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William James Easton

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Everything posted by William James Easton

  1. green is my least favourite colour
  2. ooooh thanks for highlighting these. look and sound tasty
  3. [quote name='RIM Basses' post='728225' date='Jan 28 2010, 10:55 PM']Hi Guys, Im also well keen on a GT200, I made a big mistake selling my Sunn 300T and I want to get the last amp I will ever own, Lol bigtime. I spoke to the guys at matamp yesterday and they told me its gonna be 4 weeks till the chassis come in stock. £ 100 deposit down to get your slot and then wait, out of interest whats the difference between the GT 200 and Bass 200 and is the green issue any different also. Ive owned 3 400+'s and way to many other amps, Im looking to start a new band with infulences from bands like ISIS, Cult of Luna, Russian Circles etc. Cheers, Robbie.[/quote] i am also stupidly ignorant (not saying robbie is stupid or ignorant!) towards the difference and this 'green' malarky. Monz, mizzle, tayste, umcoo please shed light. £1300 seems a sound invesment compared to an Orange AD200 off the production line. Jeez i love valve amps. Time to get my act into gear.
  4. whats the price on the GT200's? i may have to invest in th every near future.
  5. yup a+ player. and when you manage to learn his lines they are so much fun to play.
  6. [quote name='thodrik' post='706866' date='Jan 9 2010, 06:36 PM']I'm going to put a word in for guitar guitar in Glasgow. Always friendly and always let me try stuff out, even if I was only there to buy strings and accessories. I think this was on the basis that they knew that I would eventually find something and buy it. After trying out an Overwater. a Warwick Thumb, a Rickenbacker, 2 Sandbergs and on one occassion a Wal Mk I (was a close call!) over a two year period I eventually bought a Sadowsky Metro. They must be relieved! I'd also put in a word for CC Music, who now stock Markbass stuff, as well as Ampeg, Eden and Trace Elliot amps and have some cool second hand stuff. Bass selection is really good but a bit limited compared to the bass amps on offer (Fender and Sandberg, with the odd second hand of something else). I must say that my experience in Denmark Street this summer was pretty underwhelming in terms of choice and customer service. I'm sure some retailers hear a Scottish accent and assume that this means that it is pointless of showing them any expensive gear, as 'Scottish people don't like spending money'!. I did get to the Gallery but it was just to buy an EBS Valvedrive, which you can't seem to find in many places unless you order it. I didn't really have the time to really consider anything else! Seemed really good for choice though and customer service was good after they realised I wasn't there to waste their time.[/quote] +1ish i used thme for mail order (newcastle maybe) last year. excellent service, good people. and when things went wrong (no fault of theres) they did everything to make it right.
  7. right thats it. i'm going to approach the wife........
  8. ooh, ooh, and ooooohhhh! well done BB not gonna be able to make a purchase with out credit but still very intereting site.
  9. I'm really after a jack casady sig. I have not yet tried one but i need a hollow body and love the look and sound of them. problem is - a. im a tight arse b. live hand to mouth and c. have a nagging wife. therefore if i get one (or any purchase) i will have to take advantage of the Take It Away deal. thus i looking for a shop up this end of the country (mighty yorkshire) that stocks them and does take it away. anybody got any ideas? dolphin music dont have stock. PMT leeds not sure as the website is crap. gear4music dont do TIA. and as i am self certified mild Agoraphobic i dont get out much (can you tell)
  10. Brian Wilson was very underrated. Over rated....... most others.
  11. Just had a thought. Would it not be worth having a retailer/supplier point system/recommendation thread on here? like the courier thread. People could share thier thoughts (i know, crazy idea) about a certain shop or sites in order to help other users wishing to part with their hard earned cash. so - has this already been done? am i missing something? do i need to open my eyes? does it conflict with the intrest of Basschat and its lovely mods? would it just be open to abuse? just one of those important life questions i ponder. regards
  12. [quote name='Conan' post='689303' date='Dec 19 2009, 06:51 PM']As a newbie to this forum, can someone tell me what the format is for these BassBashes? Is it kind of a meet-up, chat and try each other's gear type of thing?[/quote] it's a bit like dogging.
  13. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='686728' date='Dec 16 2009, 07:52 PM']For me it has to be a live shot. There is nothing worse than a musician walking through a field with an electric instrument. Bass is what you do (we do!) and a well taken live shot says it all. It can be posed and yet look natural. I agree with Rayman too. I think being funny can be a bit dangerous as it relies on your audience to all have the same sense of humour as you... and that may not be the case.[/quote] +1. IMO all band/artist shots look a bit daft. just get decent live shots. like my playing less is more! don't worry about full detailed glorious shots off you and every peice of equipment you own in one frame.
  14. this year i shall mostly drink.....
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='673928' date='Dec 4 2009, 09:18 AM']We always cover Ska Sucks at the end of our set, we almost played with them a few years back.[/quote] thats would've been awsome! we played with light year!.....*tumbleweed*
  16. this is a good post. i take the view that ALL bassists mentioned on these sacred pages are over rated. after all bass is the 'filler' instrument! "nah we've got a drummer, guitar player, and xylophon(ist). but we 'need' a bassist...and you can't sing for toffee." come on lighten up, you know its true!
  17. oooh and the slackers havent been mentioned yet! the bassist is so laid back he dosent need a strap, no sir, just rest it on a chair!
  18. [quote name='HMX' post='673826' date='Dec 4 2009, 12:50 AM']I know of the bassists TS posted, and I'm getting a bit more into punk every day. My recent discovery is [size=4][b]Propagandhi[/b]. [/size]I've realised that Todd Kowalski is a pretty tight bassist with some nice fills and good punk tone. EDIT: Ah, I see I missed the ska bit out.. Ah well, good bassist nonetheless[/quote] welcome aboard my good man. Before people get carried away with the anti-corpotation messages from RATM on *cough, cough*Epic records (not taking anything away from there musical status), people should listen to this band. Great songs with a really good message thrown in. and they're canadian isf thats worth anything? i'm a little sad that these guys have fallen out of my music collection in recent years, must be time for a reviaval. Less Talk, More Rock!
  19. [quote name='Basska' post='673462' date='Dec 3 2009, 05:47 PM']Keep up the good work guys! Some amazing replies! I'm just walking out the door to play a show so i can't get into it properly but, off the top of my head some albums to check out! i'll start with Ska and get back later! Leftover crack (ska/punk/Rocksteady) F**k World Trade or Mediocre Generica or any Victim Any Less Than Jake album really apart from 'In with the out crowd' (we don't even class that as an album in our band) [b]Operation Ivy[/b] self titled (Matt Freeman and Tim Armstrong before Rancid) No doubt self titled or Tragic Kingdom and a song called 'Total Hate' off the Beacon Street Collection (No Boubt/ Sublime split) Any Reel Big Fish Album Any Catch 22 album (my favourite is Keasbey Nights) that's just a few manager is nagging me eeek! gotta go!!!![/quote] jesse michaels - common rider and now classics of love.
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='673073' date='Dec 3 2009, 12:43 PM']Ska 3, surely? [font="Courier New"]Ska 1 = 60's = Dekker, Prince Buster, etc Ska 2 = Ska Revival = Late 70's - Early 80's = Two-tone - Selecter, Specials, Madness, The Beat etc Ska 3 = Post 80's = Ska + Punk, other variations thereof.[/font] Me, I like Ska, but prefer my punk w/o brass, thank you, Vicar. Rude Bwah! - as we used to cry, while sk*nking madly.[/quote] as i believe in democracy i'll take your 'Ska 3'. yes 'punk' with brass is in general awful. apart form bosstones. Brass belongs in rock n roll, i'm talking RFTC!
  21. [quote name='RussFM' post='673062' date='Dec 3 2009, 12:31 PM']Loved playing in my two old punk bands (I say old, we're talking 2001-2007), but don't get to play any anymore Dan Andriano and Jason Black were big influences on me, and more recently Joe Principe from Rise Against.[/quote] Jason Black is amazing. However HWM went right down the toilet after 'A flight and A crash' (the basement at Leeds for that tour was one of my favourite gigs ever). And i've not listened to the Draft, so don't know if he's pulling the same tricks? side note HWM don't fit on this thread at all IMHO. much more than 'punk revival' trash.
  22. ken casey hardly plays a note live with the dropsh*te murphys whilst singing! not saying i could do it but if you listen live it can be pretty ropey, that said he has some good lines on the old LP's there.
  23. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='672998' date='Dec 3 2009, 11:35 AM'][b]I wish they'd call it something else.[/b][/quote] same here, i came up with a few alternatives we could lobby parliment with - SKA 2? PUNKISH? NON SPECIFIC ROCK MUSIC WITH A SIMILAR ETHOS? SKUNK? sp**k?
  24. [quote name='Basska' post='672755' date='Dec 3 2009, 02:09 AM']Every time I meet or read about bassist or guitarist they're usually either in a Indie/Metal/Rock/Jazz/Funk/Fusion* or any of your other bog standard varieties of music. Is there any bassist out there flying the friendly skies of Ska (in any form/from any wave/era) and Punk (also of any form/from any wave/era) Matt Freeman, Matt Wong, Pat Kays, Roger Mangenelli, Tony Kanal ring any bells with any body? IMO these are some of the best bassist that are left behind in the world of bass and I feel that they deserve a little more recognition. We all know who Flea/Victor Wooten/Jaco Pastorious/Carol Kaye/Roco are (and if you don't, I suggest you find out haha) But do you guys know the people I'm talking about? You may not like Ska/Punk and you may never will! But you should check these dudes out. I feel it may open some minds to some technique and writing styles that you won't see in the more mainstream genres. Join me in revolution if you feel what I'm saying haha! Or just leave a comment for the banter haha Chris *for the record, I have no problem with any of these genres of music and "bog standard" is for lack of better words. If it's done well then, to me it speaks for itself. This has just been an observation.[/quote] On the subject of matt freeman..... On rancids tour for that red album (terrible one when they went all rap) my friends attended a the gig at manchester (academy maybe). Anyhoo some one had sucked 'some' to check back stage passes. There they all met lars, tim and matt. But not the drummer (bret/brad?) and that 'dude' that did all the shouting when they went bad. I was told matt was a gent and spent time asking people about their lifes etc. During this point my mate said to him. "pretty mental player arent you" he humbley replied with a smile "f*** that, i just make it up" - in my eyes the man his a legend just for saying that! Tim was also very nice but didn't stick around as he was not well (that old story) On a side note. Lars is so 'punk rock' he had to have a minder to go with him to a party at my friends house. A MINDER!?!?! is he twelve? Symposium got it right about Lars....
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