Haven't read through too many of the posts here, but thought i'd chip on.
It's funny, but I used to be extremely anti-fender. Hated them. I was all about the boutique basses, and loved them...then I played a Jazz...ahhh!
Turns out my dream sound was a Jazz...well, then I played a Precision...well...
I've had some nice basses, and the only one i've got left is my Precision...it's awesome. How it does everything it does I don't know. But I love it.
There's something so beautiful about it's simplicity, it's 'no frills no spills' approach, and it's tone I love it! And what about versatility...I play R'n'B, Funk, Jazz, Rock, Punk, Ska, Chordal stuff...everything...and it just does it all.
Ahh...beautiful Precisions