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Everything posted by Acebassmusic

  1. I often use the attached Bartolini wiring PDF as a guide to wiring switches. Hope it helps 😁 Bartolini 4cnd_sw1 Wiring.pdf
  2. Thank you. It is a great bass for the cash........but I am currently having thoughts about stripping the pre / pups / bridge for another project! πŸ€”πŸ€£ Is this the tweakers alternative to GAS.....Permanently Improving Stuff?🀣
  3. The dictionary says illiterate is "unable to read or write" so in a musical sense yes. But like many people who are illiterate in the traditional sense they can still successfully communicate to others audibly.
  4. My bass journey list has a wider range of makers than I initially thought with 30 different manufacturers! Kay Hondo II Aria Squire Musicman JayDee Spector Pedulla Ken Smith Modulus Warrior Ritter Sei Yamaha Fender Conklin Bacchus Wood & Tronics Wal Warwick Skjold Status Tobias Shuker Mayones Mike Lull Sadowsky Ibanez Roscoe Dingwall
  5. Did you ask them why they chose not to learn them? I know it can feel awkward asking questions like this when you're just putting a band together but I've found through experience it's worth it as the answers can give a bit of an insight as to how others "work". There can be good reasons for not doing a song but to decide to not even try AND to not let anyone else know so that they aren't working on them is just ignorant in my view 😠 One of my bands is newly formed and we'll be having the 3rd rehearsal tomorrow night. All members can play / sing and are basically nice people so theres a lot of positives already.......but.....from previous get togethers (including my audition) I have been the best prepared with others not knowing their parts / words etc. It grinds my gears when others decide to waste not just my time but that of everyone else in the band who has prepared. Lets see how tomorrow goes.......
  6. Can't seem to see many photos of Calibas's on here so here's mine which I played for a number of years and sold in 2004. It was my first foray into boutique basses and was for me an "Ah, that's what a great bass is like" moment. It was a few years old when I bought it and had some wear and tear so I stripped it, had John refurb the electrics, body and neck resprayed and buffed by a local shop and I cleaned / lacquered all the brass bits to keep the bling alive 😁 Quality bass with lots of nice features but weighed about 11lbs+
  7. Bernie Goodfellow? GB Guitars
  8. Is there such a thing as a "band-tater-ocracy"? 🀣 The better / more functional bands I've been in have been a combination of "everyone has a say" and "final decision is down to the band leader". However the band leader HAS to consider the input of the others and not just give it lip service. I was recently in a covers band where the BL said everyone had a say in the set list etc. I put forward over 50 different tracks (all within the genres we were doing) and every one of them got knocked back due to "heard someone else cover it (several years ago)", "keys a bit high / low", "I don't like the personality of the original singer", "the original uses flutes and we don't have any (on a non key part of the song)", "nah......but why?......just nah!!" Guess what? We went back to playing his preferred song list that he kept saying he was tired of!!
  9. Their website is rarely up to date. It has my old bass still marked as "for sale" when it actually sold last September! 😁
  10. The only one I recognise is the bassist Kinga Glyk (in the hat)
  11. Is that measuring the space between the strings or from the centre of each string?
  12. The kick tends to only have to handle a relatively narrow range of frequencies and is eq'd / gated / compressed to handle its workload. A bass has a much wider range of frequencies and dynamics to cover. You can mic a cab but it brings its own issues and compromises. First thing I would do is spend time and see if the desk can mix the DI output to a similar sound that you're cabs are giving.......bearing in mind that once the drummer counts in, all bets are off for your carefully crafted bass sound 🀣🀣
  13. "Old, grubby, possibly not working, badly modified, requires full resto...." ...with that title I was worried that my wife was advertising ME for sale!! 🀣
  14. When on holiday to Houston to visit friends I used to frequent all my old music shop haunts. One in particular, Guitar Centre on Westheimer, had a second hand Warrior Signature for sale at nearly $4k! Stunning bass that over a period of about 5 years I asked to play whenever I was there. Loved the neck, balance & small body size but the strings and setup were awful. The last time I was there I tried it again and it was still less than stellar.....but they had dropped the price slightly to $3,600. I decided that I had to get rid of the hankering once and for all so I offered to pay them for a new set of strings, battery and a tweak of the setup. If I really didn't like the bass after that then they just got themselves a free set of strings and a better playing bass (= more chance of a future sale). They half heartedly agreed and put on the new strings (without cleaning the fretboard etc!! ) tweaked the truss and lowered the saddles a bit. I sat down, plugged in and played a few riffs........WOW....it was an absolutely different animal!! It played and sounded wonderful. I decided to make them a "cheeky" offer of $3k as it had been sat in their stock for at least 5 years that I knew of. I thought, start low and you can always increase your offer......didn't need to, the manager accepted straight away! That bass was mine for the next 11 years and never let me down or dissapointed.
  15. Seems strange you can't get it. I've just been onto Amazon and checked an order I put in Sept 2021 (MCRU company) and tried to buy it. It went into my basket OK but I didn't try paying for it....just in case πŸ™‚
  16. If you have .JPG files they will show up on the thread as pictures making it easier to check them out and identify the bass.πŸ‘πŸŽΈ
  17. I know it's dated 2016 but there might be some info in this thread that might help.....Audere 😁
  18. I had a bass with SIMs LED's in the neck which stopped working after a short while. After much digging about I found that there was a small plastic connector which linked the neck and body wiring and one of the wires had come loose. The connector was in the neck pocket and could only be seen when the neck was off. If you do remove the neck be VERY careful as the wires on mine were VERY thin.
  19. I'm by no stretch of the imagination and expert on this but from what I've read a few questions have come up... How do you know it's ivory? Is the guitar documented as such? Does the documemtation say what type of ivory? I believe mammoth ivory is ok but elephant is a no-no. Do the documents say which bits are ivory eg claws / teeth / back scales? Just thinking of how you prove the bits you're planning on replacing to a customs person are OK and have the traceability to prove it. How do they identify ivory / no ivory / elephant / mammoth etc? Sorry.... I've probably just added to the problem with my questions πŸ€”πŸ˜
  20. I always thought that rehearsals were for going through the motions to find those silly errors so they can be fixed! Maybe I've been doing it wrong? 🀣🀣 PS: I like gigging....and rehearsing....and practicing.....it's just the very late gigs and packing away are the downside (but nescessary evil) πŸ‘
  21. Hey Mike, I vaguely remember a couple of similar threads on this very subject. If you have a quick search something should come up. πŸ‘ In the meantime.....I'm using SetListHelper Website which you can get for either Android (Google Play Android version) or Apple (you didn't mention which you were looking for). I'm using the free version and you don't need an account. You can store songs on it in a variety of formats. I use .pdf so if SetListHelper stops working / updating software etc I still have readable copies of the tracks. You store each track individually and then include them in set lists as required. I have a number of setlists depending on the gig / band I'm playing with. Hardware wise I'm using an old Samsung 10" screen tab which is held on my mic stand by an iKlip Holder which is pretty robust and flexible in its orientation. I dont use a foot controller so cant comment on them sorry. Hope this helps.
  22. For the last 30 years I have hung my basses on Hercules hangers with no discernable negative effects on my basses. The only time I have heard of any real life problems is when the screws into the wall fail 😒 or even rarer is that the foam used on the support reacts with any nitro neck coating. Will hanging my bass have a physical effect upon it eg: the weight affecting the neck etc.....nope! I base this on the strings having a total tension effect upon the neck of approx. 170lbs for a 4 string and 200lbs for a 5 string (at standard tuning). By hanging the bass by the neck it adds the weight of the bass to this (approx 10lbs) and would have negligable effect (~+5%) on the stress within the neck eg: no real world effect. You can check my maths by using the D'Addario string tension chart - here. There are no other forces applied to the body / neck of the bass when hung which could affect it. Remember....use the correct wall screws / anchors and you're sorted. πŸ‘
  23. I've just done a similar change to my Roscoe adding a DPDT to the electronics. I used one 12-pole switch which is like 2 of your DPDT glued together and operated via one lever. To wire it up I used the following diagram from Bartolini which seems to align with your colour coding. The bridge and neck switches are wired up slightly differently so that when you're in single coil mode it still has some hum cancelling properties (from what I understand). I couldn't determine if the Dimarzio switch you mention is Type 1 or 2 as it makes a difference to the connections made internally. Might be worth checking out. Hope this helps, Mike
  24. I do wonder if the people (b'stards!) who robbed the shop knew what they were stealing. I mean, if I was going to steal something I'd like to think I could sell it easily afterwards eg: the market for a knock off 70" TV is quite large (so I'm led to believe πŸ˜‡) whereas finding someone to buy a bass guitar is severely limited. Compound that with a number of the basses are stolen are Alembics which are a niche within a niche, highly identifiable and not hugely desirable by the majority of the bass community! Either they have been stolen to order or will have to sell them on at a fraction of their shop value. I would love to own one (eg: No 14646 5 string above) but know that if I was offered one and could afford it i would immediately know it's a knock off! 🀣 Here's hoping they find the culprits and get the basses back.
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