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Everything posted by church

  1. church

    effects order

    need a bit of help please. recently started putting an effects pedal board together. at the moment the order is; bass-tuner-wah-chorus-phaser-octivider-graphic eq-preamp. i have just bought a delay pedal and am not sure where to put it. would it be ok between the octivider and graphic? your opinions will be gratefully appreciated.
  2. telling me!! its gotta go so any price is the right price some people might take one look at this cab and say 'what a dog', but i see it and go 'what a life on the road it must have had'. but hey ho, everybody is entitled to a different view. once again, it sounds ace and in my eyes it looks cool
  3. price change on ampeg 8x10 used it last night for the first time in a while. gonna have to drop the price on this. must have had my rose tinted glasses on for the price i was asking. its in worse condition than i remember. showing its age; lots of scuffs and small tears on back and sides. some small rips in front fabric but it does sound ace. it really has to go so i think £300 cash ought to be right. pm me or tel; 07889 205637 this must be a real bargain now (surely)!!!
  4. sunday evening BUMP surely somebody must be wanting some serious rock n roll cabs!!
  5. Update; The Ampeg pre amp is now sold. Cabs still for sale. they have really got to go so don't be shy and make an offer.
  6. i have recently bought an aguilar tonehammer preamp/di pedal as the band i,m in di guitar and bass. so now i have some stuff to shift first up; Ampeg SVP-CL preamp. straight from box to rack case so is immaculate. less than a year old. for details go to the ampeg site. i'm asking £325 second; Ampeg 8x10 cab. oldie but goldie. has seen some action with scuffs etc to prove but is indestructible. it has been modified to work as two 4x10s because i use a power amp and separate preamp (see above). has two speakon connectors but can be easily changed back to the usual if needs be. i reckon £400 is a good price for a dead gen usa 8x10 lastly i have a Mesa Boogie 6x10 for sale. i have'nt used this for about 3 years. basically i forgot all about it after lending it to a mate. if i remember right it's in really good nick so am asking £385 all these prices are open to negotiation so look forward to some haggling either pm me or call 07889 205637 thanks steve
  7. got mine from bass merchant last week. used it last night. if you go into amps, speakers etc., you'll see a lot of my old gear for sale. absolutely brill.i use a '71 precision that's a bit of a dog but i thoroughly enjoyed using it. the tone hammer is quiet, articulate, loads of headroom and clean as clean can be at any volume. i'm not really clued up on sound enough to do a full review but this thing is ace. ebs should be very worried; the tone hammer is half the price and i can't see the micro bass being twice as good. recommended
  8. totally agree. lincoln is a preety good place to be. i like the fact i can still go out at night without fear of getting my nuts stove in only problem there ain't enough live music pubs especially for covers. what band you in? try to get out and see you if you're local
  9. on hold; pending the usual
  10. ashdown superfly amp for sale 2 x 250 watts@ 4 ohms approx 1 year old great condition. always racked up if i remember right it has 20 pre-set eqs plus a shed load of programmable eqs built-in adjustable compressor selling to fund a new d.i. pedal 150 of your english pounds please any details required, don't hesitate to pm or ring me 07889 205637 thanks steve
  11. no way you were gonna scupper the deal. both ian and myself have definite ideas about our gear. ian wants a processor, i want to move to separate effects. the gt6b is a very good unit no doubt about that, but my head and ears want something else and ,for me, that is having separate boxes. the ability to choose an ebs chorus and then, say, a carl martin delayla or other top end effect rather than having all one make (boss for example) is what i want to do and ian has allowed me to start that process. thank you for that. anyway deal is done, no more to say
  12. horses 4 courses, kiddo
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