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Rick's Fine '52

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Everything posted by Rick's Fine '52

  1. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1329136143' post='1537535'] He told me he's sold hundreds He wanted me to prove they were were wrong before sending me a correct set too! [/quote] Oh dear! Some people probably just thought they were nice patterns, and had no idea of the whole roman numerals concept, you know what schools are like these days, too busy teaching about political correctness, and health and safety to worry about maths and history etc!!
  2. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1328454572' post='1527240'] Ha Ha, I see he still has a picture of the wrong ones [/quote] Thats brilliant!! I wonder how many nuggets are out there with these actually applied like that!!! Made my morning!!
  3. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1329051041' post='1536435'] So, I currently have a Yamaha TRB1005 which is absolutely great. However, I very rarely ever feel the need to use the low 'B' and long term I think I want to go back to 4 strings. In addition, I'm coming to realise that all my favourite bass players---Andy Rourke, Mike Mills, James Jamerson, Matt Freeman, plus others---are all precision players and so I am tempted to go down that route. The thing is, I like guitars to be slightly quirky and precisions are...well....a bit dull, aesthetically speaking. Well, except the 50s ones, they're pretty cool... So my question is---whats out there in terms of Precision basses, but with a twist? I don't want anything that is totally "out there"---I'm thinking classic styling but with some updates, eg the precision equivalent of an Aerodyne jazz bass (which, I guess,fits the bill since its a PJ...). [/quote] You need a '58 Custom Shop Relic, vintage vibe, raised A pickups for the growl when needed, coolest combo Leo ever came up with; 3-tone sunburst, maple neck, gold anodized guard. Actually, thinking about it, I have one for sale, it's a bargain too!! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159886-fender-precision-custom-shop-relic-1958-mint-all-case-candy-price-drop/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159886-fender-precision-custom-shop-relic-1958-mint-all-case-candy-price-drop/[/url]
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1328995613' post='1535926'] what even that Jazz???????????? really? [/quote] Yep, although I'd like to keep the pair together if possible, would be a shame to split them up!!
  5. Saturday bumpiness for an amazing bass at this price!!
  6. Agree with comments above. nearly £1500 is top money i think, but it's certainly an £1100++ guitar. Certainly worth punting it at this price though, as they so rarely show up. Regards quality of build, components, playability, and sound, as Luke above hints at, there isn't much around thats better than these early ones. My two are fabulous, and I'd be very sorry to part with them, although i would at that price!!
  7. Greetings Jon, I lived in Melbourne for 5 years a while ago now though, very nice (Not as nice as Blighty, but nice!! ) Welcome to basschat, have fun.
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1328828676' post='1533549'] I'll take you up on that last bit if you want [/quote]
  9. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1328825192' post='1533456'] The current retail price is in the region of £1700. So if I understand the market correctly and used AV resissues go for £700 then a seller is expected to take a 60% hit give or take a couple of percentage points. Now I know after having done the maths. Thankyou. [/quote] Its about the same for a custom shop instrument. My '58 Precision Relic, when released in 2005, had a RRP of $3999, which at the time was about £3300, I'm sure no-one ever paid that much for one, even brand new though. I'm now struggling to sell it for £1400!!! Most things depreciate massively in the first 12-24 months, then stay the same. AVRI's have been around the same price for a few years now, and CS Relics have also been around the £1500 mark for a few years. Likewise Made In Japan Jazz basses or P's have been the same price for 10 years now.
  10. They have to be the most blinged-up pickups ever though!
  11. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1328818156' post='1533270'] Sorry to still disagree and be the lone voice here. If a basschatter, or anyone for that matter, has a mint example of an AV reissue, how much of a percentage hit are they expected to take if they wish to sell? The answer to this will perhaps help me to come in line with current thinking. [/quote] I don't know what the current retail price is for one (Someone suggested £1500 earlier in the thread), but a used one, sold privately, normally go's for around £700 for a late 80's or newer issue, you do the Math! (An '82 V00 serial version will be much more of course, as people will always pay more for a very early Fullerton reissue with a couple, or even three 0's in the number!)
  12. [quote name='JMT3781' timestamp='1328816844' post='1533233'] Yeh for sure... to be honest, it was refreshing to see someone who understood why a shop had to be more pricey than ebay etc on secondhand... [/quote] I'm probably a bit slow, but just realised you have a shop!! In this age of multi-media methods of purchasing stuff, and having the whole worlds stores just a click away, it must be incredibly hard to compete price wise. Ultimately though, you can't beat actually sitting down and playing something before purchasing, but i would be worried people use guitar shops to test drive gear, only to then go elsewhere to actually buy it. Must be frustrating at times!? I hope business is good with you though. If I'm over that way, which i am every now and then, I'll be sure to pop over. See if you can sell my Custom Shop Relic '58 for me, can't give it away!!!
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1328817046' post='1533238'] I agree with some of the above.. £1200 is silly money for an AVRI. Hang on, and buy used. [/quote] £1200 was for a used one!!
  14. [quote name='JMT3781' timestamp='1328814714' post='1533190'] Good point... shops can't compete with private sales, simple as that. Remember, if they do get 1200 for it, the government are having 240 of that in VAT [/quote] Exactly, then there's the rent, and the bills, and the staff wages.......oh, and don't forget the profit!! I'm certainly not knocking the shops, at all, just saying you can get things (Certainly new, more common items) alot cheaper elsewhere.
  15. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1328779205' post='1532413'] Sorry to disagree here. I know values of guitars and basses is a subjective thing but £1200 is £500 less than the brand new price. If the bass is in excellent nick then I don't think £1200 is unreasonable. I would always pay £1200 for a good used AV reissue than the crazy prices that vintage basses go for. I know there is no right and definite argument to be made here as it depends on whether you are playing or collecting but surely £500 off the new price is not unreasonable. [/quote] The collecting argument doesnt even come into it, we're talking about a used AVRI here? They regularly show up on eBay and other sales media, and sell for between £650 & £850, as another poster has also said above. I'm not knocking the guitars, I'm just saying that £1200 is way above current going rates. But, it's a shop, and they have overheads and wages, so you'd expect the price to be higher. I was just offering my advice to the original thread, to suggest they can be bought considerably cheaper than £1200. Nothing more. £500 below Retail may be good, but if you can get one £1000 off retail, then all the better. If you wanna spend £1200+a bit, go Custom Shop, as was also stated by someone else above. As stated above, I'd make my own. I think the Stack knobs look better worn than new. I made my own a few years ago, based on a slab board reissue, changed some components, lightly relic'd and lacquer crazing added, looked, and played great, for a very small price. Sold it to a fellow BC'er on here last year, here it is, the headstock looks a bit elongated, but its just the camera angle; [attachment=99561:New bass pics 010.jpg] [attachment=99562:New bass pics 012.jpg]
  16. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HOME-MADE-BASE-GUITAR-CIRCA-1970-STAR-SHAPED-CREAM-BLACK-/270910911679?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f138c74bf#ht_500wt_1202"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HOME-MADE-BASE-GUITAR-CIRCA-1970-STAR-SHAPED-CREAM-BLACK-/270910911679?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f138c74bf#ht_500wt_1202[/url]
  17. Horrific.....
  18. Here's another one that you'd probably get for the same price. Personally I would pay another couple of hundred and get a Custom Shop version, they turn up quite often, and they would retain their value much better, if you ever needed to move it on, £1200 for an AVRI, to me is silly money. If i really wanted a stack knob, I'd buy a good mexican Jazz, and put a Fender stack knob control set and harness (About £50), all in for less than £450 to £500, and even if the pickups werent the best (My experience is they are pretty good though), you could get a set of Fender '62 pups for another £50. Less than half the price. Decals and other components are pretty much the same. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Vintage-62-Reissue-Sunburst-Jazz-Bass-Hard-Case-and-Candy-RRP-2314-/120854788872?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c2381bb08#ht_765wt_1185"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Vintage-62-Reissue-Sunburst-Jazz-Bass-Hard-Case-and-Candy-RRP-2314-/120854788872?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c2381bb08#ht_765wt_1185[/url]
  19. Anyone want one then?, my mate's still selling his starter pack, although to be fair, the amp deserves a better description than starter! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/165285-starter-bass-package-squier-jazz-trace-elliott-combo-stand/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/165285-starter-bass-package-squier-jazz-trace-elliott-combo-stand/page__fromsearch__1[/url] I think he'll take a good offer, his wife is putting him under pressure to clear it out!!
  20. [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1328644140' post='1530641'] BTW if you say 'horses for courses' quite quickly it can be followed up with 'Sure they do. That's how foals are conceived' [/quote] Sorry....i was a bit slow there...it was late!!
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