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Everything posted by Bigwan

  1. Strange actions for Scotsman!!!
  2. Yeah! First dibs here!!! In all seriousness if you can find a Dudepit Ltd Edition Joe Osborne, buy it on the spot. This one (which I gigged exclusively for a couple of years) is a little heavy, but sounds SPECTACULAR!
  3. Jazz bass necks for an extended period does it to me...
  4. Briefly conversing with James Lomenzo via Instagram made my Easter, never mind the chocolate!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bigwan


      Might have... :ph34r:

    3. Teebs


      I'd forgotten that the Hyperdrive is good! :)

      I must dust mine off & reintroduce to the pedalboard! :)

    4. Bigwan


      Good? Good? It’s the best drive pedal ever invented (ymmv) but it’s size is against it...

  5. Bigwan

    DIY Effects

    I see pedalparts.co.uk are releasing an Engineer’s Thumb compressor kit soon. I’m sworn off compressors myself, but might be of interest to somebody else here!
  6. Bigwan

    What to do...

    It is a bit of a GAS killer and has already saved me from spending more money... like on the Alpha Omega Ultra and the X7!
  7. Bigwan

    What to do...

    About a year ago I bought a Helix floor, primarily as the centrepiece of my imagined future home recording setup for bass and guitar, but also as the front end for an frfr setup I’d thought about before realising I can’t play guitar for toffee! At the same time I sprung for the helix plugin. As I’m not playing live at the minute (may change sometime soon with the project I’ve just become involved with, but it’s early days) I’ve mostly been using a sonuus i2m as an audio interface into my MacBook and using the Helix plugin, the actual hardware helix hasn’t been turned on much, mostly as the recording setup has yet to find a permanent location in the house (I blame the kids and their ever growing Lego collection!) I know how flexible the hardware can be from playing around with the plugin, but do I really need something this flexible for live use when I’m pretty much a set and forget kind of guy when it comes to bass? Is it an extreme indulgence?
  8. Ashdown use the same B&O ICE amp modules as Aguilar (and Darkglass... and GK... and Genz Benz... and Fender... and Traynor... and... and...), but they're more likely to look after you!
  9. "Oh that thing. Bought it ages ago. Don't you remember me mentioning it? It's not really doing it for me. Might sell it..."
  10. Bigwan

    DIY Effects

    And more cab sim stuff! https://www.pedalpcb.com/docs/UniCab.pdf
  11. What’s the string spacing like at the bridge on this?
  12. Bigwan

    DIY Effects

    This looks quite interesting for anyone interested in cab sims: https://shift-line.com/card.php?device=10086
  13. @irvined colour me interested! What are you using them all for, if you don't mind me asking?
  14. ...and an omnicabsim mini or broughton lpf to deal with your fuzz problem. Could add higher feet to the nano and it MIGHT fit on the underside...
  15. It would seem a lot of people don't know how to manage their inbox...
  16. I’m a lifelong member of SBL... but this tactic boils my fosters...
  17. The whole "uniqueness" tack is a bit rich. VFE started making the triumvirate quite a few years ago... and only recently stopped... and now ashdown have come out with something very similar, but 3 times the size... Yay for progress!
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