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William James Easton

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Everything posted by William James Easton

  1. London? Harrogate not Haringey. I'm poor and northern! And i really have no idea of price.
  2. I have tried but failed to sell this bass in on here in the past. Story goes it was purchased in about '98. Had a USA custom shop neck on it but after searching advice on it have been told by some Fender loving cats that it looks like a Mexican body. The U.S neck is no longer with us (rock n roll accident). Now has a big thick cheap neck on it. Crack on the back (looks surface/paint etc only but not sure). Electrics could do with a re-solder. But on the plus side i seem to remember it having a very beefy sound (hey it hasn't been played in 4 years), it looks sexy and i wrote some of my greatest hits on it! so if you fancy tarting up a precision bass then let me know. Pick up form the H'gate so throw me some offers and i may decide..oops edit - in your favour
  3. Don't laugh, dose anybody own this album (and willing to admit it)? I need to down load the songs that Mike Watt plays on as part of my virtual voodoo transformation into the man. So please have a rummage through you wives/girlfriends/daughters/boyfriends/dance teachers CD collection and read the sleeve notes for me. As far as I know he didn't play on all tracks on the album. I actually think she is quite good. :blush: Regards
  4. [quote name='dood' post='339202' date='Nov 28 2008, 08:28 AM']How are they getting away with sticking Fender on the headstock! Surely thats a bit naughty![/quote] i suppose fender would only have a beef if they where trying to copy fender. the fact that its some cheap ply wood piece of trash that dosent come close to looking like a fender means there not really copying. it wont affect fender, therefore they wont other. Im my year in 'fashion' that is how companies look at things, but it may be different in bass world.
  5. there's no justice like angry mob justice.
  6. [quote name='MythSte' post='339158' date='Nov 28 2008, 03:48 AM']No one else noticed this? Genious! haha. We get paid a few hundred every gig now. Keeps our studio going. Investment innit. Id be scared to have to make a living off it without label backing though.[/quote] i've just been enjoying your band on mespace. read it, thought "i'm not going to enjoy this" but i did.
  7. Klondyke straps . Robot muff diver greatness!
  8. [quote name='steve-soar' post='337928' date='Nov 27 2008, 12:28 AM']Refer to the OP. The Guy was talking about earning a crust 'Playing'..pure PLAYING! Why do you shout so much? The world makes me feel ARGH! nearly every day, so try a little tenderness.[/quote] LOL yes i seem to have opened a can of Negi-worms here! p.s. to most of you - i never mentioned i wanted to become pro, only wish to be enchanted by tales of pro bass. I enjoy my new pj's too much and as for not having any money, forget about it I spent mny years living in a van with 5 other sweaty man back in my 'punk' days. VIVA LA BASS PLAYING!
  9. so i've had a really bad day at work today so i was hoping to get home crank up my bass and trash out some rocking lines, however headache and a case of the can't be ar$£ds stopped me. Anyhoo got me thinking how cool it would be if i had to stuck to my youthful ideas and become a pro player. So how many bass chatters play bass for a living? i will accept musician in band, teacher, bass tech, session player maybe even bass/amp maker etc. And i mean as there full time job, not weekend warriors or function "top up me wages' players. come on some one amaze me with your cool bass job please.
  10. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='336352' date='Nov 25 2008, 03:55 PM']Hercules do a few that grab & support at the headstock.[/quote] brilliant stands.
  11. All the songs are the same, all the videos are the same, an old man i school uniform is just wrong, but that highly original rock n roll rtrian song is DOUBLE WICKED! I just wish it was the 70's.
  12. Frightened Rabbit - Midnight Organ Fight, absolute belter of an alt rock album.
  13. love it. want one. maybe next year.
  14. [quote name='ardi100' post='331226' date='Nov 18 2008, 07:46 AM']No amp = double bass![/quote] double bass = one man boat. then paddle the hell off out of there.
  15. [quote name='Beedster' post='327901' date='Nov 12 2008, 07:58 PM']Any idea why I can't chaps? All I can see are those white boxes with red X's?[/quote] are you at work/ a place of high security (prison )?. I can never see the pics at work in case they are a massive set of wing wangs or summin. but am ok when peole put them as attachents. So if everybody could put there pics as attachemnts form now on thank you edit - i'm not drunk.
  16. [quote name='Frusty' post='327911' date='Nov 12 2008, 08:13 PM']Sold for £122 - that's me lost a few quid on that one The buyer got an absolute bargain IMHO.[/quote] damn i would've gone to £130
  17. unless you have kids or a wife then do it. xmas sucks a fatty and if the money is alright t least it'll be another feather in your silly jon the bass cap. Rusty knows best.
  18. i've seen him twice. 1st time i must of had a bad curry or pint coz i was all light headed and seeing things and those asprin dodg Kev gave me didn't help, it was amazing. second time i thought he was boring live but i hadn't had a dodgy pint or curry. Thing that made me laugh was all these Techno heads in dayglow will warmers with spiked hair and looked and us 'Tramp chic' as if we didnt belong at there disco, yet mr pusher is well spazz nerd to the max.
  19. how much for the pencil?
  20. if i had 200 notes id take it off your hands right now. bums.
  21. [quote name='WalMan' post='322671' date='Nov 5 2008, 02:07 PM'][color="#4169E1"][size=6]G[/size][/color]ear [color="#4169E1"][size=6]A[/size][/color]cquisition [color="#4169E1"][size=6]S[/size][/color]yndrome characterised by one never being quite happy with what you have and an urge to find that elusive bass / amp / cab that defines your sound & makes you go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah[/quote] but that dosent make sense? suley GEAR AQUiSTION SYNDROME would indicate you can't stop Aquiring gear? kind of kleptomania style? what a sill expression, glad i was in the dark about that!
  22. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='322670' date='Nov 5 2008, 02:06 PM']What about MOJO then ??![/quote] Marmite or jam, officer?
  23. don't look at me. i dont even know what GAS is on this forum
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