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Total Watts

  1. Gods Holy Trousers but that is a thing of beuty Good luck with the sale fellah.
  2. Hi, Is the cab still available? I could pick it up next week prob teusday early evening. my mobile is 0700 847 876. Text me if this is ok. Cheers Tim.
  3. 2Rep


    Lovely bit of kit, I would deffo if I was'nt so poor atm. Have a bump from me.
  4. Jesus wept, I had an identicle one for years, it was a fantastic instrument. I sold it for £175 about 10 years ago, the same price I'de bought it for at Dawsons Warrington back in 78. I'me crying into my teacup seeing that, though I can't see that being a realistic price
  5. If I wasn't sorted I'de have this in a jiffy type bump, Lovely birra kit
  6. Hi from another dweller in Mancanistan, like you I'me recently returned to the bottom end after years 'singin ana harpin' and your right the old hands are feelin it a bit. Nice peeps on here, I've bought stuff here and fixed me Thunderbird dive through advice from here. Welcome aboard Tim
  7. 2Rep

    Hi Hi!

    Thanks guys. I've no idea why my intro post came up twice, its either the singer in me still wanting double the attention or more likely that technology and me only ever have a passing relationship
  8. 2Rep

    Hi Hi!

    Hello all, I've been on here a cupla weeks now, initially looking for an amp. But your all such nice folk its time I stopped lurking, and joined the community. I started playing bass when Jim Callaghan was playing centre forward for, er Old Labour, kept playing trough the military and gave up late 90's to become the centre of attention and sing. Well back with the Brothers n Sisters of the bottom end now and going back to my roots with a power trio, playing the stuff that got me into the instrement ie, Lemmys Ric, Rollin Jacks EB3, Mel Shachers bone jarring bass and Geezers dodgy cabs. Already slipping back into wanting all the shiney stuff that comes with this, you lot even have an emoticon for it I can see I'll be looking back longinly to the days of needing only a Shure Beta and a collection of Hohner harps as I push the boundries of marital tolerance wanting more gear than our house can hold. Nice site, and already very helpfull, think I'll like it here. Tim
  9. 2Rep

    Hi Hi!

    Hello all, I've been on here a cupla weeks now, initially looking for an amp. But your all such nice folk its time I stopped lurking, and joined the community. I started playing bass when Jim Callaghan was playing centre forward for, er Old Labour, kept playing trough the military and gave up late 90's to become the centre of attention and sing. Well back with the Brothers n Sisters of the bottom end now and going back to my roots with a power trio, playing the stuff that got me into the instrement ie, Lemmys Ric, Rollin Jacks EB3, Mel Shachers bone jarring bass and Geezers dodgy cabs. Already slipping back into wanting all the shiney stuff that comes with this, you lot even have an emoticon for it I can see I'll be looking back longinly to the days of needing only a Shure Beta and a collection of Hohner harps as I push the boundries of marital tolerance wanting more gear than our house can hold. Nice site, and already very helpfull, think I'll like it here. Tim
  10. God I had a Selmer Treble n Bass 100 back in the 70's, I had 2 Sound City 4x12s underneath it and it was louder than the kick off at Operation Barbarossa. Luckilly I've not been here long enough to catch GAS off this lot other wise I'de be falling out with the old Lady as we speak. Have a nostalgic bump off me
  11. PM'd.
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