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Everything posted by robert43

  1. [quote name='Stewart' post='264754' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:36 AM']What do you people actually get for your £30/35 quid ? I'd suggest if it's just bridge height /intonation tweaks and fitting a new set of strings then you'd be *much* better-off doing it yourself - and not only financially...[/quote] I agree 2 years ago I had never pickup a insturment in my live my sons guitar ( he was 13 needed new string & adjustment ) I searched the net found out the correct info & did it myself. The only problem I have now after tell other people they get me to do it. Now days I show people how to do it as I was sick of it ( I charged zero) Best thing you can do is learn to do it
  2. Hi its VVT so go to SD just look at jazz bass the same but with no 2nd neg wire from pup only 3 wire front 1/2 pup + , back 1/2 pup+ & common -
  3. You bascially can get a wiring diag for a Les Paul / SG guitar ( I presume the switch is a 3 way ie 1 pup 2 pups 1 pup? if that you want off SD 2 humb + 3 way switch With the stacked pots you could go either tone or volume on top
  4. Hi dont buy a Freedom guitar or bass a freind of my son had 1 I went to adjust the truss rod ( de tuned & the allen key spun in it ) The allen key was ok I has to use a screw driver in the end Pups are crap etc. How much do you want to spend ? Yes Iam here in Oz
  5. Part of the reason I have parts pass is because I like to make & fiddle with things
  6. Mine are a pars Jazz bass & a Sting Ray knock off ( Casino) mainly because I play at home cant & wouldnt get the real thing ie Fender or Music Man . As I would rather spend the $ on my kids 15 & 13 to be honest
  7. robert43


    [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='229192' date='Jun 30 2008, 04:22 AM']Do LearnDirect have a course on using one??? Tooooooooo many knobs!![/quote] Very true & 1 too many string for me LOL
  8. Give them to my son revenge as he dosent like bass he plays guitar
  9. Hi all I have just bought a Red tout & white perl ( both came up for the right price ) Thanks for the help
  10. Looks good I cant wait to see the end results
  11. Hi here are my 2 bass the red 1 ( casino ) will soon have a white perl pickgaurd. What should I put on the natural J bass & why
  12. Hi all now its stopped
  13. [quote name='Hamster' post='214725' date='Jun 8 2008, 04:15 PM']At the top right of each topic page - on the same line as the topic title, there is an options button. You might be tracking topics which would generate an e-mail to you when someone posts in it? Hamster[/quote] Hi tried that no good
  14. Hi yes I have checked the only thing I have ticked is when I get a PM . The email noitic are from Rare s bass to Yamaha BB175 bass etc I have deleted a lot of them , The ting that made me look was wanted a Basses in some area ( London ) as I like in Australia , some how I dont think I was looking at applying LOL
  15. [quote name='phatmonkey' post='214357' date='Jun 7 2008, 11:08 PM']You can unsubscribe by clicking on "My Controls" at the top of the page then using the two links under the "Subscriptions" heading on the left hand side.[/quote] Hi yes I have done that & still get them even when I havent been to the sight for aweek & get them on threads started that day
  16. Hi is just me but I keep on get notications from this site to thing I have subscribed to Whats going on
  17. [quote name='bass player spinn' post='208814' date='May 29 2008, 10:17 PM']so, im looking for better pickups for my p-base any suggestions if not im just gonna go to my local music store and buy some a little bit better cause the ones it comes with sound like *&^*%%%$&^*&(*)(^%$%^&*()&^%$ (use your mind) anyways. yes uhh dont have a pic of it but go to any guitar sight and look up a affinity squire p bass. thanks for everything[/quote] really it depends on how much you want to spend
  18. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='213330' date='Jun 6 2008, 01:38 AM']+1 I used 1500 wet and dry, could use a bit harsher though I suppose. Aerosol works fine, but if you have access to decent lacker I highly suggest using it. If its aerosol your using, I suggest once its dried giving it a VERY light rub down with 1500, then lacker, then LIGHT 1500, then buff/pollish.[/quote] +1 also my son used to paint his Gu** scratch plate that fancy paint the type with bumps etc they use on chairs etc , like crakle paint it lasted a couple of years
  19. Hi thanks for the 2 sites now have it thanks again
  20. I guess no one has a pen & paper
  21. [quote name='lozbass' post='211595' date='Jun 3 2008, 06:55 PM']Hi, I'm sorry there's not much I can do as I don't have a Precision at the moment (...now if you'd asked four months ago...) I have a Jazz but that's a bit more complicated. I'm sure somebody on here must have a precision, a pencil and a sheet of paper. Good luck![/quote] Hi thanks for that but I have a Jazz any way LOL
  22. Hi I was wondering if some with a P bass could trace around the body of a P bass & mark where the Pups go , Cut outs ie back & front. If you can can you either scann & winzip it to me or Post it to Australia. I am willing to pay for cost etc. The reason why I am looking at this is my 15 year old son is looking at making a bass for a school project . I have a SX bass neck so he could make the body & finish it off . Thanks in advance If you can help I will give you my email or postal address thanks
  23. Very sweet good 1
  24. Very nice work so far I keeping my eye on it
  25. robert43

    Which pedal

    Thanks for that
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