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Everything posted by Westie9

  1. I've got a comfort strap. Love it, but did put a black cable tie through the plastic adjuster just in case it does ever go....
  2. It does get easier!!! BUT, like the others, it takes practise....
  3. It's still looking great! Nice one!!!
  4. A small roller suitcase. Got some Velcro from the local market and use that to tidy them together.
  5. Hi, which model is it please? Should be stamped on the lower part of the head joint. Thanks
  6. Andydye, just give me a shout and I'll put the kettle on....
  7. ..... don't forget the Roqsolid cover too!!!
  8. And replied . Still available and Pics added to the Classified section....
  9. *** Pictures now added and post moved to classified section***
  10. They are well worth the wait..... I'd be interested in a trade for one of Compacts if anyone fancies a change?
  11. If its just a little your after to colour the sound, what about a Digitech Bad Monkey ? For about £35 it's definitely worth a try.....
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