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Rick's Fine '52

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Everything posted by Rick's Fine '52

  1. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1252670' date='Jun 1 2011, 01:44 PM']I'm saying £2.9k followed by a generous helping of buyer's remorse, resulting in a non-paying winner and then a relisting next week. And then £1.8k the second time round. If all that comes to pass, it'll totally freak me out.[/quote] That is probbaly true!! I thought it would go for £1800 tops. they dont appear very often, but for £2.5k, you can get a rarer, and nicer (IMHO), first series, dot neck in sunburst......with the impossible to replace pickup cover. I think this is a refin anyway. If 2 people are looking for a white block neck though, then it could get sillier than it is already.....
  2. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1251511' date='May 31 2011, 02:04 PM']Blatant B U M P [/quote] Its on 'The Bay' for 2 more days, then its back in the rack.
  3. [quote name='jasethebass' post='1251967' date='May 31 2011, 08:05 PM']Hello and welcome[/quote] Thanks Jase, appreciate that.
  4. [quote name='watton_earth' post='1251157' date='May 31 2011, 10:14 AM']Out of curiosity what did you do for the bridge? I bought a 6 string, and then converted it to look like this.... [attachment=81365:bridge.JPG] [url="http://www.winfieldvintage.com/parts/combo-bridge.html"]http://www.winfieldvintage.com/parts/combo-bridge.html[/url][/quote] Got your email, thanks, sent a reply earlier, hope you got it ok?
  5. [quote name='discreet' post='1249492' date='May 29 2011, 06:24 PM']If BUMP is 'Bring Up My Post', then as this is not originally my post surely it should be 'Bring Up Your Post', or 'BUYP' -- pronounced 'BWEEP' for short? Anyway, BUYP for a lovely, lovely bass. [/quote] Blatant B U M P
  6. [quote name='Clarky' post='1251175' date='May 31 2011, 10:27 AM']Very cool job you have done there. I love Mani's playing too - very underrated (some really good lines on the Second Coming which was woefully under-appreciated, as well as the more obvious lines like Adored and Resurrection). I once owned a Rick 3000, inspired by Mani, but just couldn't get on with the short scale so ended up selling it.[/quote] Thanks for the kind words. Mani is definitely underrated, some of the stuff on Second Coming is excellent. Bass on 'Straight To The Man' is much harder than it first sounds. Its actually an excellent album, great guitar, great songwriting, and some of the best drumming since John Bonham in '72.
  7. [quote name='james_guitar' post='1251236' date='May 31 2011, 11:19 AM']Tasty collection! Welcome to the forum. If you've promised yourself not to buy anything else, then avoid the 'Basschat Marketplace'; it's like crack! P.S. I have a Fender 1x15 cab going cheap in there [/quote] Thanks fella, appreciate the comment. I was drawn to the marketplace, and so far have avoided temptation, i know what you mean though!!
  8. [quote name='watton_earth' post='1251157' date='May 31 2011, 10:14 AM']Out of curiosity what did you do for the bridge? I bought a 6 string, and then converted it to look like this.... [attachment=81365:bridge.JPG] [url="http://www.winfieldvintage.com/parts/combo-bridge.html"]http://www.winfieldvintage.com/parts/combo-bridge.html[/url][/quote] I went for the easy route!! Bought a real one. Not the cheapest rourte though. Your bridge looks like a great bit of work, unfortunately i dont have such skills!
  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1249187' date='May 29 2011, 02:12 PM']Welcome. Great collection [/quote] Thanks Burrito!!
  10. [quote name='alanbass1' post='1250649' date='May 30 2011, 07:07 PM']Welcome aboard, I see you love your pre CBS fenders[/quote] Ahh...you noticed. To be honest, they are the only basses for me, i've tried allsorts, and whilst i've had cravings, and impulse purchases, they never really compare to a 60 year old block of Leo's finest. I've now made myself a pledge to never buy anything on impulse again, always sleep on it, unless it's a fender, in which case, be quick, and snap it up, as they rarely come around. Thanks for the comment.
  11. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='1250115' date='May 30 2011, 11:49 AM']It's got to be real - you don't want to go forge something that never took off first time around. Collectors will like it, bit as a player's place? Nah - sorry Leo, it was one of the rare failures (imo) in an otherwise excellent range of innovations.[/quote] Agree, this is collectors only piece, not great to play, and the 5'ers among you wouldnt be tempted after a play, it wouldnt compare to a cheapo new 5 string bass. They are quite scarce though, especially in the uk, the bridge cover is correct, its missing the equally important, and impossible to find, pickup cover, which would be an issue for me, as a collector. Personally, if i [i]was[/i] to buy one, which i would, it would be the earlier dot neck sunburst model. Not a big fan of later block necks, on any fender bass if i'm honest. Does the finish look original on this?, the headstock has the expected nitro checking, but the body has none, not sure, could be a well looked after original poly job.
  12. [quote name='watton_earth' post='1250903' date='May 30 2011, 10:42 PM']Hi, both yourself and another chap who I think was called 'legoheads' on this forum were the inspiration for my own mani-a-like project. I saw your build here [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f57/rickenbacker-4005-copy-283322/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f57/rickenba...05-copy-283322/[/url] I tried to contact yourself and the other chap to see if you/he wanted to sell up but got no reply. So I took the plunge and started buying bits. Personally... I freaked out when I was about to take the bandsaw to the donor bass, so I got a pro to do the build for me. Your bass looks awesome! PS: Do you have any Stone Roses tabs?[/quote] Thanks for the comment, i have all the Stone Roses bass tabs books, if thers a particular track you need, then PM me your email address, and i'll scan and email them for you. Also, would love to see pics of your own mani-a-like? I actually bought a shaftesbury 4005 semi-acoustic bass, from 1968, which was originally going to be my donor bass, as it was almost there already, just needed the upper and lower horns to be extended, and re-shaped. But i needed the triangular MPO inlayed neck, which was going to be diffuicult, so i did it the hard way. I just remembered about the shaftesbury actually, i must sell it, it already has a correct scratchplate, and wiring harness set. Thanks for the compliments
  13. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1250035' date='May 30 2011, 11:03 AM']Bank Holiday Bump.[/quote] Unashamedly blatant bump...price reduced. Must sell in a week.
  14. [quote name='jonthebass' post='1250630' date='May 30 2011, 06:53 PM']That is very cool, Well done. Makes me want to get '...Resurrection' on!!![/quote] Go dust off the record, and get it playing, and when i say record, i mean vinyl....of course!! "I can feel the earth begin to move, i feel my needle hit the groove, spiral through another day........etc" Top stuff. Thanks for the comment.
  15. [quote name='Pow_22' post='1250619' date='May 30 2011, 06:44 PM']4005 - my dream bass. Please make me one too [/quote] To be honest, whilst i would be happy to make another..although time doesnt allow it, i don't think anyone would pay the costs for the parts. Pickups £120 Tailpiece £110 Wiring harness & knobs £100 Scratchplate £60 Tuners £60 Wood £70 Paint/Canvas £30 TRC £15 Strap Buttons £10 as you can see, it cost me about £600, who would pay that for a Project? I made it firstly because Mani's my bass idol, his bass is iconic, and i wanted one. You wouldnt buy a £5k bass then paint it. I wuld make the money back on parts if i ever got bored (Unlikely), as they hold their value well enough. If i win the lottery, and don't have to work every day, i'll make you one.....
  16. [quote name='stoker' post='1250612' date='May 30 2011, 06:40 PM']how does it sound?[/quote] I've never played a Ricky 4005, so have no comparism to one of those, and i don't like Ricky 4001/3's, so have no desire to pick one up to compare it with one of those. As a stand alone bass, it sounds very bassy (Can i say that??), very warm, its actually great for chord playing, if i had to compare it with anything, it would be an EB2, slim neck, light body, lots of tones with the controls, that are all very effective. I'm a 2-knob Fender man, so have no real 'techy' stuff to say about basses. To me they should sound like a bass, so have no need for anything but an old, worn in Precision. Jazzes have thinner necks, so are easier to play, but just as simply put together. the only reason i made this Ricky-a-like, is because i wanted Mani's bass, and he wouldnt sell me it, it's all about the looks, although its a very playable bass. Its actually very nice to play unplugged. thanks for looking, and making a comment.
  17. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1249732' date='May 29 2011, 10:26 PM']Thanks, I'll take a BUMP....or a BUYP !![/quote] Bank Holiday Bump.
  18. [quote name='tredders' post='1249461' date='May 29 2011, 05:54 PM']That looks bloody marvellous! Must have taken a while to track all the right parts down? Let me know when you start taking commissions [/quote] Thanks, it did take a while, i had to settle for a 12 string tailpiece, and modify it with a dremel, and a few attachments!!! Everything else was fairly accesible, not cheap though. Bass toaster pickups are not in every music shop either!!
  19. [quote name='discreet' post='1249492' date='May 29 2011, 06:24 PM']If BUMP is 'Bring Up My Post', then as this is not originally my post surely it should be 'Bring Up Your Post', or 'BUYP' -- pronounced 'BWEEP' for short? Anyway, BUYP for a lovely, lovely bass. [/quote] Thanks, I'll take a BUMP....or a BUYP !!
  20. [quote name='wesfinn' post='1249140' date='May 29 2011, 01:37 PM']Haha. If I had the money I'd of bought this in a flash. It is beautiful.[/quote] Its even better in your hands...so to speak.
  21. [quote name='wesfinn' post='1249100' date='May 29 2011, 01:02 PM']Just think what it could be next week![/quote] 'Sold' hopefully!!! LOL, to be honest, there is a minimum i need for my next purchase, its not a case of taking a grand off every week 'til it sell's.
  22. [quote name='Stacker' post='1249098' date='May 29 2011, 01:02 PM']Looks great! That body musta taken some work!![/quote] Not as much as you'd think, flat maple back (22mm-to allow the outside edge to be contoured, middle section routed by 10mm to reduce weight), solid softwood mid section (Wide enough to allow the full bridge recess section to be routed), 22mm front sheet overlaid, and f-hole cut, mid section routed as the back to reduce weight and show 'thin' section when viewed through f-hole. All finished dimensions are exactly as a real one. Finally (In case i changed my mind about the pollock'ing thing...which is highly unlikey...thats why i did the project), soak some thin canvas in diluted PVA, stick it all over the body, trimming around the holes, p'up cavities etc, then, when dry, paint away, lacquer, and re-assemble. To be honest, that does make it sound simpler than it was, but you get the idea. Results are exactly what i'd hoped for. The Tailpiece, controls and pickups werent cheap though!!!
  23. [quote name='henry norton' post='1249085' date='May 29 2011, 12:47 PM']Yeah I remember that Summer Of Love! I was seriously into Stingrays at the time but I still remember being quite taken with Mani's 4005. Really nice job by the way - it is 'the resurrection' [/quote] Thanks Henry, Happy Daze indeed!
  24. [quote name='Bassman Sam' post='1249051' date='May 29 2011, 12:18 PM']This is my year of birth bass (YOB), stunning. Have a I'm skint bump on me.[/quote] Thanks Sam, definitely worth it, although its a grand less than it was last week!
  25. I always wanted one of these, Mani is my 'Bass Idol' if you like, and has been for years, i'm an original baggy, and my woodstock was spike island, and the summer of love was 1990 not 1969. Anyway, a 4005 is c£5k, and if i got one, i wouldnt want to paint splash it, so....i assembled/made my own, here's the details; Here's some pics, it took quite a lot of effort. The body is handmade, has all the correct contours, and bridge recess area. The neck is off a Hondo (Or similar) ricky copy. The trussrod cover is handmade. Everything else (Scratchplate; pickups; controls; wiring; knobs; tailpiece; tuners) is original Rickenbacker. Cost a pretty packet to put together, but Mani is my hero, and i always wanted one. A real 4005 is about £5k++, and you wouldnt want to paint it would you!! It cost more than its worth, but i love it, its my fave bass, and if i strip it and part it out, i'd more than get the money back, but thats not waht this lark is about is it, its about having your dream gear!! click to enlarge [attachment=81210:1.JPG] [attachment=81211:3.JPG] [attachment=81212:4.JPG] [attachment=81213:5.JPG] [attachment=81214:6.JPG] What do you think? Not everyones cup of tea granted!!
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