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Everything posted by funkysimon

  1. I'm selling my Syb-3 on eBay here: Sorry for not posting it on here before shoving it on ebay, last weekend's free insertion fees distracted me.
  2. UPDATE: Now sold to kingbee, thank you. I'm selling my Hartke Bass Attack VXL, still with box and instruction manual. I'm selling it because I'm just not using it anymore (I don't get many gigs on bass and the reason I got the Attack was for maximum portability when trying to do four gigs in an evening at various university events, and that time has now well and truly passed.) I've used it all of ten times or so, I guess, so it's still in very good condition; I'll update this post with photos if anyone wants to see it. Price: £55 plus a fiver for postage (or the buyer is welcome to collect; I'm in Cambridge).
  3. Just a quick bump - anyone interested in this? Even if it is for g*itar
  4. [b]Price drop! Go on then, let's call it £400 for the amp, cab and footswitches.[/b] Hi, I'm selling my Trace Elliot H50 guitar amp and 2x12" cabinet. Trace are better known for their bass amplifiers, but their guitar amps were pretty damn good as well. To call it feature-rich would be an understatement; there's nothing on this amp that doesn't have a dial to allow you to tweak it. It's a 50W head running in pentode mode, which can be switched down to 25W triode mode, which also has the effect of adding more pleasing harmonic overtones. There are two channels: channel 1 goes from Fender style cleans up to Kinks style break up by increasing the channel volume. A bright switch is available for extra top end. Channel 2's gain goes from bluesy crunch up to big rock chords, and on this channel volume can be set independently from gain. It has a preamp switch to add in an extra gain stage (also controlled by foot switch) which takes gain levels into what I can only describe as mental. A shift switch is available to alter where the mid control of this channel's EQ acts; the two channels have independent three band EQs. There are two master volumes, which can be selected by foot switch. The onboard reverb isn't shy, you can quite happily go all dub reggae if that's your thing. A presence control gives you... well, more presence. On the back panel, output is selectable to either a 4 Ohm, 16 Ohm or two 8 Ohm cabs. FX loop is switchable serial or parallel, with controllable send/return levels (in serial) or send/mix (in parallel). Output damping allows you to tighten up the bass response of the cab (takes out a lot of the woofiness of big 4x12s for a more modern sound). Basically, this amp is nothing short of awesome. I even had it serviced a few years back by Panic Music, and revalved with 6L6s in the power stage. I'll include the two foot switches you can see in the photos below. The cab I bought from a chap who used to have a guitar shop on Mill Road in Cambridge a few years back (a few doors down from where Digital Village is, for those that know the area). He told me that it was one of a pair he'd got in, and that they had been used by Duran Duran. He also told me that [url="http://www.myspace.com/theelectricsauce"]Booga[/url] had bought the other one. It is highly likely that neither of these statements are true, but I still tell people the Duran Duran line. It's a closed back/ported front design (though you can take a panel off to make it one speaker open, one closed) 2x12" cab loaded with an EVM 12L (the speakers normally in Mesa Boogie amps) and a Celestion G12 Century that I fitted after the original speaker cone cracked. The overall resistance is 4 Ohms. There are two handles, one on either side. Here are the usual HC reviews for the amp: [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Guitar+Amp/product/Trace+Elliot/Speed+Twin+H50+Head/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...n+H50+Head/10/1[/url] And the user manual: [url="http://www.britishaudioservice.com/inst/SPTW.PDF"]http://www.britishaudioservice.com/inst/SPTW.PDF[/url] And some photos: Price: I'm looking for [s]£450[/s] [b]now £400[/b] for amp and cab together. I don't particularly want to split the two up, but will do if there's a severe lack of interest. I'm based in Cambridge, and I recommend that the buyer collects, or maybe I could come out to meet the purchaser for a bit of petrol money (though you should probably come and try the amp out anyway).
  5. I've got an HSS Silhouette ('97 vintage) and they are simply brilliant guitars. Good luck with the sale! I'm only replying because I'm always staggered by the resale value of Silhouettes, these guitars cost ~1000 GBP and up new.
  6. Little bit of St Patrick's day BUMP action...
  7. bump for the extra photos!
  8. The main man is hot to purchase, I'm just trying to sort out postage and packing prices. Will let all y'all know one way or the other soon! Cheers, Simon
  9. [quote name='jazzbassmm' post='143861' date='Feb 20 2008, 05:31 PM']PM Sent! Thanks[/quote] PM received, thanks!
  10. [quote name='BB2000' post='143495' date='Feb 20 2008, 12:47 AM']If you're interested in selling the tort guard seperate from the bass let me know! In fact I'm close to buying the bass - why was the string tree moved - is there a dead spot problem?[/quote] I just checked back on the emails I exchanged with the previous owner (it was King Tut of this parish, in fact), and he said the custom pickguard cost him £50 due to the holes being in a non-standard place, so you were pretty much on the money with your guessed value! King Tut had this to say about the moved string tree: "I had to move the string retainer over a couple of mm on the headstock as it wasn't quite in line" I assumed he meant in line with the slots in the nut. Maybe it was an aesthetic thing rather than a dead spot problem? edit: and if you are interested in the bass do drop me a PM, though there are a couple of people in the queue ahead of you, so...
  11. [quote name='bassjamm' post='142948' date='Feb 19 2008, 11:08 AM']Hi mate...does the ashtray have a foam mute attached to it?[/quote] Nope, there's nothing but air in there. I guess you could wedge a bit of foam in if you wanted?
  12. [quote name='Thunder Fingers' post='142654' date='Feb 18 2008, 06:38 PM']Oh man! I have always wanted to try one of thoose! I suspect that you ain't intrested in a 6 string trade?[/quote] Heh, unless it's a guitar... I've not got a bass playing gig at the mo, so I'm limiting myself to one bass! But thanks for the offer
  13. [quote name='gareth' post='142483' date='Feb 18 2008, 02:39 PM']Pm and email sent[/quote] Replied, thanks
  14. P bass now sold, thanks for the interest!
  15. Hi, Yamaha RBX200F for sale, £80. Good condition, restrung last year but frankly I've barely played it since. It's strung with Rotosound TruBass strings for a more upright bass sound. It's got a single passive P-style pickup with one volume and one tone control. The neck has fret markers on, which makes it a nice "starter" fretless. PM me if interested, or drop me a line on [email protected]. Buyer collects from Cambridge or nearby. More pictures coming soon. [b]edit, 25th feb: and now for the new photos:[/b]
  16. Lessons are great for breaking you out of a playing rut, which it sounds like you are hitting. Force yourself to work out how to play some different tunes, anything from music you usually listen to or adverts you hear on telly (which is a great test, there's usually a 30s time limit on how long you get to hear the melody - can you work out how to play it that quickly?) Don't limit yourself to working out basslines, try working out the horn parts or the vocal melody. Modes and arpeggios are great things to learn, but rather than exclusively focussing on them I think you can get a long way if you increase the connection between what you hear/sing and what you play, so try singing any scales you learn while you play them, or sing a made-up melody then work out how to play it. Just some ideas, hope you find it useful!
  17. Damn there's some impressive playing in this vid! That said, I can't work out if I'm more impressed by Clark's drumming or Jackson on bass. Lovely tone he's got.
  18. [quote name='bassace' post='117951' date='Jan 10 2008, 04:28 PM']And at the end of the day, don't you think that rock is treally a subdivision of jazz, in that most tunes are based on a menu of well-tried chord sequences and what is a guitar solo if it isn't improvisation - which is what jazz is?[/quote] I was watching that Orange Mobile Act Unsigned thingy on Channel 4; Jo Wiley said to one of the bands something like, "Was that a guitar solo? I hate guitar solos!" I wished one of the guys in the band had thrown his instrument at her, so to speak. ... and back on topic, I too love the jazz. Kind of Blue, Headhunters, E.S.P, In A Silent Way, Deodato ... bring it on!
  19. [quote name='OldGit' post='92808' date='Nov 22 2007, 03:40 PM']I nominate Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses.[/quote] Caught this on Radio 1 coming back from work earlier today - DAMN that bassline is good! [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracy_Wormworth"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracy_Wormworth[/url] Bassist for Sting and Wayne Shorter as well; impressive.
  20. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='106400' date='Dec 19 2007, 11:14 AM']Just out of interest, was that at the Roadhouse in Covent Garden?[/quote] Nah, it was at a ball in one of the Colleges in Cambridge. Why do you ask?
  21. I've played on stage after Geno Washington and the Ram Jam band did a set. What was particularly nice was that Geno stuck around to listen to us, then came over to say hello after we'd finished. Nice chap.
  22. Thanks for that guys, I'll sort something out after the Christmas hols!
  23. Hiya, I bought a Maplins power bank thingy [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=power%20bank&source=15&SD=Y"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criter...rce=15&SD=Y[/url] To escape the tyranny of batteries. However the cables it comes with are ridiculously short and have angled jacks, and don't suit some of my effects. Does anyone know where I can buy some replacement power connectors? I've looked around on the maplins website and they seem to only sell 1m long ones, which is a bit like overkill. Before anyone suggests it, I'm sh*t with soldering irons, so that option is out.
  24. Hi, I'm currently the bassist in [url="http://www.casadelfunk.co.uk"]Casa del Funk[/url], but I'd like to shift to playing guitar for them. (I know that's the wrong thing to say on a bassist's forum, but I've decided that I don't have enough time to practice two different instruments so have to rationalise). We play funk, disco and a few latin covers, e.g. I want you back, Blame it on the Boogie, Turn on Tune In Drop Out, Smooth, Mas Que Nada, Oye Como Va, Sir Duke, Canned Heat, Ain't No Stopping Us Now, Play that funky music. Rehearsals are (currently) in Cambridge on most Wednesday nights, gigs are usually within an hour's drive from Cambridge and are a mixture of student gigs plus weddings, corporate stuff (all word of mouth, we haven't bothered going through an agency). Drop me a PM if you're interested. Simon
  25. We are based in Cambridge and did a gig in Evesham this year, after which I have a personal ruling that I won't drive more than 90 mins to the gig, and for preference less than one hour's drive. It's not that I don't enjoy playing, but schlepping around the country for wedding gigs isn't my idea of fun.
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