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Everything posted by petetexas

  1. Hi, For sale my Digitech Element Guitar Effect Unit - Incl Power supply and Original box . Price includes postage UK Mainland . Brand new , unwanted gift ( unpacked to try out only ) Pete
  2. Best of luck finding out , I went and bought another because I had no reply ! ( 10 days later )
  3. Seem to have lost a lot of strength in my right hand . Undoing a drill chuck , for example , I have to hold the drill body under my RH arm , while undoing the chuck with my LH - cannot grip and undo the chuck with my RH . Undoing a bottle top , is a no no (fancy having to ask the wife to take the top of a beer bottle off ! - she can keep a record of how many I have now !) Seeing the specialist next Friday morning , going to find out if this is normal . It has NOT affected how I play Bass ( fingers or pick ) I still play just as bad
  5. Hi spaz91, Just out to rehearsal, will pm when I get back . Pete
  6. Hi, I use the Mooer Yellow Comp , and find that it "levels " the sound out from top string to bottom string . I only use slight comp , not enough to get a "plonk " before every note , but enough . Pete
  7. petetexas

    Artec SE-BEQ

    Hi, Has anyone else got this pedal ? I bought one to give me more control over the 50, 100 and 200 frequency . My Lakeland with Nordstrand Neo 5 pups had a bit of a boom on the lower G and A ( I`m probably over reacting ) but this has cured it - at £35 ! Could not believe the price , so I was not expecting much . How wrong I was.............I now have far more control over the lower freq than I have ever had before . Cant say anything about the tuner ( have the Mooer Baby Tuner ) Just wanted to know if anyone else has tried one > Pete
  8. Hi , For sale Zoom MS-60B in great nick, and full working order , with original box and manual . Price includes postage UK Mainland [size=6]REDUCED TO £55 incl uk postage[/size] Pete
  9. For sale ................. Mooer Trelicopter - £35 ( Tremolo ) [s][size=6]REDUCED to £30 Incl UK Postage [/size][size=6]SOLD[/size][/s] Mooer Mod Factory - £35 ( Chorus / Phase / Auto Wah / etc) [s][size=6]REDUCED to £30 Incl UK Post SOLD[/size][/s] T-Rex Sweeper - £65 ( Bass chorus ) [size=6]REDUCED to £60 Incl UK Postage[/size] All in good nick , and fully working Pete
  10. Hi, Anyone know how to measure the Impedance of a speaker accurately ? I know that using a multimeter is not all that accurate . Reason being, when I put my digital multimeter across the terminals of my speaker , I get 6ohms - is it 4ohms or 8ohms ? Pete
  11. Thanks again. Pete
  12. Hi , Thanks for reply, there are loads of local wood suppliers around , but none do Lighweight Birch Ply. I have just sent a email to the company you suggested , asking them. Cut to size would be a real advantage ! Thanks again Pete
  13. Hi, Anyone know where you can buy Lightweight Birch Plywood on the internet ? I have a project in mind........................build a copy of my Ampeg B115E cab. Pete
  14. Busy week last week.............. Tuesday night - Two hour rehearsal ( Function Band ) Wednesday night - One hour rehearsal ( Blues Band ) Thursday night - Two and a half hour gig ( Blues Band ) Friday night - Two hour gig ( Blues Band ) Supprised to say no real pain ( playing with fingers did seem easier than with pick ) Still some numbness in thumb , and cannot pick anything up vertically with mid and ring fingers - not strong enough yet . All seems to be going OK ( I must say I was VERY worried about not being able to play ) Pete
  15. Hi, Thanks for info Pete
  16. Hi, Cant quite make out from pics...........is it 4ohm version ..................and is courier an option ? Pete
  17. petetexas

    Eno pedals

    I think the actual effects are good , just far too much background noise . Shame Pete
  18. petetexas

    Eno pedals

    Received the Replacement ENO Chorus, and the ENO Fuzz late this afternoon , tried them both , far too much background noise , so returning for a full refund !.
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