I went on Sunday and had a great day. Just walking around, having a look and listen soaking up the ambience of it all....
Saw Mo Foster and Lee Sklar who I thought were both great. Lee Sklar I found particularly inspiring even to the extent that when I got home I downloaded 'Rubberband Man'....... I haven't stopped playing it since. Even now I'm getting fidgety needing my fix!!!
Yes there were issues with the sound levels etc especially when trying to speak about gear to exhibitors. Hopefully if the organisers read these comments, then they may change their approach for next year. However, it's the same comments that crop up year after year. What do they do at drum and guitar shows to kerb the volume? Can anything be learnt from the organisation of these?
As said, I certainly would not like to lose the show and will continue to support it year after year.