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Total Watts

  1. I've used Subkick to record bass for my band a couple years ago. And vocals. Definetly cool.....
  2. I have two Matamp 4x10's which sound and look incredible. Had them custom made a couple years ago. I used a Matamp Green, one of the first of the new ones, on my bands last tour as my VBA 400 packed in. It sounded LUSH, but again, I felt it didnt have the power I wanted. wasnt as loud as the VBA. (which is understanable as the green was 200 the VBA 400) but the TONE was amazing. If they ever make a 400w amp Im straight there, till then Im sticking with my VBA.
  3. Valve all the way!! I own both Marshall Superbass and a Marshall VBA. The VBA is HANDS DOWN the BEST amp I've ever had. SO POWERFUL!!!! Although I can understand why it wont be for everyone. It's suits me to a tee, as I play Ridicolousy loud and my tone is very Dirty so the VBA does it for me. The Superbass.....mah. I dont think it's so good for bass, (awsome for guitar though!) I think there's better 100w valve heads for bass out there, if your not fussed about masses of power. Kudos on the Orange. Or even Matamp. Although Matamp can be pretty pricey the tone is incredible. I played a few dates on my last tour using The new Green 200w Bass head from matamp. Sounded amazing. Not quite the power I need for my band but the tone was rich... Well thats my 5 cents in there.
  4. I'm definetly finding this thread intresting. So on the subject of what kills valves, How do you know when your valves need replacing. What are the tell tale signs of a dying valve. What should I be looking and listening out for to know its time to replace them (other than the obvious ones of a valve actually physicaly braking or blowing!)
  5. Ahhhhh I dont get the unreliabilty of valve amps. My first amp was valve. A 1970's Marshall Super Bass. Still goiong strong now. Every other amp I have had before has been Either Solid State or Hybrid and they all bust. All of them proved super unreliable. So I've come full circle and gone back to my first love, Valves. I havent had one problem yet. (touch wood) Im the least tech minded person in the world, but seems to mee too much bells and whitsles on Solid states now. Too much to go wrong. I'll stick to simple made, tube valve amps from now i think.
  6. [quote name='jmesa' post='325822' date='Nov 10 2008, 11:52 AM']Blatantly worth it ![/quote] mmmmmmmmmmmm. YEAH! most defintley! Actually no not at all. Not worth your time, give me the guys adress and I'll check it out for you....
  7. [quote name='Telebass' post='323350' date='Nov 6 2008, 12:41 PM']Indeed, and careful handling while warm. 10 minute cool-down before moving, if possible.[/quote] I have to say I find this a right pain. When I'm on tour I very rarely get to let my VBA 400 "cool down" for 10 mins. Most times we have to be in a massive rush to get our gear off so the next band can play or if we're headlining, bloody venue staff , bouncers or (and this is the worst) club night promoters telling us repeadly to get out. I usually have to get into it's flight case and out back into the van as fast as possible. Also our practice/storage room is right freezing this time of year. Am I right in think all of this could lead to a premature death for my valves?
  8. FOR SALE>>>>> [b]Peavey 410TVX [/b]- 4X10 cab 4ohms 300w RMS. Very Loud. Inlcudes a horn. I have owned this for aprox a year but have only used a handful of times, as I upgraded my rig shortly after. It's only had one other owner other than me a one speaker was replaced with a direct replacement from peavey. a TVX410 is around £250 Brand new, so looking for around [b]£150[/b]. [b]Peavey BW115 TX-[/b] 1X15 Cab 4ohms 400w RMS. Loaded with a black Widow speaker. Sub bass freakiness and covered in old school peavey sexy carpet style. I bought this about 2 years ago. never failed me once. Great when teamed up with the 410 bt also on its own. This is one of the older versions with the "infamous" black widow speaker. Again this has only had one other owner before me. Looking for around [b]£140[/b] These are two great reliable cabs which arent getting used, and I could really do with making the space. Open to offers just mail me. The Cabs are in Carlisle, Cumbria. Collection is prefferable but willing to transport if not too far away, or if im on tour with my band. Cheers for listening!
  9. Consider owt lower than £49?
  10. By the way, your band kicks arse. Just had a quick listen. Where you from?
  11. This looks incredible! Wish I'd spotted it. Would have made a lovley adition to my rig. Let us all know how it sounds. Very intresting! What did you seach to find this thing?
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='298134' date='Oct 2 2008, 11:10 PM']I would love this if I could lift it (and pay for it). I don't mean to suggest the price isn't fair, it certainly is - but a friend of mine snagged one of these for a measly £400 and he's not even a real bass player, plays that other thing, you know, guitar I think. So sad.[/quote] 400 quid?! I did see a similar thing years ago. 300T head and Sunn Cab went on ebay for around £450. I didnt have money then. I never seen one on UK ebay since. SOMEBODY BUY THIS BLOODY AMP!! or give me the money to! Bumpity bumpbumpbump.
  13. [quote name='Finbar' post='295690' date='Sep 30 2008, 05:51 PM']10 months? Crikey o_O Thought it was far less. Won't stop me ordering one. Infact, it just gives me another 6 months to save, so I can order it sooner. If you look at it that way [/quote] I may be wrong, Im sure I heard that somewhere. Best thing to do if your serious about gettying a matamp is call Jeff at the factory and have a chat with him. He's spot and he'll tell you the crack. Although Beware, he may leave you wanting one sooooo bad so best to be sure you want one. [quote name='bassmandan' post='295851' date='Sep 30 2008, 08:29 PM']ha ha, that's what I was gonna say! .... not read the whole thread yet, but back in the not-so-ridiculously-priced-world; has anyone suggested Fafner (by EBS)?[/quote] Fafner? I've never had a chance to try one out though I hear they are great. Any experience?
  14. I heard the waiting time is at least 10 months. And I also heard the prices are going up soon too. darn it all to hell!!
  15. Oh for f***s sake. If only you'd put this advert up 4 months ago. Was on the look out for one and settled for a VBA. godddddddd!!! Wanted one of these for years. how has this NOT been sold yet!? Somebody end my misery and fill Nash's pockets with your silver.
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