quote] bet all the rock bands will switch to these and start endorsing them...nudge nudge
  18. sound checks let you set your eq the frequencies...are apparent and more bass is felt rather than heard. ears wear out..bums dont
  19. [quote name='metaltime' post='596209' date='Sep 12 2009, 12:41 AM']I am currently out of work as i have just finished my MA in Social Work. While I apply for jobs etc i have decided to learn how to read music as a challenge. I am going to try and practice every day. I have a book somewhere and i will up date this thread with a progress report on what im up to. Any advice or tips? getting a teacher is not an option just now due to lack of funds.[/quote] i got one of the teach yourself books..to read music..from the library took me about a year to play and read well
  20. mrcrow

    mim jazz #2

    [quote name='Mokl' post='593237' date='Sep 8 2009, 08:05 PM']I seem to remember that's how the Mex Jazzes were when they first hit the scene back in the 90`s. Don't think it's a limited edition - I tried a few just like it in Gamlin's in Cardiff back in the day. I might be wrong though.[/quote] cheers...so its around 14 years old...?? thought that serial was 2005 in ignorance MANY THANKS FOR THAT HEADS UP!!!!
  21. mrcrow

    mim jazz #2

    [quote name='Tait' post='593186' date='Sep 8 2009, 07:22 PM']special edition i think. i think beedster used to have a white one, someone on here did. its just a jazz with a 1 piece pickguard (now they only come on the mark hoppus as far as i know) and strat knobs. simple![/quote] i dont mind the knobs but that steel plate was the business good for working on electrics and acted as an earth bus ho hum
  22. [url="http://img525.imageshack.us/i/10812752.jpg/"][/url] bill the man
  23. its relative...have you heard of the band who tries to play quietly
  24. hi experts.. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200381643763"]what one is this with that strange plate and knobs[/url] MN514926 cheers
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