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Rick's Fine '52

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Everything posted by Rick's Fine '52

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1318700156' post='1405422'] I think calling it a '70 is on the optimistic side. My '71's serial number is a couple of thousand lower. Very nice if it is what it is, though - the rosewood they were using around that time is beautiful. [/quote] SN looks correct to me for a '70. It could even be a late '69 with those tuners, be interesting to see what the neck date is. The only thing i can see as an obvious change is the pickup height adjustment screws. Its one of those basses that just looks like it's gonna sound the dog's bollox, fretless aint my thing, otherwise it would be tempting. Nice buy for someone though at that price.
  2. Nice, shame the certificate is lost, otherwise I could be interested. Do you have any pics of the jack input change? Good luck.
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1318407415' post='1401600'] [/quote] Maple neck and black blocks is just wrong, probably the worst combo Leo ever came up with. All a metter of personal taste of course!
  4. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1318366971' post='1401324'] i have around 40 Bass Player (US) mags, 40 Bass guitar mags (UK) and 4 old Bassist mags (from 1999) Question is, are they worth anything? [/quote] To be honest, not really, purely because the postage costs are so high for sending them. This would probably cost £30 to send, and they are probably worth £15 as a job lot. I'd be interested, but not for £35. You often see sellers on eBay selling job lots of mags, but P+P costs put buyers off, hope this helps, although probably not.
  5. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1318344711' post='1400887'] Normally I try to refrain from controversial posts, but I finally get the chance to show my hatred for these truly AWFUL instruments! [/quote] +1 I made the mistake of having a go at Rickenbackers a while back. Tschhh, some people!
  6. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1318325446' post='1400457'] Erm, no actually, because here is the ugliest bass in the world! [/quote] Thiis is a Fender Custom Shop Relic '57 P-Bass, made for Modern Music, based on an original one they had, and sold a few years back. A beauty.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1318325204' post='1400450'] Definitely in the eye of the beholder. I haven't seen a single bass in this thread that I like the look of. [/quote] Nor me. Awful creations. It would be dull if we all liked/played the same basses though eh!
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1318289958' post='1400244'] I'm sure it's a fine example of the luthier's craft but what has it got to do with music? It's a bit like people who'll pay £80,000 for a hand-made shotgun. Absolute stunning examples of workmanship, in both wood and metal, but they don't shoot any better than a plainer example costing just £1,000. Such items are really works of art rather than working tools, and not usually any better suited for the job either. [/quote] Surely you don't think people spend £80K on a shotgun because it shoots better, although i bet it shoots pretty damn good!
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1318283402' post='1400170'] Nice but not exactly original... unless you've never seen a Jazz bass dipped in toffee before. [/quote] Not for me at all I'm afraid, wouldnt give it a second glance in a bass shop, or first glance for that matter, anything remotely woody looking just doesnt do it for me, they always look home made, like someones dad has been busy in the garage with his new router, and destroyed your aunt mabels favourite dining room chair. One mans meat etc.....
  10. [quote] Which takes us back to what I was saying before, the way to correct this is to either fit a different bridge with better lateral adjustment or you reposition the current bridge correctly ie. plugging the holes and re-drilling - which would be my personal preference. [/quote] Just like i said then, if packing doesnt work, re-locate the bridge.
  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1318196041' post='1399177'] Well, on a 57 RI I don't recall but the gold guards on the old American Deluxes are not drilled. I realise that's a different guard/different shape. [/quote] Completely different guitar, I'm talking about a '57 reissue guard.
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1318194530' post='1399156'] Ok, but this one has the pickguard holes for tugbar and pickup cover but the body is not drilled beneath the pickguard. What do you make of that? [/quote] Normal. The scratchplates are made pre-drilled, I've never seen a gold anodized guard appear un-drilled. All the replacement ones you see advertised all come pre-drilled, maybe becuase they are metal, dunno, never really thought about it. I've never seen an un-drilled gold guard though. Have you?
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1318193237' post='1399131'] Hi Rick. I'd be very interested in hearing you're technique regarding fixing this with a screwdriver in 15 minutes. [/quote] [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1318193237' post='1399131'] Hi Rick. I'd be very interested in hearing you're technique regarding fixing this with a screwdriver in 15 minutes. [/quote] I think you know anyway, as you mentioned it in earlier post, just re-align the bridge. Before re-drilling though, i'd put two matchsticks in each of the existing screw holes, located on the side of the hole you want to move the bridge over, this will give you a 2mm gain, then , when stringing, put them as far over on the threaded saddles as you can, they won't slip once under tension, and see how that works. If it still needs more, then it will mean re-drilling additional bridge fixing holes, not the end of the world though, and not visible once the bridge is back on. I've only done this once before (Not on a Fender), and it didnt take long, and worked perfectly. The holes may be in the black section of the burst, so easily filled, painted, fine spray of nitro aerosol on the top, nice buff, and should be masked quite well. One thing i will say, is if you're paying top dollar for a bass, then you wouldnt expect this problem, and i wouldnt advise buying one at full price that needed this doing (re-drilling etc), but if you are potentially getting it at a very good price, then it would be well worth this small mod.
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1318177471' post='1398879'] It's not drilled for the tugbar and for the pickup and bridge ashtrays. Should it be? [/quote] Domestic JV's, certainly after May '82 didnt have thumbrests or chrome covers fitted. Export JV's had these features until May '82, when Fender USA put a stop to it, and switched the large fender/small squire decals round, at the same time.
  15. This is a very rare, 1st year, JV Precision, it's a domestic version i know, but even so, very sought after, especially in this condition. 15 minutes with a screwdriver, and a little care will have this problem sorted, and for the current price of £500, is still a great buy for someone. Well spotted though, i looked at this when it was first listed (I hoped it was going to be an export model with small Squire decal), and totally missed that!!
  16. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1318169480' post='1398726'] One of Norm's basses in on sale at Andy Baxter Guitars, the shoreline gold one. No price on it so it's bound to be bucks! [/quote] Offers, upwards of £10k is what he told me!
  17. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1317673839' post='1393253'] What a beautiful example. I'd have done almost anything for one of these in 1969. Hope you find a good home for it. I dare not! [/quote] Thanks Pete, it is a great example, quite a rare bird too.
  18. Here's my two penny worth. I agree with other posts, its over priced. The pickguard is definitely a new reissue, looks nothing like an original. The problem with these 'partser' instruments, is that you never quite now what else has been swapped out etc. I'm sure this bass plays, and sounds fine, but it's a £2K bass, tops. If you want a vintage P for around £3k, try New Kings Road, they have a lovely refin sunburst (All original except that), for a very reasonable £3495, I've played it and it's really nice, lovely correct refin too. Shop around, theres loads around better than this one for the same money. Happy hunting.
  19. [quote name='nick' timestamp='1317575541' post='1391935'] Hi, nice bass, I do like these. Is the neck bolt-on or set? Cheers [/quote] Its a bolt on, see pic..
  20. This is a mid/late 60's Shaftesbury Semi bass, basically an alternative to the Rickenbacker 4005. Imported by Rose Morris, still has sticker on the back of headstock. I bought this as a project bass, as i wanted a paint spattered 4005 copy, like Mani's, but basically couldnt afford a real one, and then cover it in paint. I intended to re-shape the upper/lower horns, by adding/removing wood accordingly, i was then going to do the same to the headstock to create the 'wave' shape, (I still have the drawn templates for the cuts/fills), before painting the whole bass white, before adding the Jackson Pollock touch. Since buying this, I've actually finished my Project using other materials, most of which were original. The bass is complete, although when i received it, the wires from the pickups to the pots have been cut off at the pots, all still there though, attached to the pickups, ready for resoldering to the pots. As a result though, I have no way of knowing if they work. Body is in fantastic shiny sunburst, bound soundhole, same bridge contouring as a 4005, and same pickguard, control configuration. There is one bridge saddle screw missing, although not needed when its strung. Nice low action, sounds like an EB2, slim neck, very light bass. Great bass as it is, re-strung, plays lovely, havent plugged it in, as the wires arent connected. More pics available. Good project for someone. The last one i've seen of these sold for over £400, they are pretty scarce. I'm hoping for £250, although the market will dictate its true value of course. I'm going to be selling it on eBay in a week or so, but thought I'd offer it to you basschatters first, in case anyones looking for one of these, or a nice summer Project?? [attachment=90551:1.JPG][attachment=90552:2.JPG][attachment=90553:3.JPG][attachment=90554:4.JPG][attachment=90555:5.JPG][attachment=100258:8.JPG][attachment=100259:9.JPG][attachment=100260:6.JPG]
  21. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1294750407' post='1085412'] Neck stamp is the day I was born! [/quote] Just for info, without wanting to sound anoraky(!), the '23' signifies its a telecaster bass, not the day it was made. All tele basses have the prefix 23. Lovely looking bass.
  22. [quote name='BigAlonBass' timestamp='1317072509' post='1386506'] Well, I'd like to know what the hell they're playing at with me, then! Every time I've paid a Gift by Paypal, I've been told how much the fee is BEFORE I've been allowed to send it! It's straight from my Bank Account as well, so the 'Credit Card' argument doen't work. [/quote] Same here, always been charged for sending PayPal 'gifts', even when it comes straight from account, not aware of any method of using PayPal where at least one party isnt clobbered.
  23. Don't worry one bit about adding parts that cost more than the bass itself. Firstly, get the parts you need, as you want to play this bass, right? Use it, enjoy it. When youre done, if you cant sell it as a whole, then break the parts out again, and sell them off, providing you dont pay over the odds in the first palce, its a no lose, and you'll have enjoyed the bass in the meantime. For your info, i just added parts worth £1500 to a bass that was worth £600, but it is now everything i need on that particular bass, so i love it. Could i sell it on for £2100?? Definitely not, so when i come to part with it, if ever, I'll just swap the parts back, keep the expensive bits, and move on. Do what suits your needs. Good luck
  24. Very nice!! Good luck with the sale. If i had any room, I'd buy this, nice price too.
  25. [quote] Hey guys! Aren't you worried (what, with all the threads on the subject) that, with all this chopping and changing basses, [b]you[/b] won't sound like ...[b]you[/b]? Cos it's a well known fact that yer sound comes from yer bass. So, it stands to reason that if you change yer bass, then, [b]you[/b] won't sound like[b] you[/b] any more. [/quote] I'm so bad, whatever i played, it would definitely sound like me, trust me!! I think its more in the fingers than the bass, i think jack bruce could get a sound out of a wardrobe, if you put strings on it, and you'd probably know it was him, as for me, give me anything, and you wouldnt have a clue what type of bass i was playing, unless you were watching.....and weeping!!
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