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Everything posted by bassjamm

  1. Thank you sir! Looks like I may have scored myself a Line 6 M13 as it happens...wahey!!! I've been messing about with the signal chain a bit...need more jack leads! Ha! Thanks for the help!
  2. All pm's replied to chaps and chapettes!
  3. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1339308' date='Aug 14 2011, 08:22 AM']Sounds good dude... Got the basics/root of the D&B sound there. Loads of fun to be had Next - Modulation.... Chorus & Trem [/quote] Thanks pal...any suggestions on the signal chain I have there? Exciting!
  4. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1339197' date='Aug 13 2011, 11:12 PM']yummy looks nice.[/quote] Thank you kind sir...tis' rather yummy
  5. Ok...so since I posted that last comment I've had a play around... See the attached file chaps...let me know what you think! [attachment=86930:DubStep_1.mp3] I've got an EBS OctaBass > MXR Bass Auto Q > Ibanez SB7 > Mesa Boogie Bottle Rocket ... I experimented with having the the Synth before the valve drive and the other way around...interesting stuff me thinks! I shouldn't have looked at this thread though, it's going to be the end of me! Let me know what you reckon lads and ladies... Jam
  6. Hey guys... Sorry for jumping in here...had a brief look through the thread. Interesting stuff! Any thoughts on using the Line 6 M9/13 for this kind of stuff. Can it make those dirty DnB/Dub Step sounds with the use of some expression pedals? Any advice on that would be awesome thanks chaps! Jam
  7. Oooph...climb these here sale pages yee beauty!
  8. That is some insanely cool stuff man! Very cool and inspirational pal!
  9. Hello everyone... I'm looking at outboard pre-amps and all the different options etc. I'm interested in the East one, Sadowsky, Fodera one and ones of these ilk. Does anyone have any experience with any of them? Also, I was thinking of getting the Mike Pope on board pre-amp and mounting it into a box. Would the essentially be the same as an outboard pre-amp with a few alterations chaps? Thanks in advance... Jamie
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1334655' date='Aug 10 2011, 10:36 AM']If there are no Overwaters with the specifications you want then an Overwater is not for you. The trick with getting a custom instrument how you want it is to pick a luthier who is already making something very close to it. There are plenty of custom builders out there so somewhere will be the right person to make your bass.[/quote] I understand what you're saying here, but in this case it doesn't really apply I don't think. I'm considering a 33" scale neck which I know Overwater have made with good results. I believe that Wood & Tronics are more familiar with this scale length. Ideally I'd be ordering a Fodera but that isn't an option for me. So far I've been really impressed with Enrico from W&T, he's really been helpful and he certainly seems to get where I'm coming from. It would appear that I'm after what he considers to be his ideal bass too. That is a massive plus as he'll be able to interpret what I'm saying into luthier talk. That having been said, Laurence at Overwater has also made himself very available to me and I should be talking with him tomorrow. I'm very tempted by the Overwater's simply based on their feel from previous experiences. But I think I'd want to dabble with different pickups and electronics, not the standard Overwater ones. I'm not sure if this is something they'll be too keen on necessarily, and if that's the case, I'm not sure how forth coming they'll be on suggestions as they don't use other manufacturers equipment as the norm. Wood & Tronics seem to help the buyer select what's best for them and their ideal sound. All in all, this is a massive decision as I obviously don't want to blow £2-3k on something I'm not happy with or not 110% sure about obviously! Thanks for all the input folks... Jamie
  11. Nice one kind sir...
  12. Hi all... Buy one get one free by the looks of it from the German giants... [url="http://www.musik-schmidt.de/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=bh500&ref=603"]http://www.musik-schmidt.de/advanced_searc...500&ref=603[/url] Jamie
  13. [quote name='chris_b' post='1334423' date='Aug 10 2011, 01:11 AM']There are enough Overwaters for sale here and at Bass Direct to last you a lifetime.[/quote] Not with the specifications I'm looking for. And ziggydolphinboy...I've been chatting one one of the previous owners of your bass. It certainly is a unique beast that for sure! Why would you choose Sei though if I may ask?
  14. Thanks again chaps... And yeah, I'm planning on going over there sometime soon as it happens. I'm well aware that it's best to do my homework first with regards to playing basses and what before putting the money down. I've spent way too much money in the past buying basses blind. But it's helped me to gain a decent knowledge of what I like and don't like. As it happens Shep, I've been speaking with Mark (mcgraham) about getting together...he mentioned you both get together every now and then. Ideally I'd be buying back the Ken Smith that I sold to him, but it's got lost in the world of buying and selling. That bass played and sounded cracking to my ears...not 'the one', but not far off in many respects! Thanks again chaps! Jamie
  15. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1334203' date='Aug 9 2011, 09:14 PM']Mine was ash with a Wenge top. The bite and punch was massive and the low B the best I'd heard... But that much Wenge comes with a 12.6lb price tag. Balance was fine, but the weight meant balance meant nothing...[/quote] Ah yeah, no balance issues there then...other than keeping your balance when you lean too far forward or backwards with that around your neck! Ha! I'd be going for a 5 string, E-C, probably with a 33" scale...so the depth of the B wouldn't be in question. Although the Overwater's I've played in the past had 'B' issues...but that is all dependant upon woods and scale lengths etc I guess. Thanks for your help pal!
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1334002' date='Aug 9 2011, 07:04 PM']Snowboy is a credible percussionist but what little I have heard of his records, its a bit repetitive - lots of two chord vamps, endless grooves on one chord etc. Ok but I don't find it that engaging. If anyone knows differnt, let me know.[/quote] Hehe...that's what I like about the genre it just grooves on and on
  17. Hi Shep, Thanks for the reply. I'm in touch with Mark, we've known each other for yonks. Not played his W&T's yet though. What wood combo was your Overwater and how did it balance? Thanks Jamie
  18. Hi folks... I'm considering a quest into the world of having a custom built bass. It's in it's early stages, but I'm heavily considering the two luthiers mentioned, Overwater and Wood & Tronics. Overwater - I've never played a bass that feels so comfortable to play. They beat the Marleaux's I've played, the F Bass, Ken Smith, MTD's, Celindar's etc. But the sound has never blown me away. However, the right wood combos and the selection of the right pickups and pre-amp and it'd offer a more 'me' sound I feel. Wood & Tronics - Never played one, going purely by reputation and a modest amount of knowledge on basses. I'm a fan of the Zoid design. I heavily respect their Fodera experience and feel that works in their favour. I've also heard extremely positive things about their feel. As for the sound, the youtube video of the Hamilton Zoid says it all to me. I appreciate that's just a video though. Both options are probably going to work out around £2250-2750. I need to save up A LOT before I make any decisions. What are your thoughts my fellow Basschatters? Does anyone have any thoughts on which would be the wisest purchase considering the financial climate and resale values? I'm obviously hoping that selling the bass would never be needed...but I need to consider it to a degree! Thanks in advance. Jamie
  19. This is all cracking stuff thanks chaps! I've heard of most of the suggestions thus far, or got some of the CD's. I guess it's that groove based stuff I'm after. I'm not strictly saying it has to fit into the 'Acid Jazz' genre...but that sort of vibe. The Soulive, Galactic, Liquid Sould stuff is awesome, and of course the Brand New Heavies, James Taylor Quartet etc. Big fan of the Erykah Badu stuff, and D'angelo although I guess it's more soulful, Neo-Soul I believe if we're being technical! And... The Apples... they're awesome, they're touring this week people...if you've not seen them before, get to one of their gigs. They're one of my favourite live bands. I've seen them 3 times in the past few years now...better with each not played! Thanks for all of the suggestions and keep them all coming folks! Thanks Jamie
  20. Hello all... Guessing that many of you may not find delight in the wonderful music that is Acid Jazz, but I was hoping some of you may dig it and may be able to throw up a few suggestions. I'm looking for some new music basically... Any and all suggestions will be welcome. I may already have some of the CD's that you folks suggest, but it'd be grand to see what I'm missing. If anyone's interested...Galactic - Coolin' Off...is an awesome album if I may say so!!! Thanks in advance... Jamie
  21. Hi mate, I only ever tweaked the bits and bobs like you said pal. If I were to have it strung E-C exclusively then I'd probably consider having the nut changed I guess. Jamie
  22. It's definitely a 1979 Grabber, although only just, it was born on December 22nd 1979, and it was the 15th instrument to be assembled that day at the Kalamazoo Factory in the US. If you check the serial number against the info on [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/serial_numbers/"]this[/url] site you can verify all of that The serial number is - 73549015 Thanks for all of the input folks.
  23. [quote name='woodyratm' post='1327653' date='Aug 4 2011, 07:23 PM']Is it all origanal?[/quote] Yes yes...as far as I'm aware. I bought it under the belief that it is from a reputable seller. If you follow the link in the original post to Andy Baxter's site it goes into more detail about it there. Only none original thing I know of is the case...but it's the toughest case I've ever laid eyes on!
  24. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1327572' date='Aug 4 2011, 06:19 PM']Tune it CGDAE?[/quote] Yeah I was thinking that anyway as it happens. I was thinking more along the lines of the pickup and pre-amp. I know the higher spec'd versions have better electronics in you see, just wondered if anyone had given different options a go is all!
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