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Everything posted by Davewick

  1. Bump, anybody have a 5 strings Nt Thumb?
  2. Bump, opend to trade with 4/5 string fretless!
  3. My old basses: And my two english basses
  4. An incredible ring for a very low price... It's a shame that i'm not living in England
  5. BUMP! A little sample : [url="http://www.gospel.bo.it/albums/userpics/11019/MONO-0003.mp3"]http://www.gospel.bo.it/albums/userpics/11019/MONO-0003.mp3[/url]
  6. didn't arrive my pm? However i'm the guy of the Sadowsky Tokyo (the only one in mercatinomusicale), and you conctact me few times ago! Davide
  7. I think that we have written few time ago, still interesting in sadowsky?
  8. Thanks Claude! It's just another rainy sunday afternoon bump here in Italy
  9. Simply because i don't like all maple neck on a Warwick, and the value of the bass will go veeeeeery down
  10. Ribump, intersting in trade with Thumb NT fretless (old or new), Streamer pre90 fretless or with Status headless like empathy, s2, ecc...
  11. Hi!!! I would leave here some of my band's songs. It's difficult to say what kind of genre we play, it's a misture of stoner, funk, post rock, grunge, but mixed with a sense This are two song of our ep, play live in a studio, so you can hear some little error. We have win a contest, so very soon we start to record a real album with 7-8 tracks, and your critique could be very important for record a good album [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKRDVL61n-4&feature=related"]Azione,Reazione (action,reaction)[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHJbf8UqPvo&feature=related"]Non me (not me)[/url] All the songs are registered with a 1989 Thumb 4 string, except for Non Me tha was registered with a Warwick SS1 of 1988. And [url="http://www.myspace.com/matermorbiband"]HERE[/url] there are the other two song, Falsi Silenzi (False Silences) and Tetro (Gloomy) Thanks advance for the listening! Davide
  12. Joe_bass, my mistake, i didn't remeber the new Thumb signature... So, let we see the pics
  13. Depends, but 5k£ for a signature is a crazy price! The 2000's jack bruce signature was sold NEW at 2000E, the very rare jb signature is the old 90 fretless, but if you don't buy a Warwick CS new, more than 2500E for a Warwick it's a rapine... ps.(in the 1988, the Thumbs where sell for about 2000 euro, just for information)
  14. Warwickhunt, it's call "magic" xD ... I think that a correct price for this bass are about 1500-1600 euro, consider that a pre 90 thumb it's easy to find at 1200 euro
  15. My old 1984 Aria Sb1000 Glam from 80's Wonderful bass, but it weight too much...
  16. HI, i'm looking for sell my little beast, a 97 David Eden Wt600 Road Runner, modded by one of the best amplifier making in the world, with the mod (thath conpsist in the replace of the power supply with one that could be get out all the watts of the head, and other stuff) this beauty generates: 890w @ 8 ohms in bridge 400/420 @ 4 ohms for canal 240/260 @8 ohms per canal For example, this had generate more power than a normale wt1250, beacause all the eden power supply are undersizer. The head works perfectly, it had a problem with a canal, but i did repair and overhaul, and now work perfectly. Unfortunately, the Eden head's are a little noisy, but replacing che operational with the opa2134, and with put a 12au7 in the pre, this noisy decrrease considerably. The head has a bending in the rear, maybe causes by a hit, but it was all repair by Ats, so apart this aesthetic defect, the head has no other problem. I would sell at 900 euro (about 800£), but i'm open to offer and i consider trade with hartke ha5500+cash for me. Greetings from Italy!
  17. BUmp, price up to 1230 euro, i've no hurry Very interesting in trade with Thumb NT fretless+cash for me or with Status
  18. Hi, are you interested in trade?
  19. It's still avaible?
  20. A user in an italian forum has a Gk neo 212, he play metal with 2 guitarist with heavy distorsion , and he hasn't problem with volume! So this Mbe would be a very good cab, with only 1db less than the neo 212, at a best price!
  21. Little bump, i'm reinteresting in Warwick Thumb fretless new version ( after 2000)+some cash for me! Davide
  22. I've read that the mbe has a "small" sound than the neo, because has a reflex at 50 hz and it's more little than the Neo. Finally the mbe has a piezo tweeter without frequency control. But has a very interestinge price... would be my next purchase
  23. Thanks Gwylim, it's strange beacause in the certificate there is write " Knobs: Plastic Knobs & Metal Knobs", did you remeber that in your certificate was write this?
  24. LAST DROP!!!! 1030 euro with hard case included!!! Ps. I cant resist by the dark side! ( [url="http://i53.tinypic.com/20z1u2h.jpg)"]http://i53.tinypic.com/20z1u2h.jpg)[/url]
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