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Posts posted by Bigwan

  1. Joyo Orange Juice has been a fav of mine. And the American Sound, although I've modified mine into more of an SVT/Tech21 VT-bass type which also sounds good.


    Chord OC-50 is a decent octaver with a synth/drive option which is nice.

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, BigRedX said:

    @bassmansam @Dood


    All the Shuker basses I have tried, felt dead and lifeless in my hands. It wasn't a question of of neck profiles or any single thing I could pin-point, just the overall feel of the instruments (to me) was completely uninspiring. Shuker instruments aren't the only ones that have elicited this reaction, but in all the other cases when I have felt this about an instrument it has been a single isolated case. It is only with Skuker basses that every single one I have tried felt "wrong".


    I've felt the same about a number of basses I've played including most Sei and Fodera basses I've tried. Different strokes for different folks!

  3. I've had custom basses from both. While Jon will build you pretty much anything you desire, Alan has a more fixed menu of options - which is in no way a criticism. 

    Personally I found dealing with Alan a much more pleasurable experience. He got my build 100% correct... And on time... Neither of which I can say about my Shuker. Still an outstanding bass but Alan's work is another level. IMHO, YMMV, etc. 

    • Like 3
  4. 4 hours ago, Kev said:

    Best value Dingwall on the market as well, solid bridge upgrade with these ones.  £1,500 odd really isn't bad at all.  I love the look of them, didn't enjoy playing them too much though.  Upper fret access is much better than the D Bird but still not great, and there's only 20.

    Don't see that as an issue myself. Don't spend ANY time up around the dusty end... 

  5. Yup, I’d go octave down into b:assmaster into filter and away you go! Great fun messing with these sorts of combinations. You’d probably be better off with a gated fuzz (mastotron or similar), but that shouldn’t stop you getting going.

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Eldon Tyrell said:

    maybe it is subjectively better for you (more power to you) or maybe it is even objectively better (assuming you could somehow objectively define and measure what you mean by "better") but it will never be subjectively better for me. Won't be able to convince the voice in my head. 

    That's why I qualified my initial statement with IMHO, and YMMV... But having been on the "MUST HAVE WAL" merry-go-round and satiated that thirst to the tune of £550 (what I paid for my Wal), I wouldn't pay the going rate nowdays... But I'd happily pay the going rate for an ACG... 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Bunion said:

    I’m looking for a Wal for the Wal tone and sound. I had thought about and have tried a few MM Bongo’s, I’ve heard sei’s that get close but when you have a sound in your head it’s in there for good. 
    The grass is always greener as they say.

    Besides after all these years lusting for one I’d better see what the fuss is about 😄


    That's fair enough, I'll say no more about ACG other than Alan's filter preamp and multi-coil pickups were designed based on the WAL setup, and an  Über spec ACG would be about half the price of a new WAL with MANY more options available... And a third of the build time (possibly less!)... OK I'll stop now...

    • Like 2
  8. 15 hours ago, Bunion said:

    1) Wal - not bought for that bit of extra cash you have lying around.


    If you're looking a WAL to say you've owned a WAL that's grand, but do yourself a favour and try an ACG as a possible alternative. I've owned a WAL (1983 Custom 4) and have found the 2 custom level ACGs I've owned to be head and shoulders above it in every respect. IMHO, YMMV, etc.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 hours ago, javi_bassist said:

    I played a gig on Saturday. Small venue, no amps, everything had to go to FOH. Guitarists and I (bass of course) have HX Stomps. While doing the soundcheck, the sound guy asked me if that was my sound, that it was really compressed. I've been using the same preset for many gigs and I never noticed anything. I don't know if the soundguy is not used to receive some "worked" signal or that my signal is not that good (even though it sounds good to me). My preset goes like this:


    Rochester comp (heavily compressed, ratio 10/1, but 35% of wet signal to have some parallel compression)->Simple pitch->Split at 120Hz (soft Teemah in the bass part, nothing above the 120Hz)->Signal merges again->Ampeg SVT4->IR->LA Comp (peak 2.5, mix 85%).


    The LA Comp was just not to have great peaks sent to FOH. I've been toying with the LA to set the peak at 1.5-1.6 to be more subtle. How do you use your compressors?

    You should have tried flicking the Lee Sklar patented DFA switch and ask if that was better?

    • Haha 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Maude said:

    I've just been perusing a certain bass online, looking for decent images of the actual finish. Most online retailers have low quality generic pictures of the bass where, once zoomed, you just can't see any detail. 

    Not Peach Guitars, oh no. Their photos are consistently the best available on line. I discovered this when looking at the Jack Casady basses, and I've just been trying to see what the colours of the Embassy look like. All pretty meh until you look on Peach Guitar's website, the green is lovely and the almond, oh my! 


    Anyway, well done Peach Guitars for taking photos of the actual instruments rather than copy and pasting a poor, generic image. 


    PMT photo


    Peach photo



    Gee thanks... Now I want that Epiphone...


    Great pics indeed! I bought me HX Stomp from Peach and they were great to deal with.

    • Haha 1
  11. 19 hours ago, BassYerbouti said:

    I will strip it down a bit more and look at the input jack closely and then have a chat with my local amp repair outfit but already I am getting the feeling it's time to start looking at something new.


    If your DI is getting a good signal then you've already ruled out the input jack being the issue. If I recall correctly there is one triode section (each valve has 2 triodes) after the effects loop on the Terror Bass (have the schematics here somewhere). Have you tried playing straight into the effects return and therefore bypassing the preamp? If so, try now swapping the 2 valves just to make sure the post effects loop triode hasn't gone bad.


    EDIT: Found schematics. Yes, DI and Effects loop are between the 3rd and 4th Triodes in the circuit, as is the volume control (volume is post DI and effects loop). It's still quite possible that this isn't a power amp problem. Try playing straight into the effects return, then swapping the valves around and repeating.


    EDIT2: Sorry - just noticed you've tried changing valves... Change of it being a valve greatly reduced then. Could still be a component failure somewhere around that 4th triode, but looking increasingly like the power amp. Contact orange. They MAY still have spares for it... Otherwise it's a valve preamp...

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