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Posts posted by nig

  1. for the asat there is an anti dive strap mod available, the 2 pup setup is very sweet and versatile but I must admit the 1 pup g&l's give alot once you master the subtle use of the tone and vol interaction. My personal love is the climax, its also many peoples most loathed bass...

  2. And to add to RichardH, my pre lawsuit headstock SB 2 feels identicle to my stingray in profile and size at the nut, my climax's have the jazz feel no 8 necks, very slim and enjoyable to play, The MFD pick up is the major difference and the fact that g&l basses will work both passive and active unlike the mm, also the active circuit is very different to the mm plus there were mods to the tone pre amp over the years.

  3. Well, im your man, a 20 year stingray player now sworn to g&l's ,feel free to ask anything, I own L2K'S, climaxs, L1500, El Toro,sb 2 but no asat, but its an l2k anyway....worth the interest for sure, leos best kept secret.

  4. I did a spell in love affair in the 80's, the herbie flowers riff is fairly simple once you nail it,the intro has a decending bass with the first 5th being played twice, the third decending root and 5th, then 2 walking up scales, then the dodgy root note thing for the verses, a pleccy song ideally,you dont need tab, a good ear and a few run throughs should nail it, have fun.

  5. [quote name='MrBass123' post='115014' date='Jan 6 2008, 09:41 PM']Come on folks! This is a great instrument. Here comes another bump. Bump! :)[/quote]

    I own an identicle one,( save for its a gunoil finish neck ) bump for a sweet bass.

  6. [quote name='stewblack' post='108167' date='Dec 22 2007, 02:52 PM']It's something you notice a lot on line. The idiots are the grit in the oyster. They irritate but they do encourage people to post.
    Also one of the cardinal rules of the internet is that any given forum won't seem as good in a year's time.
    The majority of people here are still fine.[/quote]
    Well put +1. I dont get involved in politics, football and religion and the more purile threads i read and move on...remember you dont have to answer and I like to enjoy the comradery rather than the flaming, also bass forums are a great rescource as we all need help sometime or another.

  7. Thanks Lucy, what gauge silicone rubber do I ask for ? Im just going to visit your link and take a peek, also its good to see it wasnt my paranoia about the break angle on the headstock, can you give me a little more info as to the floyd rose device youve put on the nut, many thanks for the help. regards, nigel.

  8. [quote name='rob_89' post='105407' date='Dec 17 2007, 04:19 PM']hey everyone,

    not sure of the brand, all i know it cost me 50 from local music shop. however, i no longer use it, and its jus takin up space in my wardrobe.
    only thing with it is the strap that holds it open when its open (if u no wat i mean?!) has come loose. not a major problem, could easily be sorted...
    also still have the keys if thats important to anyone...


    Bump for a cheap case, but, where are you and whats it made of plus any pics.

  9. [quote name='froover' post='104559' date='Dec 15 2007, 12:35 AM']ive actually got 2 more, but theyre identical to the blue one

    Hi Froover, tell me more about those strings, as apart from 1 breaking I still use the origional strings on mine, also open string playing seems a bit duff as the rake angle thru the nut on mine is flat,so the string doesnt pull back to create a tight open/nut tone, does this make sense. regards, nig.

    ps. and looking at the rainbow origional the strings seem to pass thru a retainer.

  10. [quote name='loweringthetone' post='104266' date='Dec 14 2007, 12:34 PM']What a beautiful subtle and gorgeous colour. Are the EMGs original ? and how does the L2500 compare tonewise with the 5500?. We'd be intrigued to know.[/quote]

    Hi, the L5500 was a gap fill bass whilst the L2500 was being sorted as EMG has a 5 pup but the MFD pup wasnt made, this is the story ive read on u.s forums, so a limited number of 'transition' instruments were made to fill the market, the sound is outright EMG with a vol a tone sweep and mix front and rear, the sound is in yer face plus the g&l build quality, this one is wide at the nut, the main reason I struggle, as ive little mitts, but a beauty none the less.

  11. Tis a Blue swirl or bowlingball blue emg powered G&L L5500, its got no issues a killer tone but sits on its stand doing nothing, my L2500 is my main 5'er so if you have a quality 4 string to trade give me a call, I prefer maple boards, all the best, nig.

  12. Ive used usps/parcelforce about 15 thimes and no issues, the factoring in of vat and clearance fees need to be remembered, but if you find a good deal in europe, due to the union it gets shipped to your door with no added fees and the euro is about 1.4 to the pound, sure isnt 2 dollars but you dont have to put in the 20% handling and vat figure,,good luck.

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