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Everything posted by DanEly

  1. Selling my beautiful Aguilar DB750. I'm sure I don't need to list the specs of these heads. It's by far one of the most amazing and best sounding units I've ever used. So why am I selling? I need something that's all tube and has some gain to boot. Price - £[b]SOLD[/b] Location - Brighton Trades - Yes please: Ideally I'm after a Orange AD200B in black or something full of tubes! [url="https://flic.kr/p/vMRYL3"][/url]
  2. If only I had the cash for the DB112, a partner for mine would be great!
  3. This is s what I've been waiting for. I wonder when they hit the shelves!
  4. Cheers guys, I think I've put the badge a little too close to the sides but it's all a learning curve isn't it?
  5. [url="https://flic.kr/p/s3Epk7"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rNoccu"][/url] To keep the material even and taught I clamped the edge between two bits of wood [url="https://flic.kr/p/rNmRHQ"][/url] I then stapled each side and trimmed off the excess material [url="https://flic.kr/p/rNo8a1"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/s5XmHB"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rNmTEA"][/url] Then did the same for the top + bottom, neatened the corners up and job's a gooden! [url="https://flic.kr/p/s5PqEh"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rLCo5T"][/url] I do, however think I got the blasted material the wrong way round amongst the excitement but who cares...?
  6. Just given the new addition to the frame a quick lick of paint [url="https://flic.kr/p/r82h3m"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/r8e19x"][/url]
  7. Making a start on these extra strips of wood [url="https://flic.kr/p/r82hzy"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rMz6C6"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rMsawd"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rKGuHR"][/url]
  8. Staple references [url="https://flic.kr/p/s52rE8"][/url]
  9. I've been wanting to do this for ages so I've finally pulled the trigger. There is something about the silver faced Ampeg cabs that I think looks incredibly smart. So I'm basically setting out to "re-grill" the face from black to silver. After reading through a few forums and taking the grill off, I've worked out after removing the white piping there will be slight gap (3mm ish) between the grill and the side of the cab so I am going to make up for this by adding some strips of wood down two sides of the grill frame. Here's the cab (debadged and without the white piping) [url="https://flic.kr/p/rKGuqX"][/url]
  10. 3... Precision Jazz and a P/J...?
  11. So I'm looking for some advice about my current project. I'm about to embark on re-grilling my SVT 610HLF with the classic silver ampeg livery. At the moment I'm really struggling to find some wood to make up for the space left by the white piping (that's been removed). Could anyone recommend a shop to look at where I can get some 3mm x 20mm x (whatever length) strips of spruce? I want this thing to look as smart as possible, the gap left is going to be a annoyance to me unless I sort it!
  12. PMs replied to! - Been in the studio so I've not had a chance to check in
  13. ='paulatotc Would you be whiling to trade the cab Potentially, drop me a PM!
  14. Looking to now sell my Ampeg SVT VR or trade for a aguilar DB750/1 No nicks or scrapes. Flight cased with casters. Could be willing to trade the USA 610HLF for the right deal as well Location: Brighton [b]Price: £955[/b] Better pictures to follow. [url="https://flic.kr/p/qoSHr7"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rNVup9"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rwTwcZ"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rRdEVx"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/rR6Pnd"][/url]
  15. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1420127547' post='2645863'] yeah - they replaced all the American Vintage series at the same time with different models. I can't put my finger on what I preferred. the '74... just felt a bit cheap, thick varnish on the neck, and.... and I instantly disliked it - obviously thats all my highly personal opinion. I've tried a few '75 and they've just struck me as very very nice basses that stacked up well against the sadowsky stuff the shop had in in terms of fitting and feel and I preferred the tone of the '75. [/quote] Interesting! I can't say I'm a fan of heavily varnished necks either, sounds like the '75 might be the one
  16. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1420125696' post='2645836'] Ok lets confuse it even more.... Fender American Vintage 75ri - generally...natural with maple or rosewood, blocks binding, 3 bold neck 70's position. Brilliant Fender American Vintage 74ri - the newer version released last year. I tried both in shops and preferred the '75. Fender FSR USA 70's jazz bass.... special limited run in 2002 of a few thousand basses in custom colours and with some differences, for example I used to have a lake placid blue one, and it had an alder body. Very very good instruments and a bit different to the normal american vintage range. [/quote] So where have all the 75 RI's gone, or am I being ignorant? they're not on the Fender website any more are they... Discontinued right? What made you prefer the 75?
  17. So I've been gassing after a new jazz in natural, with a ash body and blocks and binding and I have found these two: Fender American Vintage 74 and the Fender FSR American Vintage 75 From what I can tell the main differences lie in the necks, the 74 has a U shaped neck + 4 bolt whereas the 75 is armed with a modern C shape + 3 bolt. By the looks of the the 75 has a aged tinted finish? Has anyone played either of these and can shed some more light on them? Particularly the FSR 75!
  18. [quote name='zombiespacebat' timestamp='1419628359' post='2641488'] Don't suppose this is still up for grabs? [/quote] All gone I'm afraid! Reminded me to mark it as gone. Sorry to disappoint!
  19. This would go down a treat with my precision
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415728980' post='2603170'] Well I am, actually - but I don't think this is the appropriate website for that sort of thing... nice bass, though! [/quote] [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1415729613' post='2603184'] Well that wasn't very discreet! Don't worry, I've got my coat and am in the car [/quote] Steady lads! [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1415730486' post='2603190'] Bloody luvverly. Is this supposed to be a re-fin over sunburst or something? [/quote] Olympic white over candy apple red!
  21. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1415727300' post='2603133'] That looks fantastic! How does it play and sound? Are we to expect a little soundclip/video clip next? [/quote] Not had a whole lotta time to play it but so far it sounds great, really really growls. Just need to spend a morning (with some coffee) to get the neck off, change the strings and tweak the action. It's pretty high for me at the mo but I'm in to having a super low action with a slight hint buzz Could do a wee video if others are interested! Don't have a decant interface unfortunately. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1415727566' post='2603138'] ^^ That looks great - just the right amount of relic for me too. [/quote] [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1415727924' post='2603146'] Yum. [/quote] Really impressed with the way it came out. Popped a snap up on facebook and had someone asking if it was a CS! Might start looking in to getting a different pick guard though.
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