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Posts posted by Bigwan

  1. I've had a few similar setups over the last few years. Ashdown LB30 with an LB 2x12, Ashdown CTM30, CTM15 and Ampeg PF50T (which I still have) with my Barefaced Two10. I'll be brutally honest and say my Roland Cube 30 does a better job for playing for pleasure at home. To really get into the fun stuff all the valve amps need a little welly which gets loud VERY quickly and, while glorious when you get there, would get you ejected from the house just as quickly... So a Roland Bass Cube 30 or a Line6 Studio 110. Both cracking amps. Not tube/valve amps but more practical in my experience! 

  2. I've had 2 in my time. A 5 string HH in Graphite Pearl (I think) and a 4HH in the same finish which I traded the 5HH for. 

    I liked the 5 tonally, and it was nice and light, but ergonomically the neck just didn't work for me at all... So I traded it with another Basschatter for his 4HH. Kept it for about a year and there was nothing much to complain about with it... I just fell out of love with it.

    Having ticked the box now I don't think I'd own another, but there's no real reason for that other than I've ploughed that furrow already! That'll maybe change at some point, although given their current price, my love for all things ACG and all the other basses out there I've never tried, I doubt it!

    Perfectly good basses. The look never bothered me personally. Sure it's a little different but so what? 

    • Like 3
  3. 58 minutes ago, EMG456 said:

    No, not necessarily. Original Steinbergers were moulded in the traditional glass/ carbon fibre way. 
    A mould was first treated with a release agent and the gel coat was sprayed into it. Then carbon and glass fibres were layer in the mould in a very specific way and the phenolic fingerboard placed on top. The mould was then vacuum injected with the resin/ hardener mix. When that had all cured the neck or neck/ body was prised out of the mould. No wood or foam core.

    I could be wrong but I suspect that the original GMT Status basses ie the ones where you couldn’t see the carbon weave on the neck were the same. I think the German Basslab instruments had fully hollow necks. 

    So, many different construction methods.

    Every day's a school day!

    • Like 1
  4. Nik at Ceriatone floated the idea of the Aunt Peg YEARS ago on the Ceriatone FB page... I kept on at hime about it every few months but in the end I got fed up waiting and bought a PF-50T instead. Cheaper, more features and WAY more flexible... OK it's probably closer to a baby SVT but close enough for me!

    • Like 1
  5. On 21/11/2020 at 12:57, Chris2112 said:

    And on that note, they aren't true carbon fibre necks either, they're actually mahogany with layers of carbon fibre 'skin' vacuum formed on with phenolic drawn through under pressure to bond the layers together. I think they look amazing and I'd love to try one out as I'm a real enthusiast for all things graphite, though I do wonder if they would be different with a fully carbon fibre neck fitted. I'd be interested in hearing from the guys at SIMS if they had considered going fully CF or not. 

    Aren't all carbon fiber basses/necks a skin over a core? Isn't the core usually a foam just to provide the base shape?

  6. On 27/09/2020 at 13:27, E sharp said:

    Got myself a smaller rig for the new Northern Soul outfit .

    So 3 different rigs now , but can mix and match .

    No idea how I've ended up with so much gear - I'm supposed to be scaling down


    Yummy! What are your other 2 rigs?! 

  7. Toontrack EZ Drummer 2, EZ Keys and EZ Mix (with expansion packs)

    NeuralDSP Nameless and Parallax

    Line6 Helix Native

    Solemn Tones Odin and Loki (for when I'm sitting in front of the box... although I find myself programming bass and guitar more and more...)

    Spitfire LABS and BBC Symphony (all free!)

    Beatskillz DarkKZ and RetroKZ

    Enjoying all of these lately...

    • Like 1
  8. I just use an Akai MPK Mini (1st generation). Simple pads, knobs and a 2 octave keyboard in one. Works a blinder for me so far and could probably be bought used for 30 - 40 quid.

    If you want to hit things with sticks that's a different story... This might still be available (no affiliation): 


  9. I have a 2014 11" i7 Macbook Air (8gb RAM, SSD) and a 2012 imac 21.5" (recently upgraded with 16gb RAM and internal SSD - screen off job, hairy!). Both are great machines and have handled everything I've thrown at them so far - garageband wouldn't sweat either of them. I'm not running the latest OS version as it was plagued with problems on release... The laptop cost me 400, the iMac was 300 but seems to be coming down in price now. 

    My previous mac mini was a 2011 i5 2.3 with RAM and SSD maxed out and it was a flying machine! 

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