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Everything posted by bassjamm

  1. [quote name='BambusBoy' timestamp='1340871739' post='1710665'] Thank you both BassJamm and Fumps BassJamm thanks for the heads up on the Yardbird - just what we need to know [/quote] You're welcome pal. They're both killer venues. And of course there's the jazz cafe in Camden. The band I was in got a few gigs there. All were last minute support slots for hardly any dollar but awesome fun. Just had to keep emailing and making phone calls ad with most venues. Bath had a pretty vibrant jazz/funk scene too. There's a lovely bar called green park which may suit you guys.
  2. I played there a few years back, awesome club, and your band will definitely go down well there. Just a thought, but have you tried The Yardbird in Birmingham as well? Ollie there is a nice guy and it's a storming gig, played there a few times. You wouldn't get an 11 piece in there though, so you may need to go as a smaller outfit if that's possible?!?!
  3. Yummy...I don't even need a guitar amp, but I want one now! Ha!
  4. Just checked and the SB-7 does require a 22mA input. So would the Harley thingy be ok with the 120mA power inputs? I'm guessing it'd provide more than enough to power it right?
  5. Thanks for all the input guys. I'm away from my pedals at the moment so I've probably got te SB-7 rating wrong in my last post. I'm happy to run the M13 and Bottle rocket separately as I don't want to spend a fortune to sort this all out. Cheaper is the only option I have. I'll check out the diago options suggested. Thanks for that. As for Daisy chaining. As I understand it. I need to work out the total amount of amps required to run the pedals,then make sure the power supply has enough ampage to run the lot yes? If needed,the Harley Benton solution looks alright,and I could just use a separate power supply for the SB-7 as well. Hmm...interesting stuff. Thanks for the input everyone!
  6. Thanks for that Liam. How would the Ibanez SB7 which needs a 22mA input cope with that solution then? EDIT: Put in the wrong mA figure
  7. Hi all, I'm looking at venturing into the world of effects board madness and what not. Got myself an M13, but I've also got a few other pedals that I want to be using too. I've got, and need to power the following: Mesa Boogie Bottle Rocket V1 (this runs on an American current, guessing I'll have to use the current power supply for this regardless) Boss OC-2 (9v) Boss TU-3 (9v) EBS OctaBass (9v) Ibanez SB7 (9v22mA) Will I be ok to just get a power supply and use a daisy chain, like this one here - [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GUITAR-EFFECT-PEDAL-POWER-SUPPLY-5-WAY-SPLITTER-CABLE-/150569753113?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item230ea81a19#ht_713wt_956"]Daisy Chain Power Supply[/url] ??? If that's not wise, then would this be more suitable - [url="http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/PSU-HSB-ALL.aspx"]Behringer Power the World[/url] Now, if either of these options aren't wise, could someone please explain why daisy chains aren't a good idea, and offer an affordable/cheap solution? Thanks in advance for any help. Jamie
  8. This is interesting pal...just getting my head back into my M13. I know it's a bit cheeky, but if you get a chance to make a quick video or anything of any cool tricks like the one you've mentioned, I for one would be extremely grateful, as would many others I'm sure! Thanks for this though.
  9. Great video Scott, got a lot from it thanks.
  10. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1340655598' post='1707745'] Nice one mate, glad to hear it's working out for you! I'm now even more tempted, I'm not sure if I should thank you for feeding my GAS though... Eude [/quote] Ha...well, I bought mine last year after reading all the hype on here and elsewhere about them. I think a lot of new year gets a wild reception and has it's 5 minutes of fame simply because it's new and all the folks on these forums and the like go mad on it, then the next thing comes along...not that that's a negative view or anything, but what I'm getting at is this... A year on, and the Terror is still causing a stir. And a year on, I'm still loving it It couldn't be more simpler. If you want a clean modern tone, this ain't it. But I love mine. Such a funky amp. Just can't bring myself to pairing it with anything other than an Orange cab though. Mind you, it kicked some major butt with the Ampeg SVT 610HLF I used to own. Grr...and I need a new cab desperately. Anyway, the W&T is really sounding sweet through the amp. I was playing for a good 3/4 hours today and the tubes really warmed up and sounded velvety after a while, yummy! Still finding so many nice tones with the bass though. I can't get over how playable it is. It was a bit of an impulse buy, but I knew I wouldn't ever get the chance to buy one that fitted the bill for me so well, so cheap, not for a loooooong time. So a week on and I'm still gleaming with the purchase guys. It's really inspiring me at the moment
  11. Phillip's AT7's arrived, installed, and sounding lush! Much better with them in. My Wood & Tronics Zoid is now a lot more usable with the amp. It was overloading the valves even in the active mode, which sucked, but that's all sorted now. Thanks for the help on this guys. And to anyone else out there thinking of making the switch I'd recommend it for sure.
  12. New AT7 tubes arrived today for the Orange Terror amp. They got it smack bang in the middle of me messing around with my effects for the first time with the Zoid and it was overloading the gain on the Terror sooooo bad, it wasn't looking good. 10 minutes later, new tubes installed...and well, it's awesome! Been playing it for about an hour or so now and it's so so usable with the less gainy valves, it's sounding really nice. The gain is far more usable on the amp now, and i've got it breaking up just nicely for that old school funk kind of vibe. Nice! So to answer Eude's question further on the Terror amp and a high output active bass...it's now everything I wanted it to be
  13. Well I've had a chance to give it the beans a bit more and to fiddle with the Terror amp now. Got it working nicely But the bass...ooo...it's corker. Really does sound beautiful. I've strung it E-C now, not needed to make any adjustments as of yet. But the D'addario Nickels I've put on had led to a loss of harmonic response, or rather, harmonics aren't singing out as clearly now. No idea what strings where on there before, but they did a nice job on the harmonics front that's for sure. I'm really getting to grips with the feel of the bass that's for sure. It's really easy to get around, and sits pretty much perfectly for me. Can't keep my eyes and hands off it though...oooph!!!
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1340454751' post='1704636'] These are such a good price I want one, but don't need it. [/quote] Oh but you do
  15. Oooph...my old beast! Wish I was in a position to have it back pal...miss this bad boy!!!
  16. I need to get a new cab to really bring it all out. Running it all through a battered Trace 4x10 from back before time began...ha! Great cab for a really raucous sounds, not that great for pushing some big looped sounds and what not through. But I'm a fan of the Terror, it does everything I want it to. I'd consider something else, but I don't think I'd let the Terror go, it's a cracking piece of kit and does lend itself to rock and punk tones so well. But I play improvised funk/jazz stuff with it all the time and it does the job nicely. Like I say though, I'll keep working with it and the new bass for a bit to marry them together better!
  17. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1340356286' post='1703157'] I see you've got a Terror Bass. How does this boutique'y fancy EQ'd active'd bass sound through that kind of amp? I've been used to solid state for a long time now, but something in me still hankers for a bit of valve warmth/grit... Eude [/quote] You ask a valid question sir. In short, it's too powerful for the amp as I had it setup. It was way too hot, even on low gain and in active mode (on the amp that is). The Zoid is also an extremely huge and deep sounding beast. That all having been said, I've rolled the gain back, and knocked the bass way back on the amp and it's sounding lush. I'm yet to really push it on the volume front, but I love the Terror. It's such a simple thing, and you can be really dramatic with the EQ, as let's face it, turning from one extreme to the other doesn't really offer much variance, but using all 3 tone controls together you can really shape the sound nicely I find. I love the warmth of it. And it is working so far with the Zoid. I've got a new set of valves on the way though as the Terror's are gain happy with the stock AX7's in. I reckon the new AT7's will curb it enough to really allow the Zoid to shine It's all early days though so I'll keep this thread up to date with the progress on this front...if I remember to that is! But I do love me some valve! [quote name='KuzBass' timestamp='1340357456' post='1703188']this is not a light bass, on my bath scale it weighs slightly below 5 kilos! Don't get me wrong, there are many fine basses/luthiers nowadays. [/quote] Got to agree, it's not light. But weight doesn't bother me too much. As for the quality of the build and other luthiers etc. I've been privileged to have owned a number of botique and high end basses and I must admit, the W&T's build quality is probably the best I've ever had the joy of owning. It's incredibly well built, and attention to detail is insane. I'd say the Marleaux's are close to this standard as well though, but the W&T does offer a whole new level of amazingness I reckon! But I would say that wouldn't I...I'm still high on it, ha!
  18. Thanks for all the comments guys...and 'hey' to Mark and Ped, hope you're both well! It's a beauty. Such a range of tones. Still getting my head around the pre-amp as there are so many usable sounds. Working out which ones suit what is coming along nicely, but I've pretty much got it where I want it on the sound front I think. Just using the pick blend and tone, leaving the EQ flat, and then messing around with the series/parallel/single coil tap switches for each pickup seems to be working out nicely. I can get a really nice old school P sound but with a bit more 'yum'...I'm digging that. Then roll the pickup blend and I'm honking like a true funkster. Ha! But it's really nice to play. Just need to get it strung E-C now. Looking to see if I can get a set of Tapewounds that will allow me to do this as I really dig them on my Precision. Hmm...fun fun fun!
  19. Hey all... Been off the radar and off the bass for a while. Managed to get through a few basses still mind, ha! I did a deal on my Gibson Grabber last year, that thing was a beast, miss it but I got myself a Sadowsky RV5 which had been on the 'want' list for a number of years. Couldn't get over how great it sounded in a band setting, it cut through sooooo nicely, and really sounded lush in the mix. Finally curbed the 'super jazz' desires deep within as well. But... I've been after a single cut bass for years, a bass that is really an instrument to express myself on. The Sadowsky offered an element of that I must admit, but I've always been a fan of more botique luthiers and the basses the create. So, when I noticed an opportunity to get myself an instrument that could fit that remit, I pounced! Last year I was in talks with Wood & Tronics about a custom build...it never happened as I couldn't justify the outlay. But the Sadowsky went in part-ex and I got myself pretty much exactly what I would have got built anyway, perhaps I'd have chosen a more 'out there' top, but this one is by no means bland, it's subtly beautiful and incredibly unique! "Less waffle" you cry...
  20. Yeah that's something I'm shying away from too. Think they're about 30kg if memory serves me right. I'm tempted but for the same money (second hand cab that is) I quite fancy one of those TC Electronic BG250 combos...hmm! *high five* on the knee front. I'm rocking a reconstructed ligament and some other gumph in one of mine!!! It's all that foot stomping us low enders do me thinks!
  21. [quote name='Dave Tipping' timestamp='1340304242' post='1702691'][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]I read somebody talking about using an OB115 cab with their terror .. DO IT! ha ha .. that was the set up that sold me the amp in the first place, I just couldn't justify the extra £250 over the laney cab. The orange cab did sound better though. [/color][/font] [/quote] Interesting stuff...how did it sound through the cab? I'm a bit apprehensive about going for a 1x15. I'm keen on 12" cones really, and like the compactness of 12" cabs, but the only Orange 12" cabs are the SP212's and I just don't agree with the whole concept. I tried out my Terror through one and it lacked warmth to me, very knarly and in your face though. I do like the sound of a full Orange rig though
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