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Everything posted by bassjamm

  1. Hi pal...really taken with this bass, looks lovely. Hard question this (apologies for that), but tonally, is it quite pokey and barky with a fair punch, or more of a smoother deeper low end sort of vibe? Thanks
  2. SOLD
  3. It's just spent the past hour with Jon Shuker having the strap button sorted and the action evened out. Playing beautifully!
  4. PM replied to.
  5. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1353428943' post='1874859'] P.M.'d [/quote] PM replied to.
  6. Hi, Not sure if this is in the right forum but here goes... I've been browsing the site without any issues this morning up until the past 5-10 minutes or so. Every time I try to load a new page I'm getting a warning saying the site may harm my computer as it appears to contain malware software. Just thought I should let you Moderators know. Thanks Jamie
  7. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1353315283' post='1873419'] This little combo might be a good shot mate?... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/161860-tecamp-puma-110-combo-l500/"]http://basschat.co.u...110-combo-l500/[/url] Eude [/quote] Thanks for that mate. I'm reconsidering my options at the moment...kind of thinking I might get myself a Genz-Benz Streamliner as it'll work as a practice tool with the headphone out and aux in, and then get myself a cab later on. We'll see though, but thanks for the heads up on that.
  8. No worries pal...
  9. Up top...
  10. Up top...
  11. Sorry pal :/ I'll be in Sheffield this Wednesday afternoon (21st) if that's any good, I could bring it with me. Thanks
  12. Hi all... I've been looking at different amp options due to a change in living quarters. I need something that I can run with headphones and it'd be handy if it had an aux in. Whilst I can do this with my laptop and audio interface, an amp setup would be easier. So, I'm currently using an Orange TB500. Awesome amp. But seeing as I need quieter/silent playing abilities, I've been looking elsewhere. Enter the Genz-Benz Streamliner. I really dig that they have cracking 3 valve pre-amp as I love the warmth of valves. I also dig, that like the Orange, there aren't too many controls to confuse me. It's got the aux-in and headphone out, and it doesn't need a speaker load to be run. It's tiny...IT'S PERFECT! However...do I go for a 600 or 900? Immediately my thoughts are for the extra few quid, the 900. There's a few of the knocking about on here too which is a bonus. But...and there is a but...my need for tons of power isn't really so. Any live work I do at present, and likely to do in the future is mainly smaller gigs, backing acoustic acts. Maybe the odd full-on band set up. But I can't see me needing to melt any faces any time soon. So that having been said, by opting for a 900, would I ever actually push the volume enough to get the tone from it? Or would a 600 be better suited as I'll be working in quieter setting with it and therefor, I assume I'll be able to crank the 600 never to it's limits than a 900. If I've not lost you yet...what I'm trying to get at, is would my needs suit the volume window that the 600 would operate in better than the 900? I've got this theory in my head that I'll actually get more tone and more of the tube compression imitation thing from the 600 as I crank that up for live stuff, than I would from the 900. If you're still with me...thanks for listening to my rambles, and thanks for any thoughts, whatever they may be...no doubt something along the lines of "You make no sense man!" Ha! Thanks Jamie
  13. Hi all, I've got a 4U rack that I want shot of. It's the plastic moulded type, like Gator racks. One of the catches doesn't work properly, however it does offer support and keep your gear safe enough. I'm in Grantham, Lincs. PM me if you want it. Thanks Jamie
  14. [quote name='Stance' timestamp='1353030770' post='1870841'] Hello Sorry, but I´m only interested in selling it. Thanks for your interest PS nice blog!! [/quote] No worries pal. And thanks for the comment on the blog
  15. Bump
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