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Geddys nose

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Everything posted by Geddys nose

  1. Love Bob saw him a lot with Gary Moore in the '80's, Great songwriter very underrated by certain Osbourne's and his bass playing is so tasteful. His book For Facts Sake is a A to Z of great stories throughout his career , Very good read.
  2. It don't work well with IOS 8.1 actually not at all so will not connect to my iPad 2 or my Air directly and that's with a camera kit and USB power to the pedal. Anyone managed to get it working with a iPad?
  3. Mine sounded like yours and it was the output stage. Cheers
  4. Sounds like a blown Mosfet , I'd get it serviced. Nice amp BTW I had one and the guitar version back in the '80's.
  5. John Entwistle bass was fairly unplayable at volume due to feedback from his rig I read somewhere, His technique used a lot Of muting to kill the feedback.
  6. Yes it is but open to close offers. Cheers
  7. Love the rhythm section at the moment, Cherrise Osei and Guy carry the songs perfectly. Them two are the reason I've got my ticket for the new tour.
  8. Is your dog included I'd be tempted if it is ;+). Lovely looking amp GLWTS.
  9. Bought a Bass from Joni, Top Top guy to deal with and was very patient as Paypal took 10 days to release the money to him, Would deal with him again without hesitation. Cheers Joni ! Thanks Si
  10. 42mm Karl, but quite shallow, Its probably the most comfy neck I've ever owned really fast even for slow hand me
  11. http://youtu.be/FOx81aG-EN4 First thing that popped in my head when groove was mentioned.
  12. Stunning that Karl, The Back of the bass is a work of art, Lovely workmanship. GLWTS.
  13. Nashville best episode for me so far, Funny about the punks and country comment in the program I've always found it true too. Great seeing Steve Earle would have loved to have seen Hank 3, he always has something to say about Music Row.
  14. +1 to getting it done local, the climate difference and transit will have a big effect on the action.
  15. it's a free option 35 scale- http://www.x-tase.fr/Xtase_france/Spector_files/Spector_euro_2012.pdf Nice bass BTW.
  16. Bought a curly lead in the '90's after watching Brian May using one and thinking what a good idea to stop knots in the cable. First gig with it. I plugged it into my amp but did not wrap it around the amp handle , Ran to front of stage and the cable under tension shot out like a bullet to Hit the Lead singer on the back of the head which made him lurch forward and hit his mouth on the mic and bust his lips, Blood everywhere, down his shirt, on the floor. Looked pretty cool for a punk band!
  17. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1414433621' post='2589244'] Yeah it was excellent. I don't really dig the Foo's music, but I have great admiration for them as a band, and for Dave Grohl. They epitomise everything good about music and being in a band, with a very deep and genuine adoration of rock music and its history. He's a great ambassador, and one of the few torchbearers for good old honest rock music. [/quote] Could not have said it better myself, it fires my enthusiasm up watching all them great musicians/ producers. Also the BBC for putting something so interesting on TV.
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