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Everything posted by dove

  1. Hi, looking at wizzy cabs for DB. Hoping someone might have some experience with both Euphonics Audio and Eden 10" cabs. The Eden seems to be a cheaper version of the EA ,half the price or less. Tempting but what's the real difference? many thanks
  2. Yes I'm sure phase has a lot to do with it but the underwood has been around forever and generally considered a good workaday pickup, so if it sounds better with just one half why is the other there??? I'm sure different basses will react differently but like I say,if you're using one,give it a try!
  3. Haven't seen him mentioned yet so if you looking in kent jerome is superb luthier and player. [color=#006621][font=arial, sans-serif]www.[/font][/color][b]jeromedavies[/b][color=#006621][font=arial, sans-serif].com/[/font][/color]
  4. I came across this whilst reading the forums and wanted to pass on a top tip. If you're using an underwood pickup on your DB try removing one half from the bridge completely! I did the G string side. Result….. twice the output and a far more open and present sound. Couldn't believe it. You're left with a transducer flapping about but it is surprisingly unproblematic.When it's not pinched in the bridge it seems almost dead so I just attached it to the leading cable out of the way with a trusty freezer bag twisty thing….job done. There's probably a scientific explanation but the old ears were enough for me. Easy to try nothing to loose!
  5. I also have a realist that isn't what it used to be. I was getting a dirty background noise through the amp.I noticed it went if i touched the jack socket and so changed it for a new one.This did help but only to a certain extent. I have seen other posts while researching pickups saying great pickup but I went through 3 before finding a good one with a decent output.Mine is also low output which may or may not be relevant but I'm not buying another just to find out! I do like the sound of the realist but I've ended up not having a great deal on confidence in it as my only pickup. That's my twopenneth for what it's worth! J
  6. Can't seem to add attachment so heres a link instead! http://www.fishman.com/files/acoustic_blender_system_user_guide.pdf
  7. Hi, I have a fishman bass blender with the crown GLM200 clip on condenser mic.The manual says the preamp delivers 4.5 volts phantom power to the mic via the tip of a mono jack.I thought you needed a balanced cable fo phantom powering but it seems not in this case. Anyway my question is this.I would like to try using the mic through the second channel on my AI coda and loose the fish man preamp altogether. The AI has the standard 48volts phantom power on the xlr only( I think) not the alternative jack input. The fishman manual also talks about using a diode to protect the mic although I don't have this,but guess I could find one online. If anyone could tell me if it's possible and what kind of plug and wiring I would need I would be most grateful. I've attached the manual for the bass blender as it has all the info. link http://www.fishman.com/files/acoustic_blender_system_user_guide.pdf many thanks
  8. Hi I have a realist pickup that has been noisy from day 1. Just wondered if anyone can tell me if it is just a standard jack socket or wether there are any components in the sockets body? Thought I might try a new socket. It's an earth like low hum that changes when you touch the sockets rubber body?? It's output isn't great so it needs a bit of driving making the hum too loud. It's the david gage realist double bass pickup,copper,that slips under the bridge foot. thanks in advance
  9. I also keep things simple live,my old underwood is always a safe bet,but I do a fair bit of live recording where the conditions are a little more stable.I record three separate feeds,underwood,realist,and a bridge mounted akg condenser that came with my fishman bass blender.Are there separate id's for both channels? thanks for the other leads
  10. Thanks for that.Do you use the second channel to blend two pickups or p/u mic? I like to be able to do this but have found dedicated preamps achieve better results than a 2 channel amp,although I would expect the AI to deal with blending well. thanks again
  11. Hi Looking for a new amp specifically forDB.Currently using PJB suitcase. Has anyone tried the 2 channel acoustic image ten2 for double bass. They seem thin on the ground in the uk but I have seem them offered shipped from the usa.Not sure if this is a wise route? any advice welcome
  12. Thanks for bringing the Bose unit to my attention,I'd not seen it before.Looks very interesting indeed mmmmmmm…..I see you use a mic,is that with a drummer??? I play in a trio ,nylon gtr,brush kit and upright with the vocals through the acoustic amp,so not loud,and I've not been unable to use a mic p/u blend with any success?
  13. [quote name='TheG' timestamp='1388185752' post='2319362'] I have blended that configuration of pickup in the past at have got excellent results. I love the bottom end of the Realist and the Underwood gives it clarity. However I have done this using my EA Doubler and I know you don't really want to go down that route. But one thing to consider is being able to individually EQ the two pickups if possible. I like to be able to adjust the bass end of each pickup to get accurate results. The Doubler has a variable phase knob which has helped in a couple of instances but hasn't been essential so far. [/quote] Not familiar with the doubler but will google it.In the meantime I have bought an old fishman dual blender/preamp with the crown condenser mic from ebay.These have been recommended to me before and I am always keen to get a mic into my setup,tricky as it is.At £150 I thought it was worth a try. Can't wait to try it out! thanks again
  14. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1388086517' post='2318443'] The K&K blenders are great jobs - I had two: one for a mic/pickup mix and one for a two pickup setup. Both worked great and I'd still have them if they could have been powered by an adapter rather than a battery. Phasing shouldn't really be an issue seeing as the signals are two different sources rather than a duplicate source. (Said from experience rather than anything remotely scientific). With that in mind you could also use a BOSS LS-2 Line Selector pedal. The 1Mohm input impedance is a handy bonus too. [/quote] Thanks for the feedback,reassuring to know the KandK will suffice.
  15. I have a realist and an underwood on my db. I like both individually into my PJB Flightcase single input amp,but would like to blend them.In the studio this give great results but the only blender I have is an lr baggs and to my ear no matter how I set it up, the sound of both pickups is degraded substantially by going through the unit.It gives me a blend capability which I can hear has potential but with too much loss to the original signals.I did buy the unit second hand but i don't think it is faulty. There's a KandK dual blender but at £100 again I'm suspicious.Next up seems to be something like the shertler yellow but it starts getting pricey.I have thought about trading the PJB for the a AI coda plus which gives the extra input, so no blender needed, and I think a great amp for not a lot more money. If anyone has any suggestions for just blending the signals cleanly and cheaply i would be most grateful.Some control over each pu's phase will also be necessary I think.
  16. That's all really helpful,I'll try my lr bags mix pro first if the PJB even needs a preamp.I have a drawl of pickups to try! The buffer info also to be looked at.... thanks again
  17. You should have a look a Alan's "Voila" at www.bassix.net . He's right on your doorstep and a lovely fellow who's be making folding/portable EUB's for 40years. I just had a lone of one and was very tempted.Wish I had 3k,Chris!
  18. General consensus seems to be that most amps benefit from a preamp between db and amp primarily to match the impedance for a piezo type pickup.Some amps have a suitable input but even then a preamp may be used for a favoured sound. I'm thinking of buying a PJB flight case which my research shows is a reasonable choice but it will require a preamp.Ok so again after a bit of surfing the fishman platinum pro seems well thought of. I'm currently using an lr baggs dual input but to my ears it adds a fair bit of noise to the signal. Here's my dilemma.What's the point of buying an amp with a sweet eq,low noise floor,quality preamp etc only to stick another preamp before it? Is there not a impedence matching something or other that overcomes the level matching without adding anything else? Currently using a realist pickup but thinking of trying a full circle.I'm guessing that different piezos and transducers have different output levels,or do I mean impedance levels? Is it just the gain on the first preamp that matches thing up or is there an impedence issue as well? It's a jungle...and I'm a bit lost..... any pointers much appreciated
  19. Canterbury, neighbour!
  20. Thanks all, as is always the way there was someone hiding away just down the road all along.He's going to do a little work for saturday's gig ...will report back.
  21. Thanks all.... I did find this clip which I thought showed the PJB doing a nice joe,albeit with a great player! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcGgZ8_42NM
  22. I do use a lr baggs preamp but it's handy to know the amps will require matching.Currently using a realistic transducer sometimes blended with a neck mag.Also used an uhderwood.Current plan to fit bridge adjusters and try a fish man full circle with a flight case. Looking for true reproduction really but then isn't everyone...? Don't require huge volume. thanks
  23. Has anyone got a view on the Phil Jones series of bass amps for use with double bass. Looking at the briefcase or flight case. I'm playing small/medium size gigs.Americana/country/latin and a bit of jazz and using an 8o's Zeller. read only good things so far but usually pertaining to electric bass. many thanks
  24. thanks Shaker,that's most helpful
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