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Everything posted by bassjamm

  1. I hereby resurrect thee to the top...
  2. [quote name='tazza1' post='1143016' date='Feb 27 2011, 08:12 AM']Pm'd[/quote] Replied to kind sir
  3. Thanks for the thoughts guys...I think I'm going to be better off upgrading the pots first to give me better control over what's already on offer. The standard pots are basically on/off, there's no real range on the tone or volume, just on/off!
  4. Yep it's 34"...it looks like it could be more I think due to the small body and 22 frets...but alas, it is not!
  5. Right, I spoke to the Orange people today and the answer is, No, you can't run this amp without a cab/load! That answers that then hey! [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1139624' date='Feb 24 2011, 09:36 AM']You may need one of these [url="http://www.studiospares.com/mic-accessories/pro-40db-inline-attenuator/invt/568600/"]40db Attenuator[/url] The DI on mine is too hot.[/quote] Yeah I found that out last night...it's flipping smoking! Thanks for all your input chaps!
  6. Thank you for that kind sir!
  7. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='1139487' date='Feb 24 2011, 01:26 AM']Aww you should keep it Jamie, I tried one of these in Cranes, Cardiff and was rather surprised - TONE!! Needs flatwounds though.[/quote] Hi mate...I like it, but it's not needed. I've got a Gibson Grabber on the way in which will be all that I need along with my Precision really! But if it doesn't sell I'll be happy to hold on to it...it's a beauty!
  8. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1139438' date='Feb 24 2011, 12:04 AM']May I ask why you would want to run it without anything attached?[/quote] I want to use it in the studio as a D.I box basically, rather than micing up etc. Thanks for the replied people.
  9. You sir are an evil man... I've used a rained off day of work to go and buy one of these babies! You're evil!
  10. I just edited the original post as it's a Class D power section, didn't know if that makes a difference.
  11. That was my reckoning too kind sir... *high five* If it blows up I'll be in touch with you
  12. Hello chaps... I've got a question if I may... Can I run an Orange Bass Terror amp with plugging in a cab? That may sound like a dumb question, but I'm not sure. I've owned all valve amps in the past and I know it's a no go area with them, and I've used solid state amps where I know it's not a problem. But with it having a valve pre-amp and Class D power section I thought I'd check as I don't want to blow it up! Thanks in advance. Jamie
  13. Hi everyone... Just wondered what my options are for modding an Epiphone 1960's (re-issue) EB-3 bass. It's got a Sidewinder Humbucker and a Mini Humbucker. I'd like something a little less thunderous than the current tones if possible as they're not very defined. Here's a link to the bass' spec should you like to have a goosey... [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/epiphone-1960s-eb-3-bass-guitar-alpine-white--69097"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/epiphone-1960...ne-white--69097[/url] Thanks in advance Jamie
  14. Oi oi everyone... Just wanted to let you all know that my band, Failure By Design ([url="http://www.failurebydesign.co.uk"]www.failurebydesign.co.uk[/url]) and doing a few gigs down in London on the weekend of March 5th/6th. The gig on the 5th is at The Zenith Bar, Islington. We're opening for some hardcore bands, Death Math, In Memory Of and Four Letter Cure. This should be a pretty awesome gig as it's got some of London's best underground bands on the bill...and we're breaking everyone in with some Pop-Punk madness... The 6th March gig is at The Bridge House 2, Canning Town. This is going to be siiiiccckkkkk!!! We're main support on the Hot Vox Promotions Showcase/Festival that day. We'll be on around 9/9:30. Tickets for this are £5 in advance. Pm me for more details or visit our website/facebook (links below) to find out more. Some tickets will be available on the door...but please mention that you're their to see Failure By Design...I've attached the gig poster we've made for this! Our links... [url="http://www.failurebydesign.co.uk"]www.failurebydesign.co.uk[/url] [url="http://www.facebook.com/wearefailurebydesign"]www.facebook.com/wearefailurebydesign[/url] Let me know if you guys and gals are coming please, would be cool to meet any of you! Thanks for looking... Jamie and all the Failure By Design lads... x
  15. Thanks for the replies...most helpful indeed!
  16. Hi everyone... Has anyone had any experience using an Orange Bass Terror head with any Ampeg cabs? In particular, an SVT610HLF? Thanks in advance Jamie
  17. How would I EQ the amp to get the sound found here... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr2bfrPgXoY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr2bfrPgXoY[/url] Thanks Jamie
  18. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1132024' date='Feb 18 2011, 11:29 AM']Me too. Depends on your definition of punk I suppose. I think my sound is quite dirty and punky. I always cut the mids.[/quote] Doing that on a different amp seems to sound great. But on the Hartke it sounds a bit empty. Having said that I've not managed to give it a test with the full band as of yet. I know this will change a lot, but I need to have a decent idea of what my different options are I think. Hmm!!!
  19. Hey... Thanks for the replies. Yeah, I know the whole P-Bass/Plectrum thing. Already got that down, and got a Grabber on the way too for some more options. I'm not really talking about that though, it's more the EQ'ing of the amp. It seems boosting the low-mids is the way forward here then? I seemed to think boosting the bass and treble, whilst cutting the mids would give me that sound? Jam
  20. Hi all... Just a question if I may... I'm looking to mess about with my tone a bit to try and get a pretty slamming Punk tone. I'm playing in a 3 piece Pop-Punk band, so I have a fair amount of 'space' if you like, but I want to create a pretty ballsy sound. Thought I'd seek some advice...? Ideally I'd get my old SVT II head back, but can't afford to buy one at the moment, so amp wise I'm using a Hartke HA2000. How would you dial in the 10 band EQ and he high/low pass contour? I'm also using a Mesa Boogie Bottle Rocket pedal for some tubey grit and warmth. I'm having to temper it quite a bit though as it can make things a bit messy if I'm not careful, and the bass/treble controls on it are a bit aggressive, the bass can be a bit too boomy if I'm not careful. I don't really want to suggest songs for tone ideas as I'd like to try and craft something unique, but I'd appreciate some help I guess Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Jamie
  21. Would you sell the Ampeg head separately? If so, for how much mate?
  22. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1124934' date='Feb 12 2011, 01:27 PM']That's great news I sold most of my guitars to get better basses but it didn't turn out that way Still, I am happy with the ones I have and will add the Retrovibe later this year![/quote] I'm thinking I might have a dabble with one later in the year too, they certainly offer massive appeal all things considered. The price is fair as well for a copy of that kind in my opinion, and the sound clips seem to show positive things! It's going to be interesting keeping an eye on them that's for sure!
  23. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1124904' date='Feb 12 2011, 01:02 PM']I think they look really good and I can't afford a real one! I read the thread on them and feel they are value for money.[/quote] Sound reasoning kind sir...sound indeed! Anyway...it would appear that the quest is over! I've found a Gibson Grabber within reach...oh yes!!!
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