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Rick's Fine '52

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Posts posted by Rick's Fine '52

  1. [quote name='73Jazz' post='1283281' date='Jun 26 2011, 07:52 PM']:)
    i stopped discussing about that issue with others.
    It is like discussing about the waves of an ocean with one who likes or (has only seen :) ! ) the river.
    Everyone should believe what he wants.
    I owned several p basses modern to vintage. I now own mostly 60´s and 70`s Fender basses.
    You can hear the evolution of sound even from pre-cbs to early 70´s and late 70`s.
    Better or not doesn`t exist. how could left be better than right?They are different and it is up to you, to choose what fits your needs best.
    For me personally..the best choice and best bass i have ever played in my life ( and i played a lot) is my pre cbs 64 p bass.
    Lightweight, gorgeous playability, amazing neck and a tone which is heaven for me.
    There is no modern bass that can compare to this one in my terms of validation.[/quote]

    I agree on this.

    Its very difficult to say why (IMO) the old ones sound better, as every post on this thread has merit. "We've forgotten nothing, but learnt lots about making guitars, so they should be better now", is a great point someone made, and difficult to argue against, unless you've played a good (and there are some bad 'uns) early Fender Bass. I think its a combination of everything, the woods, the pickups, the windings, the wires, and of course, the age.
    Whenever i pick up a 'new' bass, i find they all sound the same, the strings feel very tight, like they are going to snap at any moment. The controls are very responsive, but its all too 'metal-ly, too trebly, regardless of amp settings etc.

    The old ones [i]are[/i] different, its a fact, i've played plenty, and own a few. They are soft, and warm, and playing one is like eating hot buttery toast in your favourite old slippers, it just feels sooo comfortable, and its as if it knows, instinctively what you are playing and how its supposed to sound, and it works every time.
    The best playing, and sounding bass i ever had was a '60 Jazz, just incredible, but here's the thing, which will argue about the components being the difference, the closest i've come to that feel/sound, is my '58 P-bass, which feels and sounds very, very similar to that jazz. One has slab rosewood board, twin pickups, stack controls, the other has maple neck, split coil, single volume and tone knobs. Explain that? Plug it in, and you just melt into it, thin, worn neck, with such tone.

    I have a Custom Shop Relic '58, that looks the same in every way, how does it sound?, it couldnt be further from the real '58. Is it a great sounding bass? Yes, just different.

    Are the old ones better (I'm comparing a [i]good[/i] old one with a [i]good[/i] new one here)?, in my opinion, and that of most players i know, yes they are, way better! Can i explain why?, as you've seen here....No, sorry!

    What i will say, is you're ever in a vintage shop, and theres an 'old' bass in (I'm talking at least pre-'64), just have a play, if you havent already, and see, its all a matter of personal taste at the end of the day i guess.

  2. [quote name='73Jazz' post='1282727' date='Jun 26 2011, 02:37 AM']unfortunately completely stripped..only some pink in the neckpocket and under the controlplate cavity and the plexi pickguard survived^^
    but they sound fantastic..thats what counts...but i wouldn´t regret if it is still pink paisley :)

    your basses are historical..but they are now in really good hands i think :)[/quote]

    Thanks, I hope they are in good hands, i treat them very well!!

    Your tele looks great, what a same about the paisley though! Most paisley and blue flowers were stripped, as the paper peeled on 90% of them, and as they werent seen as collectors instruments until the 90's, most owners stripped the paper off, as it looked unsightly half torn off. Not uncommon at all.

  3. [quote name='witterth' post='1282942' date='Jun 26 2011, 12:35 PM']Naa,.. very overrated IMO
    lumpy, giftless,cakhanded, funkless,fluffer.
    ...funny though, maybe thats how Gary Mountfield ( for this is his name) gets the gig.
    "up" there with Clayton[/quote]

    Have you heard Second Coming??

    Fluffer? How's that?

    Lumpy?, bit heightist isnt it?

    Funkless?, is he in a funkband? Err No

    Anyway, its Mounfield, not Mountfield!! Tut Tut.


  4. [quote name='73Jazz' post='1282680' date='Jun 26 2011, 12:46 AM']Congratulation..they are both beautiful!
    i am absolutely amazed.wow

    unfortunately my pink paisley has been stripped in the end of the 60s
    but now i can imagine more, how beautiful she was before that..

    2 treasures you have achieved.. you pirat :)[/quote]

    Thanks for the comment, they are pretty special.

    Is yours completely stripped, or is any of the paisley left intact?

  5. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1282508' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:41 PM']Is it just me or is this 'slightly' over priced?[/quote]

    If it includes the ashdown combo underneath, and the 3 no-mark basses above it, then its probably worth an offer!

  6. [quote name='farmer61' post='1281095' date='Jun 24 2011, 03:05 PM']How to sell a bass on eBay :)

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-GIBSON-USA-Thunderbird-Bass-Tobacco-Bst-INCREDIBLE-/160604802265?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2564caccd9"]Gibo T-bird[/url][/quote]

    You can have all the great pics in the world, but its still just a reissue thunderbird bass.........and at £400 more than they sell for, mind you, he does have that Pro Canon EOS to pay for!

  7. [quote name='cycrowave' post='1282400' date='Jun 25 2011, 07:50 PM']time for a quick vent, about the dominance of radio 1 cretin culture, which not only is dominating the bbc coverage of glastonbury but also seems to be affecting the acts selected to play.

    from the bbc coverage you would be forgiven for thinking there were only about 10 bands playing, all of them meticulously selected by the big wig f*** wits that sit in bbc towers eating satans sh*t out of some other big wig f*** wits asshole.

    when i first went to glastonbury, there was a radio 1 stage. a place you could walk past and laugh at, on your way to watch cyprus hill at the pyramid stage. but there seems to have been a seismic shift and now like dan ashcroft predicted, THE IDIOTS ARE WINNING.

    turn your tv off im sure people will say, fine i will. but i remember when glastonbury was more than just a platform for mainstream culture, and in all fairness im sure there's great acts on right now that just arent being aired. its all just a bit meh.... but goddamn it, i wanna see the f'kin wu-tang clan set[/quote]

    Whats going on with everyone, why the major issue?

    Don't people realise that mainstream TV will show mainstream programmes, and things that the mainstream will want to watch. If you want to watch lesser known bands, then go see them, it really is that simple, but don't be naive about the bigger picture. I agree, there will be lots of great acts not being aired, its a festival that has music played from 10am to 11pm every day, the highlights programmes give it about 3 hours airtime a day, so naturally they will play the better known bands.

    Just because you dont like them??

    Why don't the BBC show Dagenham & redbridge matches on Match of The Day, and show Man U or Chelsea instead?, same thing, the majority would rather see that. Its how it is, and will always be, and most people would accept that, wether it meets their own personal choice or not.

    The idiots are winning?? mmmm, i think not.

  8. [quote name='woodenshirt' post='1281891' date='Jun 25 2011, 09:54 AM']Absolutely amazing......... What a lovely pair you got there Rick!

    My all time fave finishes.

    (I think my other half is a bit fed up with me ranting and raving on about them though!)

    (Envious) Mart[/quote]

    Thanks Mart, they are fab, and very different looking to the reissues, the pasiley wallpaper is highly textured, and very sparkly, hot rod metallic edge spray, the blue flower paper is smooth, but quite sparkly also, with similar metallic hot rod paint spray burst around the edges.

    Just wonderful, a rare pairing indeed.

    Thanks for the comment.

  9. [quote name='Dropzone' post='1282180' date='Jun 25 2011, 03:00 PM']We are mainstage headlining a three day festival next weekend, although admittedly it is not glastonbury ;-) If you are in Portsmouth come and see us.

    Last year when we played the same festival the singers tendon snapped on his knee cap in the first song. He still completed the set then went straing to A + E and was in a cast for six months.

    We think we are quite good ;-)[/quote]

    So, whats the band called?, any youtube clips? Obviously we all need to compare you to U2, and see what Glastonbury is missing?

  10. [quote name='JTUK' post='1282208' date='Jun 25 2011, 03:36 PM']If what you get is a the CD version why go and see them? No point at all...you know every turn they will make. The Edge does his thing and the other guys do their thing...same as, everytime. A 4 piece such as they is pretty limting, the style they use on every song, even more so... what was once ground-breaking is now hammered to death.. why make it blantantly obvious the limitations of the format and the band and the fact they have run out of ideas...

    If their fans want that, then fine, carry on. But I can't believe they can't be arsed to ask where they want this or that version to go.. I expect that from decent cover bands.

    Financially they are sorted, but artistically, they sound shot..and I doubt that is the legacy they would want..or maybe they do..and if so, they deserve the stick.

    As I said..I don't care...but I expected more from these guys. But, hey, they have milked the same thing for 25 years..they got a very good run out of it.[/quote]

    For somebody who doesnt care (Twice), you seem to have alot to say about them, all of which is negative. If you've ever seen U2, you'll know that they rarely play the tracks as they were on the albums. They did Glastonbury by popular demand. Its a gig with a wide audience, not their fans, from age 8 to 80. At that type of gig, the audience expects exactly what they delivered.

    Same thing for 25 years, you clearly havent listened to [i]any[/i] of their many albums, granted there are some poor ones, which is inevitable after 35 years, but every 3 or 4 years they produce a classic album, none more so tha their atom bomb lp of 2009, which has some great work on it.

    I'm not their biggest fan, but think they need to be defended from such ignorant views, as an earlier response, i just dont get the negativity. Especially when you talk about Peter Gabriel???

    I guess its all a matter of taste though, and even if i dont like a particular band or artist, i would certainly respect them for what they do, and if, like U2, they have producing top selling albums, and tours for over 30 years, i'd have to accept, that the majority are probably right, and i may be missing something.

  11. [quote name='RichF' post='1281337' date='Jun 24 2011, 06:20 PM']richer than us all put together and multiplied by 1000. Shagged more hot women than any of us thought existed. Fellow bass player. Comes across as a decent guy. All the rest is petty jealousy. (No big U2 fan BTW)[/quote]

    Couldnt agree more.

    Why is there so much anti-Clayton stuff around here?? I don't get it, he does his job, very, very well, whilst looking pretty damn cool at the same time.

  12. [quote name='JTUK' post='1281654' date='Jun 24 2011, 11:17 PM']No, I meant the trainspotting element was a bit sad..

    People use what they use...... sometimes I am not sure they use it for the sound...and their might be another agenda,...either way, I don't care much

    Have t say..so far, on another slant....haven't seen a very good set by anyone, U2 were average, for example.. The crowd seem to be into it all though.[/quote]

    I think alot of time its beacuse they have aman ready waiting with a freshly tuned bass at the ready, possibly set up at a tuning to suit the song. If we could all have that luxury, i think we would, saves that annoying tuning between songs that us 'local' bands have to tolerate. Thats probably more the reason than showing off the arsenal, i think we all know the multi, multi millionaire clayton, probably has a few nice basses!!

    Personally, i thought they were good, for a bunch of late 40's guys, i think they can still do it, lots of variety, great sound, mixed up the tracks, so they werent just played as the album tracks, plenty of energy, astronauts?, what more do you want?, I'm not their biggest fan by the way, but thought they were head and shoulders above the other sh*te i've heard today, if thats the best of todays music, then no wonder U2 are still going strong!

  13. [quote name='cycrowave' post='1281634' date='Jun 24 2011, 11:02 PM']im no u2 fan, infact im the opposite but i did think it was pretty cool when the spaceman was on. and f*** me those are some nice basses[/quote]

    Only Bono could have wangled that!

    They should've done a cover of Bowie's Starman for that one though!!

  14. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1281579' date='Jun 24 2011, 10:11 PM']Looks like a '74 Gibson Les Paul Signature Gold Top to me. Nice (Not his usual plonk though).

    Surprised he's not playing his Fender Masterbuilt Gold Sparkle Precision, give it a plug![/quote]

    there's the gold sparkle, knew it was only a matter of time!

  15. [quote name='blackmn90' post='1281577' date='Jun 24 2011, 10:09 PM'][url="http://www.warwick.de/modules/produkte/produkt.php?submenuID=14667&katID=22947&cl=EN"]http://www.warwick.de/modules/produkte/pro...22947&cl=EN[/url][/quote]

    He's now playing one of these, with the reverse headstock. How many is he gonna play over the course of the gig (Basses i mean.....not notes!!) :)

    Edit. Now its a Gibson Triumph...

    Edit. Now a purple sparkle Precision...

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