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Everything posted by bassjamm

  1. New valves ordered
  2. @ Dave Tipping - What made you go for the Phillips valves then? I've just got myself a Wood & Tronics and it's quite hot, but also seems to 'mud' up the sound of the Terror a bit, so some different valves would be worth a shot. Haven't had a chance to really tweak the gain and all that though to accommodate the bass yet though mind. Need to get myself a decent cab first though! Quite fancy an all orange rig, but don't want a 4x10 and reckon the 1x15 would be too wooly but I don't know! These amps do kick ass though...I was running it through an SVT 610HLF last year using a Precision or Gibson Grabber, punk rock madness...it was insane!!!
  3. All this talk of swapping out the valves has got me wondering whether it's worth giving it a shot on my Terror...hmm!!!
  4. [quote name='Nyl' post='1371725' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:20 PM']wow i really enjoyed. I was a little daunted by it lasting almost 10 mins, but really enjoyed it all. If i had any comments, and please take them in the constructive way they are intended , because i couldn't have played like that! After a few minutes (3 or 4) it all starts to sound more natural and fluid with more soul. I personally preferred from 5 mins onwards where you've moved down the neck a bit. i could easily listen to another 10 mins[/quote] Hey man...thanks for the comments. That's exactly what I want to hear man, I'm not posting these things to try to show off or anything, I want peoples opinions and ideas on how I could sound more melodic and natural. It's also great for documenting my progress and useful for me to be able to go back and analyse my playing. I should be doing that a bit more really I guess. Thanks for the comments though. I'll be adding more videos as time goes on. I'm away for a while from tomorrow, but I plan to start recording more and more upon my return. Thanks again pal.
  5. Hey everyone... Just recorded this video. I've been trying to work on developing ideas to get more mileage out of them. I was also trying to work on my feel for the harmony and time, not sure that worked out quite so well...ha! There's a cheeky Mike Stern reference in there too I do believe. The quality of the video isn't that great, I'm working on that! Here's the vid... Thanks in advance for your time... Jamie
  6. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I've quite puzzled as to what's going on with my mic to be fair. It was working perfectly last week. If anything, it was working too well as it was providing too hot a signal to the Line 6. Now, it's hardly picking up a thing. One side of the mic seems to be working better than the other. Is that normal with Diaphragm mics? Jam
  7. Just a thought, but would I also need a pre-amp between the mic and my Line 6 Toneport? The Diaphragm mic I currently have seems to be hit and miss level wise, would a Pre-amp raise the level being fed to the Toneport? Thanks Jamie
  8. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a microphone to set up and use as a stand along recording mic. So, one mic in a room to capture everything going on. I'll be using it mainly for recording the audio for videos, which will be me playing bass and talking over the top and in between lines etc. I'll also be using it for rough capturing jams with other musicians. I've currently got the use of a Diaphragm mic but I think it's pretty shoddy, or giving up on me. It's an Alctron MC001. Would a Diaphragm mic be the weapon of choice d'you think? If not that, then what else? As for a budget, I've no idea what to allow. But I'd rather spend less than £100. I'd happily buy second hand, unless otherwise instructed. Thanks in advance for any and all help. Jamie
  9. Which one, or both?
  10. Hi everyone, How goes it? It's been a long time since I ventured into this side of the forum to put out some of my practice session recordings and all that, but I thought I'd try and get some feedback from you guys. I'd really appreciate your thoughts. I'm particularly interested in constructive criticism if you please! Here's the first, a bass arrangement of the Eagles' - Lyin' Eyes. I knocked the mute switch on my cable about 3/4's of the way through...ooops! [url="http://learnbassguitartoday.com/solobass/The%20Eagles%20-%20Lyin'%20Eyes.mp3"]http://learnbassguitartoday.com/solobass/T...#39;%20Eyes.mp3[/url] The second and final piece is a loop I was working with last night. And it's a video...ooo!!! Apologies for the lame video quality, it was quite late and the lighting wasn't that good, couple that with my Macbook's camera and this is what you get. All sounds were made using my Sadowsky RV5 into a Boss OC-2 (on the video) into a Line 6 M13, which I looped the licks with and added some delay, reverb etc. The video had my amp, an Orange Terror 500 into a battered Trace Ellio 4x10 and the picked up via my diaphragm mic, into my Line 6 Toneport, in Gearbox, into iMovie. The mp3 was straight from the M13 into the Toneport and then Garageband. Not that you wanted to know any of that. Ha! Hope you find them bearable folks!!! Thanks for your time. Jam
  11. Hey man... I was the guy that bought it off you on eBay. I sold it through the forum on here to a chap called Luke. Not sure where it is now. Funnily enough I've wondered where it is of late as well!!! Jamie
  12. Hi mate... Not sure if you've sorted something yet but I'd highly recommend the Line 6 M series, I've got the M13 and it's a killer piece of kit. Had it a few weeks now and really getting to grips with it. Jam
  13. I'd recommend using a Wordpress blog, there's loads of free templates knocking about. They're easy to maintain and edit once you know you're way around it. The thing about Wordpress blogs is that Google likes them. There's plenty of free plugins that will help your search engine rankings too. If you have hosting it's easy enough to host your own site too. It might not be what you're after but I thought it was worth a mention. I built the following site using Wordpress... [url="http://www.failurebydesign.co.uk/"]www.failurebydesign.co.uk/[/url] Jam
  14. Hi all... How goes it? I've recently got myself a Metro RV5 Sadowsky and I'm loving it. It really comes into it's own in a band setting, way more than I'd expected. Does anyone have any experience with how the Nordstrand's and Mike Lull basses fair when compared to the Sadowsky's? I've played a Lull in the past, but I can't really remember what it was like all that much. I'm a fan of the Lull's though and almost got myself one a while back. Any thoughts would be appreciated though. Thanks Jamie
  15. Some really nice playing in the clips mate...
  16. Joshua Redman Elastic Band - Greasy G, Taken from the album Momentum...killer grooves from Me'Shell Ndegeocello and Flea...
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1359394' date='Sep 2 2011, 12:53 AM']Not since Groove collective had i seen a band live like these.. very tight sh*t [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nlYI9QdpOQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nlYI9QdpOQ[/url] nice Surf green P bass too.. [/quote] My oh my...that's got some cojones!
  18. bassjamm

    Doncast Live

    Hi all... I'm playing with Pete Jackson tomorrow at Doncaster Live, a free music event in the centre of Doncaster. We're opening the event and are due on at 6pm. Come along and enjoy Pete's music folks, he's an awesome song writer and is always a pleasure to gig with...fun times to be had by all! Here's a link to some of his music... [url="http://soundcloud.com/pete-jackson"]http://soundcloud.com/pete-jackson[/url] And we'll be throwing in a few covers for good measure too, fans of The Levellers will be leaving with a smile on their face, and anyone who enjoys a bit of funk will do too...I'll try to throw in some funk licks can't resist! Hope some of you can make it. Jam
  19. Hello all... I recently got my hands on a Sadowsky RV5. When I got it the action was way too high for my liking, so I've lowered the action and checked the neck relief, the neck is pretty straight. The saddle height is the issue, the B string is as low as it'll go which is ok-ish. Thing is, I plan to string it E-C and this will mean I'll want to lower the action again...it won't happen on the lowest string saddle then Another point to mention is that a few of the strings buzz a little from time to time. It may be inconsistencies in my playing, but I'm thinking it may also be the frets. Am I right in thinking this could be so? It's been heavily gigged in it's relatively short life I've been told. Finally, will shimming the neck help me with the action height? Assuming the frets are fine, and I just need to tweak the saddles a little? Or would a new nut (with a lower profile and a shim etc) be the way to go? Thanks Jamie
  20. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1356990' date='Aug 30 2011, 11:03 PM']Just noticed in your sig that you're after a Bass Murf. There's one for £180 in the For Sale section.[/quote] Ah, I need to update that, want to try the 101 first. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1357001' date='Aug 30 2011, 11:14 PM']Yes. Very loosely. Although 'modulation' in general as opposed to Phaser specifically (personally I put modulation after the LPF too ).[/quote] Cool cool cool...I'm just trying to get my head around it and using my M13. I've got a bank of Phaser's after my Fuzz, one's set to a crochet value, another to quavers, and another to a slightly different setting...works well for getting the different "wooob wooob" sounds I reckon. Thanks chaps
  21. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1356674' date='Aug 30 2011, 06:51 PM']It's effectively the expression section of the MP-201 (but with 3 rather than 4 connections). If you only intend to use it as an expression system, I'd say this is a far more cost effective way of doing it!![/quote] Awesome Whilst I'm posting...can I just confirm that the whole DubStep sound could effectively be summed up as Octave - Fuzz - Phaser - LPF? I know this thread covers it a lot, but I just wanted to confirm. Thanks Jam
  22. Thanks for the suggestions and links people. Anyone got any Jazz stuff to put forward maybe? In a similar vein to Janek Gwizdala's stuff, I really think his stuff grooves!!! J
  23. Hi everyone... I've just spent the past 40 minutes or so searching iTunes for new music and figured I'd see what you guys might suggest as well. I'm interested in finding new music to me, so feel free to chuck in some old classics, or rare beauties, as well as anything breaking boundaries currently. Groove the word though, I want some new stuff that gets my head boppin' folks please! I'll leave it at that and see what comes of it Thanks Jamie
  24. Thanks folks!
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