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Everything posted by pigface

  1. He's playing in my town (Cologne) next week. I'd love to go, but my lady is not into blues (she ducked out of going to see Johnny Winter with me) and I'm not sure I want to go alone.
  2. I've been a fan since the 70s. His version of 'Take 5' from around that time is outstanding IMO, and I loved the 'Breezin'' album. I was lucky enough to see him at the North Sea Jazz Festival in the Hague in about 2002. A great player and a fine singer.
  3. I should have been seeing Sting tonight but it has been postponed for the 3rd time (2020, 2021 and 2022). More my wife's choice than mine, although I liked the Police and the setlist for the current tour looks OK. We have tickets for RHCP in about June but I'm not holding my breath.
  4. Great thread for me. I am not even a bassist. I own one, an Ibanez acoustic which is very nice. But in truth I am a guitarist and a singer and have never played bass at a gig. I suppose I could manage root notes if I had to. But I have never tried it and feel a bit of a fraud even lurking here, as I usually do.
  5. Indeed it does. Alice's Restaurant is a great example IMO.
  6. Me. My only bass is an acoustic given to me by my wife (because I asked for it) and I would prefer to remain married. Were I to receive basses from the record company at no cost I'd be all over them with one of Stanley's best.
  7. Yes, I was referring to the OP and the second poster, who both spelt his name incorrectly (and differently).
  8. His name is Paul Simonon. Not hard to check.
  9. Paisley Gerry Rafferty Joe Egan Paolo Nutini um ... Kenneth McKellar
  10. Yes, there are some goodies there. 'light explosives now.....and.....now'. I can't remember where I got it but a search for 'faeries death waltz' will reveal all. Amazingly, there is at least one live performance (sort of) of this on YouTube 🙂
  11. Well, there are a few in this one ...
  12. I'm the other way round. I possess a bass but I wouldn't call myself a bass player ... ow, outed myself there a bit 😬
  13. Hey! Some of us on here are strings-fluid, you know. Or non-binary, maybe ... or something like that, anyway.
  14. I was 10 in 1970. This is the sort of thing I was listening to then, courtesy of my parents ... To be fair to them, they had a lot of good stuff too, like the Stones, Beatles, Trini Lopez, CCR, Ray Charles, Herb Alpert, Supremes, Elvis. I grew up with some good music.
  15. I think I'm lucky if I ever played it right 🙂
  16. I'd respectfully disagree with this. There are many songs I like just as much after playing them live for years.
  17. Milady is trying to get us tickets for Cologne. Seems the process is not going well so far :-(. But we are looking at €250 a ticket. Unfortunately they are playing in the 1. FC Cologne football stadium rather than in the much smaller arena in Deutz.
  18. This. I did this a lot in my brief (5 years) stint as a member of a covers band. We varied between a 3- and 6-piece over that time, depending upon who was in town. This was not, I hasten to add, a pro band, but a weekend warrior thing in a remote part of the world. So there was a lot of input from the band members into what we played. I hated much of the stuff we played but I did it anyway because (some of) the others liked it and the fans liked it. I'm sure they indulged me as well. We did a lot of good stuff.
  19. @steantval recommended 'Suite: Judy Blue Eyes' which is just great. They did it at Woodstock and it's in the film and available on YouTube. Definitely worth a watch. 'A little less bottom end on the guitar'.
  20. Tony Bennett has just retired from live performance at the age of 95. Granted, he is not a songwriter, but he was still doing shows last week with Lady Gaga. His manager (and son) says that his voice is still fine but he gets tired and they don't want him to fall down on stage. And 30 was half my life ago.
  21. I saw Dave Allen in London, a long time ago. He had a stool and on a table next to it a glass of water (well, he claimed it was water as he'd stopped drinking). At the end of the show, he noted that he did not do encores, said goodnight and left the stage. After prolonged applause, he returned, slowly crossed the stage to the table, picked up the glass and left the stage again.
  22. FFS ... I thought that was Ken Livingstone.
  23. How about 'a sneer of bassists'?
  24. I almost fell over Sting in the basement 'wellness' area of the Warsaw Marriott in about 2000. Does that count?
  25. Similarly, Springbok Nude Girls. Maybe not well known on here but they were a good band.
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