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Posts posted by Bigwan

  1. 22 minutes ago, fretmeister said:



    Apart from the metronome, the surround sound, the adaptive sound where it changes with movement like being on a stage.


    It's not really the same product.


    Still, it's new tech and thus a bit pricey. Give it a year and Behringer will rip it off.


    Based on core functionality (headphone practice with bluetooth control/playback, effects, amp modelling, metronome, etc) they are the same product. If somebody wants all the unrealistic BS to go along with that, let them waste their money....

  2. "Nice idea. I wonder how much..." 🤢 *BAULK* A BIT pricey?! £329 quid for the guitar version currently...


    Get one of these... https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B084JB519R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


    or from one of our own... 



    ...and wired headphones (of YOUR choice)... Admittedly it's missing a few effects I would call vital for bass in such a unit (compression...) but otherwise it'd do the same job...

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Newfoundfreedom said:

    Not even close. There's absolutely no comparison between the the FRFR I listed, and a 75w practice combo.


    You obviously didn't read any of the reviews. 


    If you think that the low price is still a marker of low quality in today's market, then you've never used any Harley Benton gear. 



    I think you may be reading what you want to read there boss... I didn't see any reviews of that cab for bass when I looked at it a few months back. The one that does now said the speaker didn't work for them.


    1 minute ago, Newfoundfreedom said:

    Frequency response 48 - 1900hz


    That's lower than many purpose built bass cabs, and lower than the ones I'm currently using. So I can't see that it would be a problem. 


    Yes... Well I'd take that with a HUGE pinch of salt at that price if I were you...


    But don't take our word for it! Get a couple bought and come back and tell everybody how they fair at WAR volume!

    • Like 1
  4. Had it continuously for last 6 years. Had it intermittently for a few years before that - the transition occurred due to a rather nasty head cold. Blew my nose too hard, heard a loud crack, shooting pain under my left eye. Lo and behold the ringing has been there ever since. Chronic rhinitis and sinusitis was the NHS (and private) diagnosis, but both consultants were less than useless when asked about the tinnitus - "oh, don't listen to that"... easier said than done!


    I've found low background noise helps greatly if it's getting on your nerves, ASMR type stuff, or just listen to music. Worst thing you can do is have a constant drone of any kind - that highlights it. The road noise in my mk5 GTI Golf sends it BANANAS!


    My mum has hearing aids specifically because of here tinnitus and she has said it pretty much disappeared - as long as she's wearing the aids. I'm 44 and don't really fancy hearing aids, but it's heading that way...


    @Woodwind interesting you say that diet helps. I'll have to look into that more. My diet has been pretty terrible during lockdown which might explain why the tinnitus has been so bad! Anti inflammatory veg doesn't sound like a bad idea since her-indoors has been having more trouble with her arthritis this year too...



    • Like 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, Mastodon2 said:


    There is one that is on there, or at least was last night, that is incorrectly listed. It's a black Euro 4 that had the hardware swapped out for gold items, it has been incorrectly listed as an Ian Hill model.


    It was on sale in the classifieds here for a while. I must admit, my finger did flicker over the PM button the sale thread, but decided against it.


    After I move house later this year I'm going to sell a few basses and fill the empty slots in the roster with limited edition Warwicks and perhaps a Warwick Streamer of some description.

    There have been other Ian Hill models in the past - I mean different from the current P only version. The one you mention is listed with a slimmer nut width in the listing than a Euro 4LX, although Bassdirect listings are all best taken with a pinch of salt. Never seen more mistakes than the short ads they put on Facebook!

  6. There's a chap on the Spector nation Facebook page getting rid of a load of Spector's for the widow of a bass playing neighbour - i think they are the same basses. Some seriously nice basses there...

  7. I picked up the 300 watt head version of this combo recently. It's a bit unwell with broken valve and compressor sections, but it was bought as a project. Looking forward to getting it up and running! 

    • Like 2
  8. Serious question - have you tried a different amp? I borrowed a Streamliner not long after they were released. I couldn't get the bottom end of the Streamliner to work for me at all, but when I switched back to my Orange Terror it worked perfectly. I think you may be fighting a battle you can't win there.


    Also, you say you like a modern sound... but you're playing flats?

  9. First port of call will be the bypass JFETs in the footswitch/panel switching section, but we'll see! The compressor chip isn't completely unobtainable thankfully and the amp operates fine with the tube and compressor stages bypassed so still lots of Trace goodness for little outlay.

    • Like 1
  10. On 15/07/2021 at 09:02, Bigwan said:

    I've been trying to buy a spares/repair 300 watt version of one of these on FB marketplace for the past fortnight but the guy doesn't seem overly interested in selling it - he won't even get a shipping quote... 

    Update: Shipping sorted, money paid, amp shipping this week!!!

    Needs some work as the valve and compressor stages aren't working, but looking at the schematic I've a fair idea where to start looking.

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