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Everything posted by Acebassmusic

  1. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1354011921' post='1880691'] In the traditional music shops up here bass is treated at best as an afterthought and at worst like the guitar's big, inept cousin [/quote] Now, now Mr Neepheid don't exagerate things.......you know they dont rate bass as highly as that up here..... Tescos bass....mmm....might just get one to go with my t-shirt [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TESCO-VALUE-BASS-PLAYER-White-Tshirt-Fender-Gibson-All-Sizes-Perfect-for-Xmas-/250934849296"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TESCO-VALUE-BASS-PLAYER-White-Tshirt-Fender-Gibson-All-Sizes-Perfect-for-Xmas-/250934849296[/url]
  2. It sounds as if its a technique problem. When you're playing normally do you have the bass slung high or low? Do you tend to wrap your thumb over the top of the fret board or position it in the centre of the neck? Having the bass low and thumb over the top may cause you problems. If you post some pics of your bass / hands it may help us offer advice :-)
  3. Congratulations on the new arrival. I'm really happy with mine : tone and volume in a light weight package! If you do break it in using the 25k sine wave be careful what volume you use. It may not sound loud to you but people 3 streets away will feel it.....now go wake those neighbours up
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1353528155' post='1875722'] ..... and is very portable, I don't think I'll ever shift mine. [/quote] +1000 on the Barefaced cabs.
  5. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1353152540' post='1872103'] PS this knobbing about for hours is par for the course in the early days anyway as you are making sense of a load of stuff that has ints own perverse logic. You'll get there in the end but you will get days when the PC looks sure to be going out the window.... [/quote] Phew....not just me then Over the years I seem to have spent hours (even days!) trying to configure and get sound coming out of different software packages and sound cards. I'm quite computer savvy and an engineer so I'm quite comfortable with technical thingys'. What seems to be logical in the real world doesnt seem to apply here...lol. Good luck!
  6. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1353342632' post='1873930'] If it's just a vocal PA I'd say the singer - the rest of us own our own instruments. [/quote] Oh dear, oh deary me......you really should know by now that the singer gets the PA supplied along with the fluffy towels, puppies and green M&M's.... Seriously though, in our band I own and supply the PA. It allows me to ensure 1) it's made up of good gear that works together 2) its kept in good nick 3) it works! 4) it saves any problems on who "owns" what or is "responsible" should anybody leave or an item blows up and needs replacing. The only thing I expect the singers to provide is ther own good quality mic. In the past I've tried the "band buys the PA" and "you buy that bit and I'll buy this bit" - it usually ends up messy when someone leaves........or forgets their piece of equipment for a gig.......or forgets that it needs to actually work for a gig.......sorry....rant over I like the idea of renting the PA back to the band.....not thought of that one.....doh!
  7. [quote name='bob_pickard' timestamp='1352883169' post='1868684'] just enjoy the audience reaction and [b]play it like it's the first time you've ever done it [/b] [/quote] That would be "in the wrong key" and "not knowing the changes" for me then......it was a long time ago and I hadnt been playing long....honest
  8. [quote name='Ghost Rider' timestamp='1352509153' post='1864175'] How can you tell if a neck is heavy? [/quote] Its not so much that the neck itself is heavy. Its whether the balance of the whole bass when youre playing (stood up) means that you have to keep supporting or lifting the neck up with your left hand.
  9. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1352455212' post='1863194'] I don't think there's much to be gained beyond the aesthetic. If they work (by work I mean hold a string in tune, turn smoothly, no loose bits rattling when subjected to string vibration) then I'd say leave 'em and spend your pennies on something else. [/quote] Only thing I would add is that if your bass is neck heavy and dives, a set of light weight machine heads may help. (Or in the case of Mr Neepheids "thunderbird"(?)....just chop its head off...lol )
  10. [quote name='paulpirie8' timestamp='1352278301' post='1860918'] One of the guys who works in Imported Instruments (the new music shop in the Academy) plays EUB in his band. Spoke to him at length a few times about bass and he really seems to know his stuff. He also has a beard... Paul [/quote] He's one of the guys I mentioned - Scott Coutts. :-)
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum Not sure how much I can help you but I used to play a 3/4 upright with a rockabilly band many moons ago. It took me ages to work out how to do slap style and get "that sound" (before 'tinternet and youtube etc). I live just south of Aberdeen and could (try) and show you the very little I know / remember. 3 freinds of mine play the EUB and are all based in Aberdeen. They may be able to help you out as well. PM me your number and I'll get in touch. Mike
  12. Guess what....looks like he's got another one for sale - [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-5-STRING-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-UNUSED-UNUSUAL-LOVELY-METALLIC-RED-FINISH-/150942523581?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2324e020bd"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-5-STRING-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-UNUSED-UNUSUAL-LOVELY-METALLIC-RED-FINISH-/150942523581?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2324e020bd[/url] No story about it being an unwanted birthday present this time......Grrrr
  13. [quote name='Mark1' timestamp='1351785384' post='1855383'] I am such a handsome chap! [/quote] Who's the guy holding you?
  14. Hi, Do you know which model / string spacing they are? Thanks
  15. Acebassmusic


    I bought a Sennheiser transmitter cable from Andy, Great deal, easy transaction. Im a happy camper :-) Mike
  16. [sup]I'm sure a lot of people have seen this before but its woth posting again. Its a link to Jerzy Drozds bass guide that I have found really useful for doing full bass set-ups and not just truss rods.[/sup] [url="http://www.jerzydrozdbasses.com/akcndfr54jdhrei567/Ultimate_Guide_ver100.pdf"][sup]http://www.jerzydrozdbasses.com/akcndfr54jdhrei567/Ultimate_Guide_ver100.pdf[/sup][/url]
  17. Hi, Ollie73 traded me his Thumb 5 string [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186741-sold-warwick-thumb-bo-5/page__p__1821686__hl__thumb__fromsearch__1#entry1821686"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1821686[/url] for my Bacchus Super Jazz 5. Very easy transaction with good communication and very well packed bass. Cheers, Mike
  18. Mine....all mine
  19. Hi, I am pleased to be able to start a feedback thread for Will. He sold me his Skjold [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186547-skjold-5-string-for-sale/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186547-skjold-5-string-for-sale/page__fromsearch__1[/url] Very easy transaction with good communication and well packed bass. Cheers, Mike
  20. Why, oh why, could it not have been a righty not a lefty Someone pleeeese buy this. Its lurvley and, I think, quite a bargain! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Left-Handed-Lefty-Roscoe-SKB-6-String-fretless-bass-/120990660679?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c2b9af847"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Left-Handed-Lefty-Roscoe-SKB-6-String-fretless-bass-/120990660679?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c2b9af847[/url]
  21. Hi and welcome to BC......be warned.....it gets addictive.....lol (especially the "for sale" section!)
  22. My current favorite if I was doing a jazz would be Woodyratm's jazz.... The build thread is here.... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156540-finally-getting-my-bass-built-by-our-very-own-ou7shined/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156540-finally-getting-my-bass-built-by-our-very-own-ou7shined/[/url]
  23. So.....what happened with the bass? Final pics etc........we're waiting
  24. Wonder if it comes with a hard case. Wouldnt want it to get damaged in transit.....
  25. No price!!! Then it must be free.....me me me....I'lll have it
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