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Everything posted by Acebassmusic

  1. For Sale - Alesis Quadraverb II multi effects unit. I've used it as both a PA and bass effects unit (chorus, flange, phaser and octaver etc). Good condition with the exception of one of the front lugs has a small piece out of it. This was done when I bought it and doesnt affect either the racking or operation. Can be controlled either by the front buttons or mide pedal etc. Comes with UK 240v power supply and the manual. One has just sold on E-bay for £220 [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Alesis-Quadraverb-Q2-/130599229478?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1e68521826"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1e68521826[/url] I'm now looking for [s]£180[/s] [b]£165 shipped [/b]mainland UK.
  2. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1322342091' post='1449770'] ...... its in the fingers, brain oh and practice, practice, practice. [/quote] Oh GREAT!!!! Now you tell me!!! .....lol
  3. Hi there and welcome from another bassist North of the border. Not sure where in Scotland you are but there is a get together next year in Moffat. have a look at this link [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/158748-moffat-bass-bash-5/page__hl__moffat%20bass%20bash"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/158748-moffat-bass-bash-5/page__hl__moffat%20bass%20bash[/url]
  4. From the angle of the second pic it looks as if the pickups are flush with the top of the body and below the height of the fretboard (?) On my jazz fiver the pickups tops are approx the same height as the fretboard. The distance from the top of the neck pickup to the bottom of the B string is 4mm and the bridge pickup is 3mm. Hope this give you a bit of a guide.
  5. I've been using a TC Electronics G-Major rack for a number of years. Lots of delays, chorus, wah, flange, phase and also built in compression. Its so good and flexible that I've just upgraded to the G-Major 2......which means my original will be going up in the For Sale section soon......
  6. I just want to put the record straight on these hi-tech "kettle" leads. I too was dubious about the claims being made, but having just spent just over £200 on one I can honestly say I was immediately blown away with the improvement......my tea just tastes soo much better, fuller flavour and much more transparent. Just putting my coat on now........
  7. This is probably the one......my wifes favourite ....yes it does get gigged!
  8. Er...yes and no.... Earlier this year i went and bought a Fender Jazz FMT active five string second hand. This was my first real Fender in over 29 years of playing. I had a Squire Jazz for a couple of years at about the 3 year mark and any other Fender I picked up just didnt do it for me.......anyway I digress.....I got the bass home and the only thing I didnt like about it was the earth buzz. I'd been used to humbuckers for years. After checking on several bass forums I set to with a soldering iron to ensure all connections were good and solid and to earth. Bit of an improvement but the buzz was still there. Next up was shielding the cavities and backplate - much more of a difference now. Due to the pickups being single coil I dont think you can make it totally silent and mine does buzz more at some venues than at others but its down to an acceptable level and no-one else notices it but me. At some point I will probably install "better" pickups but thats just me wanting to mess with gear. To answer your original question......if you're gigging with a normal volume band then [u]no[/u] the buzzing isnt really a problem but if you are in a quiet band, recording studio or the music you play is very "open" and all parts can be clearly heard then [u]yes[/u] it could be an issue. I'm really happy with the the sounds I get out of the bass and the way it plays. Based on this I would buy the bass and do the easy fix cavity shielding. Hope this helps.
  9. Ah well...thanks anyway.
  10. Hi, What dimensions are the pickups? I want to see if they would fit my Jazz FMT V bass. Thanks
  11. I like it...realy nice job youve done there. First time I've seen a wooden scratch plate as well - great idea and looks good.
  12. Tickets booked...thanks brick
  13. For all you Wal people heres one I found on t'Ebay. Needs a bit of attention but...... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1979-Wal-Pro-1-Bass-/140623275795?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20bdcce713"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item20bdcce713[/url]
  14. Not wanting to side track this thread as I use wireless myself. Just thought it would be an appropriate place to highlight that our "leaders on high" have changed / are changing the regulations on wireless gear - apparently to be able to give us more shopping channels on digital TV....whoopee! Wireless channel frequency availability is changing with some systems now requiring a yearly licence (£75-ish dependent on what you have / need). Luckily mine seems to be OK as it will work in the small 863 to 865 UHF range that doesnt need a licence (yet!!!) Anyway I'm no expert so heres some links that might help [url="http://www.jfmg.co.uk/index.htm"]http://www.jfmg.co.uk/index.htm[/url] [url="http://www.shure.co.uk/support_download/frequencies"]http://www.shure.co.uk/support_download/frequencies[/url] [url="http://www.stagebeat.co.uk/index.php?page_id=1036"]http://www.stagebeat.co.uk/index.php?page_id=1036[/url]
  15. Just bought Dans TC G-major & Roland pedal here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/154097-tc-electronic-g-major-2-effects-unit-and-roland-fc200-footcontroller/page__hl__g+major__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/154097-tc-electronic-g-major-2-effects-unit-and-roland-fc200-footcontroller/page__hl__g+major__fromsearch__1[/url] Great communication. Easy to deal with. Highly recommended. Now I gotta go and play with my new toys....
  16. Excellent choice Sir. Its a simple bit of kit that works. :-) I use mine all the time now. The amount of effect it has ranges from "sod all" on concrete floors to "quite a bit" on hollow wooden stages. Have fun!
  17. [quote name='mikegatward' timestamp='1317626629' post='1392348'] Top of the list for things you need to be in a band is: Number 1 - a supportive partner End of. You can always borrow gear :-) [/quote] +1000.......and I'm really lucky to have one (She even encourages me to buy gear!!!!)
  18. [i]"I wasn't liking my "XXX"'s tone when playing it- and then I heard someone else play it and it blew me away."[/i] Thats happened to me a few times! I sometimes get disillusioned with my tone and then someone else plays my bass, I dig the sound and hey presto .....a partial cure for GAS! (Yeah right...a cure for GAS...lol)
  19. [quote name='DirkThrust' timestamp='1316466034' post='1378523'] Schroeder?? I'm intrigued [/quote] Yip its a Schroeder however its not the same design as they now have on the website - heres a link to the old page [url="http://www.schroedercabinets.com/1515L.htm"]http://www.schroeder...s.com/1515L.htm[/url]
  20. Mr Neepheid, [color=#282828]How does this sound to you.....a single cab with 2 x 15" neo speakers, 800W RMS, 4 Ohms, dimensions H17" x W 24" x D 18", complete with one cover to keep it all snuggly warm and clean, weighing only ........wait for it........only 41lbs (<20kgs)![/color] [color=#282828]1 owner from new, low mileage, weekend use mainly etc etc etc [b]and [/b]within your budget [/color] If you want to give it a try with your amp just drop me a PM with your number and we can arrange a time etc. Mike
  21. [quote name='Linus27' post='1374499' date='Sep 15 2011, 02:52 PM']So, I can see a bit of a pattern emerging here. It seems we are all drawn to having female singers as our front person and good looking ones at that. We clearly know our priorities. Top work fellow bass players [/quote] We're just greedy..... and by 'eck can they sing! We would be lucky to just have one of them out front....but two....I'm part of a great band thats lots of fun. Life is good. Photo from our website [url="http://www.GrooveCruise.co.uk"]GrooveCruise.co.uk[/url]
  22. [quote name='Herbie The Rad Dorklift' post='1356211' date='Aug 30 2011, 12:53 PM']In short, I'm not really sure what kind of tone I want.. I'm new to bass. I just thought there was maybe something that everyone ALWAYS uses.[/quote] A good starting place to determine what equipment / settings / technique / volume you need would be to listen to bass tracks / players you like and find a sound(s) that would work with your band. From there you can add the details to your post here and also do a search on 'tinternet for "How do I get the sound of XXXX". It may be just simple EQ changes you need or a full flight case of effects - someone on here usually has a good idea of how to get it. **WARNING** Bass tone is an elusive and ever evolving medium. It has been known to be achieved for brief periods of time until its arch-rival for your money, G.A.S., becomes present (usually as a result of reading the For Sale ads on here!).
  23. Delberthot bought a Sonuus B2M from me. Extremely quick payment, good comms. Hope he has fun with the little gadget
  24. Have you opened up the back of the bass and looked for loose wires or bad solder connections? Have the electrics always been like this or has it just started to not work?
  25. [quote name='chris_b' post='1341866' date='Aug 16 2011, 01:31 PM']You're cramping up because you're tense and not relaxed. Just practice and improve your technique until you can play the number with no effort.[/quote] Over a period of months I was struggling to learn and play "Hit me With Your Rhythm Stick” my fingers just wouldn’t do what they were told and were really struggling to achieve or keep up with the speed. They felt as if they were seizing up as opposed to cramping. The more I tried the worse it got – I was just tensing up from the thought of trying to get all the notes in (hopefully in the right order….lol). Another bass playing mate was watching me and quickly identified that I was tensing up and told me to “breathe”….eh? Yes , he was right, with tensing up I’d stopped breathing and made myself tense with concentration. He advised to concentrate more on my breathing than the playing. It may sound strange but it actually worked! Once I started to think about getting a steady flow of air, not just play the notes, the rest of me relaxed more and I found the piece “easier” to play. I’ve tried this when I’m doing new tracks and it works….for me at least
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