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Everything posted by petetexas

  1. petetexas

    Eno pedals

    I have just received the ENO Chorus . Chorus sound is great with bass - BUT VERY NOISEY background - high freq oscilation when pedal is on . Returning it for a replacement or refund . Have also ordered the ENO FUZZ - awaiting the delivery I have NEVER had any problem with the MOOER pedals ( Comp, Trem, Tuner, Phase 90 etc ) Will let you know how I get on .
  2. Hi all, Had my first 2 hour rehearsal last night , hand is a little stiff this morning , but no problem . ( its only just over two weeks since op ! ) Pete
  3. Had stitches out yesterday , real neat job , the surgeon followed a natural crease in my wrist / palm of hand ( not that it really matters ) I do sometimes wake up in morning with what feels like a large rubber band around my wrist , but as soon as I move my wrist a few times , it goes . Will try putting the wrist support on tonight , just to see . Can play bass ok now , without any pain , . The best thing is that I could not stretch my arm , for example , picking something up off the floor , without a sharp pain running up my arm . ( Median Nerve the doc said - which goes from your shoulder , through the Carpal Tunnel to you fingers ) All this has now gone ! Go back to see the specialist in 6 weeks time . Glad I had the op.
  4. petetexas

    Eno pedals

    I have just got a Mooer Yellow Comp, and find its great for what I need . They are after all not the top of the range pedals, but I like the size of them . What I have found extreemly usefull , is the volume knob on the Yellow Comp . My lakland Skyline , with Nordstrand Neo 5 pickups on , and Bart mk1 pre amp , has one hell of an output on it ! I use the Comp 1st in line ( after the Baby Tuner ) , and " balance" the signal for the rest of the chain - leave it on with just the right amount of comp , and EQ for my taste - ( Ninety Orange , Mod Factory - UniVibe , Trelicopter ) and it works great ! One great advantage with these Mooer pedals , your pedalboard has a VERY SMALL footprint ! Pete
  5. Played for at least an hour, thumb is still a little numb at the tip, but getting better every day. Stitches out tomorrow , LH woke me up last night - numb ! Could be because I am using it a lot more , untill I get the RH fully functional . Highly recommend the op ............................. Pete
  6. Hi, For sale - or swap for Mooer Fog - is my T-Rex Sweeper ( Bass Chorus ) , because I dont use it anymore . Has input gain control on the side , depth control , rate control and volume on front . Has L and R output for stereo ( or just L for mono ). Comes complete with original box , and manual . Unit in good condition . Runs on 9v battery ( 1/2 to 1 hour use in emergency ) or 9vdc input . Price includes UK Mainland postage [url="http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/petetexas/media/20150410_125906_zpshgvuqqku.jpg.html"][/url] Pete
  7. Few things I have noticed since the op ......................... 1) I dont get woken up with numbness in my RH at night 2) When eating a meal using knife and fork my RH does not go numb , so I dont have to let it hang down beside me to get rid of the numbness . ( Can play bass for about half an hour now , then it starts to hurt - thumb still worse ) As the wife keeps reminding me , its only 8 days since the op ! Pete
  8. Great ! Had 10 mins on bass , hurt a bit , thumb hurts like hell , but I`ll do a bit longer each day . Playing on 23 / 24 / 25 th , so I have got to get it right ! ! ! ! ! !
  9. Going to try my bass today ( when the missus has gone out ! ) just for a VERY short time ! Got my daughter to take a couple pics when she changed the dressing for me the other day , dont know if I should post them or not ? , they do look quite neat .
  10. Removed bandages last night , dried blood everwhere - but not on the incision or stitches ! Dressing came of clean ! Put new dressing on , leaving bandages off as told , got to keep it dry and clean - can actually move fingers now , with a bit of pain and numbness , thumb is the worst . Stitches looked quite neat ( will be removed 14th ) told MUST keep fingers moving . Actually shaved ( wet shave ) with my RH this morning - no cuts ! Getting better each day - cant wait to pick up bass and play .
  11. Hi [b]Jaco[/b] , Did you have local or general anaesthetic ? Pete
  12. Will take pic`s of stitching , start a new thread ?
  13. Had op, about 20 mins total time , Most painfull part was the local anaesthetic ( had to give me two lots - large hands - They have to get the needle in the correct place, really hurt ) Now its the morning after , just a bit of pain where the op was...................but can still move my fingers , bit sore . I have to change the dressind in 48 hrs , ( Its takin me ages to write this message with my left hand .....LOL ! ) I`ll keep you posted Pete
  14. Update on my Carpal Tunnel situation Went for my pre-op last Friday ( 20/03/15 ) all OK Op booked for April 1st ( afternoon that is ! ) Pete
  15. I Have emailed twice, no response except his reply on the forum...................................................
  16. I recon it could be me !
  17. [size=6]Reduced to £70 , Incl postage to Uk Mainland[/size]
  18. I love mine as well , but being in a function band , I need chorus , fretless , phase, auto wah , tremlo , etc etc etc, much easier to have a multi function pedal than having a large board with lots of individual pedals
  19. Hi, Up for sale is my MXR Analog Chorus , in as new condition , including original box , instructions etc. Bought as a Christmas present , just does not get used ( I currently use Digitech ) Price ibcludes UK Mainland postage Thanks Pete [url="http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/petetexas/media/20150310_120201_zpsslrorqr5.jpg.html"][/url]
  20. Hi , Sorry , at my local music shop on comission sale at moment, should have removed it from forum , If you are still interested , will go to shop this weekend , and get back ( that is if it is still there ). Sill at same price £160 + £30 postage. Pete
  21. Just bought an Ampeg SVT3 - Pro from Jonesy64, great chap, pleasure to deal with.
  22. Just bought an Ampeg SVT3 - Pro from Jonesy64, great chap, pleasure to deal with.
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