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Everything posted by Raggy

  1. [quote name='gillento' timestamp='1488202117' post='3246696'] No worries! I just put a bit of adhesive felt underneath. [/quote] Ah, good idea. Cheers.
  2. I picked one up last year, bought it off of Horace Panter, (so it means a lot to me), its now my main 'Ska Machine'. Cracking bass, big sound. Looking into getting one of those Hipshot bridges, but how do they fit with the slight curve of the body?
  3. http://ozbassforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=5983 Possibly came from here?
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1487244722' post='3238295'] I`ve got the ABM600 with ABM210/410 cabs, and the RM500 with RM210/115 cabs. Impressions are that the ABM is a bigger sound, and has more presence in the lows when all set flat, but other than that I find them very similar, though have to admit I get my eq from my Sansamp. The only adjustment I make on the amps is on the ABM I back off on the lows to about 10 o`clock, whereas on the RM I leave all at noon. So to answer Peetys question - sortof - not that much difference between the two, though I`m guessing at higher volumes the ABM will fare better. [/quote] Am guessing you are preferring the Ashdown cabs more than the Barefaced cabs you had Lozz?
  5. [quote name='2elliot' timestamp='1486494553' post='3232296'] Practice is off but just had a quick go on the EVO IV... first impression is it's tight and punchy. Going from memory it has a different feel to the sound compared to the EVO III and that's with dead strings and fingers. Roll on next practice that's when I really know what's what. [/quote] Keep us posted
  6. Black/Maple is just perfect for me But whoever designed that website needs a slap in the face with a shovel.
  7. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1485724925' post='3226218'] Sweet. I've got kiwi's Hexavalve here but haven't really tried it yet [/quote] I think you are going to like it.
  8. These seem to do custom cases, might be a bit spendy though http://www.swanflight.com Also have a chat with Obbm on here, am sure he had a custom case made up for a small amp head he had.
  9. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1484572273' post='3216379'] The closest analogy I can think of for the F112 is that they're like studio monitors. [/quote] Totally agree with that.
  10. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1484489476' post='3215819'] Yep although it doesn't do the cabs justice in real life. I was at the bassbash shoot out mentioned above and it was the first time I'd heard a fEARless cab played with any amount of decent volume or from a distance. I was shocked not only at how much [i]better[/i] the fEARless was against the Berg and Barefaced, but also at how that was completely overlooked by so many others in the final round of voting after it had attracted so many votes initially. They're everything I've ever wanted in a bass cab. Cleaner highs than the Barefaced and more articulate lows than the Berg. [/quote] Ive got an F115, and the jury is still out with me. I keep going back to the Barefaced cabs.
  11. Look a bit tacky to me.
  12. I currently own: Amps: Gallien Krueger 2001RB Orange Bass Terror 1000 TC Electronics Blacksmith Trace Elliot Hexa Valve Cabs: Barefaced Dubster Barefaced Super Compacts x2 Greenboy Fearless F115 Combos: Ampeg B100r Rocket Ashdown Tourbus
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1482436153' post='3200637'] It's a Coke / Diet Coke thing. One day you accidentally buy full fat Coke, and MY GOD it's nice. [/quote] This is where it's at
  14. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1480633810' post='3186075'] Swindon has a fairly busy live music scene, especially for a town that some would consider a cultural wasteland. [/quote] [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1480634794' post='3186084'] True, I play with three Swindon bands and there are plenty of places to gig in and around the town. [/quote] Agree with this, plenty to choose from.
  15. [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Its basically Doe rae me fa so la ti doe backwards, with an open G or 2 in between.[/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I think[/font]
  16. Is this what you are looking for? http://www.britishaudioservice.com/trace-manuals
  17. Thanks Bigsmokebass and Highfox, I've now got GAS for one of these [url="http://www.basscentre.com/british-bass-masters/bass-centre-rhythm-stick.html"]http://www.basscentr...ythm-stick.html[/url]
  18. Thats a lovely looking bass. Congrats.
  19. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1475522482' post='3146653'] If you're staying on British soil I think it'd be hard to beat the Shuker JJB. I'm yet to hear anything but rave reviews of them.[/quote] This ^^^^^^
  20. My favourite colour combination
  21. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1475161129' post='3143602'] They can get you pretty much there, it`s just that in comparison to my Super12 the gain is much smoother. I was hoping if I boosted the highs it would be harsher but that`s not the case. For reference, have a listen to the start of this track below, that`s what I got with the S12s and can`t quite get with the Retros, all other gear being the same (Precision, Roto Steel Rounds, Aguilar Tonehammer, Sansamp): [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJMBJAK91M8"]https://www.youtube....h?v=hJMBJAK91M8[/url] BTW, I should point out that I`m in no way criticising these cabs, not all gear works for every application, if I didn`t need such a harsh sound this range would be perfect, and the info on the cabs does say that they are warmer and smoother than the other BF range. I was just hoping I could have a "stack" and still get spiky aggression. [/quote] Thanks Lozz, I guess the only way i am going to know, is to try some out.
  22. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1475162421' post='3143626'] Or, the only 10 people left in the pub are all filling the doorway, love that one. Having to say, excuse me / watch your backs please, every time you go back and fore. [/quote] Almost every gig, what is it with drunk punters and doors!!!
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1475150704' post='3143458'] I don't know... a P bass with rounds played with a pick through a VT Bass and your amp of choice would get you close, I'm sure. [/quote] [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1475151048' post='3143463'] Put a Super Midget on top of one or both SC's. [/quote] 2 good schools of thought there
  24. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1475086950' post='3142984'] Yep, the highs on these Retro cabs are a fair bit different to the other BF cabs. I`ve found them to be too smooth for my current needs, as a result the gain/drive/aggression that I need doesn`t come through, so am going back to the more regular BF cabs which are clearer , but if looking for a smooth sounding cab these are ideal. Eventually I intend to play in a Motown style band, once I hang up my punk boots so to speak, at that point a couple of the 210s will be in my armoury. [/quote] Ah nuts, I was thinking of moving on my SC's to get a Retro cab setup to help with my barracuda bass sound. Sounds like Retro's would work with the Ska sound but not the punk
  25. Lots of good stuff on the Greenboy Forum to take a look at. http://greenboy.us/forum/
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